Diacetaly Free Juice Lines

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Jul 31, 2014
I have been reading that diacetly is normally found in custard flavors.

Would you consider custard a cream flavor? I'm a big fan of Suicide Bunnys mothers milk and sucker punch. Both of those have cream bases.

I just want to know does these have the scary d word in them?

Or what are some juice lines that do not have it. That are great I don't like NT juice at all so that's out.


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Jul 25, 2013


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one hour thirty minute mark.

If you are concerned about diacetyl in creams, custards, caramel etc ... to be close to 100 % safe, i recommend you buy from AEMSA vendors. Not saying there aren't other vendors who don't test their products, but AEMSA vendors do and have been inspected.


AEMSA does not require their members to test for diacetyl. They do require flavors with custard notes to be identified as flavors containing custard notes. They also ask that diacetyl not be used - which is a totally different thing altogether.

AEMSA 2012 (most current) standards "Flavorings containing Custard Notes will identify advertising and product descriptions"


Ultra Member
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Apr 9, 2014
USA. State: Inebriated.
Well.. Most juice manufacturers try to refrain from using diacetyl from what I know. The thing is, diacetyl is "naturally occuring", meaning that if there's a popcorn/custard flavor, it's being caused (naturally) by diacetyl, one way or another. At least, that's what I've been taught. Nobody puts diacetyl in their juices.

That said, there are other chemicals and stuff that makers DO put in their juices, KNOWINGLY. One of the vape shops I frequent (they brew all their juices in-house) have, on display, all the chemicals that are used in juices, and if you want, the owner will let you take a little bit of the powdered chemicals and taste them, because the thing is, these chemicals are used in food, and in food, they're totally fine for you. But when vaporized/aerosolized, they can build up in the lungs and gunk up your "cilia" (which are like the toothbrushes of your lungs, catching dust and stuff), and some of them have been linked to kidney stones (very painful, do not want). The chemicals have [mouth] tastes eerily similar to some juices that I've had, and on top of that, these chemicals tend to vape the same way they taste.

As a joke/PSA of sorts, the shop owner mixed up some e-liquid with the various chemicals, and has them behind the counter with skulls/crossbones on them. If you ask to try them, he'll let you, and the VERY scary part is that they taste REALLY good. One thing we do know though, a little bit of any of these chemicals, whether it's diacetyl, or the one that people have been using to make that classic "french vanilla" flavor (I think it's just called vanilla sulfate or something), isn't gonna kill you. Your lungs recover amazingly quick, and even if you vaped 30mL of Diacetyl Berry Crunch (someone should actually make that a flavor), as long as it's not your ONLY eliquid and you're not continuously vaping it over the course of a year or two, it's not going to have any notable adverse effects.

A good way to tell if your juice has some kind of gnarly chemical flavoring in it is to taste the juice. Not by vaporizing, just put a drop or so (don't do this with 12+ mg nic juice PLEASE) on your hand and lick it off. Does the juice taste not-so-great? Does it have a sort of "oily" feel and not taste like what it vapes like? Well.. Good! That's actually how juice should taste. Sort of bitter and weird mouth-feel. If your butter/custard juice tastes exactly like how it vapes, it's suspect. I don't wanna name names, but I feel it is worth mentioning: Epicus Nebula. That juice POSITIVELY has SOMETHING not good in it, and it's really irresponsible because this local juice brewer is gaining popularity very quickly, and the juice is good, so like without a warning that, "This juice has xxx in it, vape at your own risk" the maker is basically poisoning his customers. If he knows that, he should be put in jail, but if he doesn't, he isn't responsible enough to brew juice.

It's just worrying, a lot of these people brewing juices just don't realize that they need to use SPECIFIC vape-friendly flavorings. For this reason, I (and the vape shop owner I've been mentioning) support the FDA, and we really WANT juices to be regulated. At the very least, the FDA would begin screening out/making people aware of chemicals they should not be vaporizing.


Vaping Master
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Jul 25, 2013
AEMSA does not require their members to test for diacetyl. They do require flavors with custard notes to be identified as flavors containing custard notes. They also ask that diacetyl not be used - which is a totally different thing altogether.

AEMSA 2012 (most current) standards "Flavorings containing Custard Notes will identify advertising and product descriptions"

Section 2.05 The following will not be added or used in the creation of e-liquids
(a) Including but not limited to:
(i) Diacetyl
(ii) WTA (whole tobacco alkaloids)
(iii) Medicinal - or prescription medicinal
(iv) Illegal or controlled substances
(v) Caffeine
(vi) Vitamins or Dietary supplements (other than for preservative purposes)
(vii) Artifical Food Coloring
1) AEMSA members will not add any artificial coloring or dyes during the e-liquid manufacturing process. Non vendor
manufactured flavorings containing artificial food coloring will identify food coloring information to include coloring
number in advertising and product descriptions
(viii) AEMSA reserves the right to review, evaluate and deny/approve any potential substance used in the creation of e-liquids
at any given time


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Jul 31, 2014
I guess I should stay away from the vanillas and creams. I like really like those and they seem to be the some of the biggest juices people are drawn to outside of this forums. I see a lot of people praise NT juice on here. I never heard of them before coming here so I bought a couple of bottles. The juice goes in clear but after it is vaped for about four hours its brown. I do not like that at all.

Cuttwood, Suicide Bunny, Space Jam, CRFT, etc. almost all of there number 1 selling juice is some sort of custard or cream.
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