DIY eliquid

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New Member
Nov 29, 2017
hi guys, just after a bit of help, when making diy liquid with nicotine shots. I mix my liquid 70vg 30pg with 15% flavouring, but now this law has come in with nicotine I don’t really know what I’m doing or how to work the calculators. I have 20mg/2% nicotine shots vg base, does anyone know how much of these shots I will need to add to make 50ml of juice at 3mg nicotine, or a decent calculator that will help? Any advice appreciated, thanks
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ECF Veteran
Apr 19, 2015
Hey @Chris10. You'll need to add 7.5ml of base to make 3mg juice.

Your whole mix will be:

● 7.5mls - VG Base
● 7.5mls - PG
●27.5mls - VG
● 7.5mls - Flavouring

This will get you 50mls of 3mg liquid mixed at 70vg/30pg with 15% flavouring. This is assuming your flavour concentrates are in PG (most are unless stated otherwise).
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Full Member
Nov 26, 2017
You can start with calculating the proportions for the whole thing... here is an example of how your recipe would look with (e-liquid-recipes[dot]com):



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 19, 2015
you are a genius, thank you very much. If you don’t mind me asking how did you work that out?

No problem,mate , glad to help. For that I used 'POTV ejuice calculator', its good for simple round mixes (eg. 50/50 - 3mg), but I usually use 'Liquix' its better for more precise mixes (eg. 75.6vg - 1.3mg), I use both android but I'm sure both are also available on IOS. For PC based systems 'Juice me up' is one of the most widely used.
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Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
You work the calculators by inputting variables. Say you have 100 mg/ml nic, and you want to get to 18 mg/ml, you will put the 18 in your "target mix" and it will tell you how much nic base you need to add, then you can add flavor percentages (it will also show as drops) PG/VG etc. So if you want 50/50 PG/VG, the calculator will take your nic base (in either PG or VG whatever you bought) and tell you how much more PG to add and VG. So you'll wind up with say 120 ml (I would suggest starting your mixes as 10 mg mixes to see how you like the flavors) of 18 mg nic, with whatever percentage of flavors you have chosen, along with how much VG and PG to add. I know it sounds complicated, but just start playing around with variables and it gets easier. If you try to make an "unvapable" mix by adding in the wrong things, the calculator will tell you. It's pretty simple if you just input what you WANT (the target) and then it should give you amounts as you start adding in variables. I'd highly suggest playing with one and it should become more clear

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