DIY Fire and Ice

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 28, 2011
I have about 15-20 flavors at home. I havent tried them all though but for the ones i have its usually a day or less vape and i just have to switch back to my daily which is:

DIY Fire and Ice

I went to a meet and greet with fellow vapors here in Phx az. Everyone brought samples and i tried alot. Almost all of them i didnt like to much. But one i fell in love with - Fire and Ice.
now this surprised me since I hated straight cinammon juice.

After vaping the take home sample i scored I was on a mission to make my own. My results?

I cant seem to recreate the extreme coolness of the real stuff but that is ok since it can be VERY overwhelming. The mixture i made and continue to make is MY perfect combination of the two contrasts; fire and ice. My ingredients you ask?

70-80% PG

Its a very plesant warm zing with a cooling effect right in the middle. LOVE this stuff. All my other juices fail in comparison.

So to all the DIY'ers out there that are still searching for that perfect vape, try this! I realize that everyones taste buds are different, but hey you might get lucky and love this as much as i do.

(To the vaping group in phoenix - I will be making my concoction using the rest of the nic juice I have for your tasting pleasures. If you like it and want your own please bring some nic juice and i will gladly make some for you there at the meet as i have PLENTY of the other ingredients. See you guys on the 20th )

Vape on :vapor:
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