I almost made myself very ill from drinking so much water I was so thirsty. Turns out I was diluting my serum sodium level to a dangerous low. Symptoms of low sodium are also similar to symptoms for dehydration (extreme thirst, light-headed, disorientation, etc) Could have gone into a coma or worse. Dr said to add salt to my diet (what??? well, I don't get much salt normally), 1 tsp a day. Now that I add little pinch of sea salt to my water I am not as thirsty. Not saying salt is anyone's problem but mine!!!! I lowered the pg levels in the juice I use, the more vg the better and I am feeling much better. I also brush my mouth with baking soda and use biotene moutwash and mouth spray. Not nearly so thirsty and a baking soda or biotene rinse really helps the dry mouth. Lower your pg, I know some flavors need pg, but the lower the better. All the vendors I have bought from that offer low pg juices have all be very cooperative and add a little extra flavor. Not a whole "flavor shot", just enough to offset the low pg.