Day 17 and still Vaping!

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Day 17 and i'm still on my own personal journey, yes i'm still dueling most days i can hit 2 - 3 analogues a day yesterday i hit 4. I'm still buying cigarettes but not so much. I'm still not sure while i'm smoking sometimes i think it is to do with vaping tasting sweet.

I know vaping is different for every ex smoker out there! 17 days in and i've not saved a lot of money so far. I do keep a online record of what i spend, save etc.

I started out just over two weeks ago with a Ego starter kit which i still got and some juice. I do think when you start anything new you do go a little crazy on your new experience gear wise as you want to experience the best from vaping has to offer. So yes i spent a fair bit on my new experience multi volt batteries new E cigs Kanger Pro Tank, more juices etc.

Endless nights on You Tube watching review videos on various vaping products hoping improvement isn't far away.

Yesterday my Kanger Tank Pro 3 arrived in the post, the flavour reproduction is a plus on various other tanks. But i'm finding out it doesn't produce much vaper maybe that down to me vaping only on 4.4 watts ?

I got a V6 on order from Fast Tech, i realise this journey is a marathon and not a sprint but quitting smoking is never a sprint in itself.

I would be interested in other ex smokers opinions and their own personal journeys after all we all exist on this forum to support every vaper that visits here.

Let's share our journeys!:p


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 2, 2009
Las Vegas, NV (in a small cloud)
It takes two weeks for the cravings to stop...according to my medical adviser (mom the nurse). Congrats on going 17 days! Eventually you'll get to the point where your sense of smell is coming back and analogs will smell like pure just won't want one. Sucky part is I can smell em from 30 feet away, but I'll take it if it keeps me from getting cancer.


Super Member
Aug 16, 2014
Vapeing is definately more complicated. Getting your setup to the point where you don't need or want a cig can take some experimentation. I think some people take too long to migrate towards more power and better atomizers. I wish I would've had my Kayfun and 30w mod from day one. I'm happy though. The journey has been fun so far and certainly isn't over. Now I have what I need, but now it's all about want. ;) Stay the course sir!

Sara Love

Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 31, 2014
Congrats on 17 days!! I'm just shy of three weeks myself. Still using the same ego/kgo/evod starter kits. Don't have the time or energy to rebuild etc. Tho there have been days (one really bad one this past weekend) I so desperately wanted a cigarette, my last pack still sits unopened in the freezer. :) We've got this!! Before we know it, we will celebrate the 1 month, 6 months, 1 year smoke free. For now, one day at a time.


Ultra Member
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Jul 2, 2014
Pearland, TX
firstly congrats!! at 17 days, and the first week we had three a day for three days, then one with coffee in the morning for three more days (that was the toughests)

meanwhile four months and a week almost I really don't even think about smoking, it takes something really stressful (like a month ago a friend of ours had a motorcycle wreck..coma for 11 days and just got out of ICU yesterday..I wanted a SMOKE) vaped a higher nic content than I normally do in the mornngs with coffee and when you crave was the solution for me..three hits and I mellowed out from the nic fit.

You're approaching when the withdrawl from the tobacco alkaloids got really in high gear with me and Ed (see withdrawl from those online) I felt like I had the flu he had mouth sores, bleeding gums, etc.

you'll get over that hump, ride it out be strong and come on here, this site's the BEST for support and knowledge about this great way to quit smoking and have a tasty new hobby. :)

good luck to you!!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 4, 2013
Hey, congrats on your latest milestone.
Save money (LOL), maybe someday. I have gone through lord only knows how many T3, Protank, Puritank, Nautilus, etc tanks, Vamo, Zmax, VV wood box mods, and ego batteries in the 16 months since I smoked a cig.
Never have had any withdrawal symptoms.
Gave away my 3 and 1/2 cartons of cigs stash.
But to date the best thing I've done is buy a Kayfun and a Cana DNA30 mod. Never thought I'd get into RBAs but I was so wrong. Now my wife and I own 8 Kayfun 3.1s and just love 'em. Now my other mods and tanks sit or have been given to friends/family.


Ultra Member
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Sep 26, 2013
MetroWest Boston, MA, USA
Congrats on starting your vaping journey! Celebrate each cigarette you don't smoke and don't dwell on the ones you do. You'll know when you're ready to stop. IMHO, the key requirements are a good setup, good juice(s) and the right nic level. It can take some time to find what works for you, but with these 3 things in hand quitting becomes much easier.

After vaping for 17 days, I hadn't saved any money either. By then I'd figured out that the setup I had wasn't good enough for the long term. I told my husband the new stuff I bought was a present from him for our anniversary! He liked that idea since that meant he didn't have to worry about it. Ha ha.

Fast forward to today: It's now a year and 22 days since my last cigarette. I've crossed the line into saving money, despite vaping becoming a hobby. With the benefit of hindsight I can see where I spent more than I should have but I consider that part of the learning process. Now I know what I like and dislike so it's easier to decide if something new is right for me before I buy it. I'm happy with my setups (lesson learned #2 - always have a backup!). I've found several juices that I really like and dropped my nic level over time. I still enjoy wandering around ECF (there's so much good information here) and checking out you tube videos.

It amazes me how fast the year flew by. I never thought quitting cigarettes would be this much fun. Vape on! :vapor:


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 1, 2014
Perth , Australia
Travel the journey at your own pace.
No need to add conditions or try to follow other peoples journeys , just use them as a guide.
Some people go straight from smoking to vaping others cut down gradually others have relapses. Don't put any pressure on yourself.

Mum is getting into vaping and in a bit over 3 weeks she's gone from 40 smokes a day to 10 and sometimes less. She would buy smokes ahead of food so vaping is definitely a very good way to go.
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Senior Member
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Aug 24, 2014
Pulaski, NY
Travel the journey at your own pace.
No need to add conditions or try to follow other peoples journeys , just use them as a guide.
Some people go straight from smoking to vaping others cut down gradually others have relapses. Don't put any pressure on yourself.

This is great advice. Do it at your pace, and don't pressure yourself. Any time you choose to vape over having an analog is a win. Take it one day at a time and you'll be off them in no time, or not...either way, it's your journey.

For me, it might have been easier to get rid of the stinkies, but that doesn't mean anything. Everyone's path is different and you need to find what works for you. Don't worry so much about saving money just yet, you're getting into something that will save much more than that in the long run. The money saving will happen once you find the setup and fluids that work for you.
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