Demand Diketones "Custard Notes" Be Listed In The Description On All Flavoring Containing Them

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Feb 16, 2013
New York
Similar to The Flavor Apprentice notation of "*contains custard notes". It gives the end-user a conscious choice. I was very surprised to find out how many flavorings contain these custard notes(diketones) outside of the obvious custards, creams, batter etc...

Caramel, cinnamon danish, waffle, just off the top of my head to my surprise all can contain diketones.

Without question flavoring containing acetoin or another diketone taste far richer and better but, at what long term cost? Smoking doesn't harm the user right away. Acetoin can catalyze into diacytel. Fact. So using acetoin and declaring that you don't use diacytel as some do is pretty back-handed.

As of now the only flavor companies that I know of that make the end user aware of diketones in flavoring are The Flavor Apprentice and Flavour Art.

DiyFlavorShack emailed me back stating they don't use diketones or "acetone"(I'll assume it's a typo:)) and Hangsen states on their website that they do not use diketones in their flavoring.

All the others, who knows? I know that nothing is proven totally safe in vaping and we're still learning as we go but, diketones in short have been proven unsafe. I think users should have an educated choice in the matter of what they choose to with themselves.

Thanks. Sorry if this has been spoken about. I searched and didn't find anything along these lines.


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Feb 16, 2013
New York
That's all I hope for. Just want to know when Diketones (diacytel, acytel propylene, acetoin) are being used. Give the end user a option. Many are completely unaware of the other 2 and are content with "diacytel-free". Others just figure that they smoked prior so whats the big deal.

In my "google-fu research" the numbers are actually pretty alarming and I think there is serious long-term health risks similar to as if diacytel was never removed or replaced.

I diy but, i still can't be sure what I'm buying or would like to buy for flavoring is Diketone free unless it's Flavourart or those diketone free through The Flavor Apprentice. Got into this to quit smoking for a "healthier" alternative. Don't want the nay-sayers to be right...


Vaping Master
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Jun 13, 2013
Nashville, TN
When you say acetoin can catalyze into diacytel, do you mean over time in your lungs, or over time in the bottle if you don't vape it?

Edit: By the way, Right forum or not, This is a great place to post.

When the liquid is heated up in your atomizer, as you are vaping it.


Ultra Member
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Feb 16, 2013
New York
Yes, as ShariR said.

It's a great annoyance for me because prior to being aware of the diketones other than diacytel I built recipes with flavoring containing diketones. Finding a substitute is tough because it doesn't taste the same and that particular flavoring whichever it is just doesn't taste as good. Another thing is it's used in a lot of flavorings beyond the obvious.

I really appreciate vendors and flavoring companies like The Flavorers Apprentice, Flavourart, Hangsen making an effort to not use diketones and listing those flavorings that do. Really all I ask for and I think we all should expect from every flavoring company and resellers as well as eliquid vendors is to make the end-user (us) aware and give them the choice.

A very large flavoring vendor/distributor of other brand flavors employee told me they "trust" their flavor suppliers to not put anything harmful in the flavors. In other words, they haven't a clue and never really tested or probably even asked. Yet another one was totally unsure and recommended staying away from "custardy"flavors.

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