Do all juices taste like chemicals/perfume to you? READ THIS!

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Four words: Try the Vapor Chef.

hands down the most EPIC juice producer out there. I'm done wasting my time with other juice companies; the Vapor Chef has insanely quick shipping and great service. Who else throws in free samples? No one I've tried... and I've got a box that's full to the brim with various juices from different makers. I got my vape mail yesterday (placed the order on Tuesday, AWESOME!) and fired up my dripper. Here are my thoughts...

(All 0mg nicotine juice; 50/50 pg/vg blend)

Hobbes Blood: Sweet and all the main flavors are definitely present; the coconut is a little overpowering for me but I do have a very sensitive palate. I'm sure after steeping a few days the flavor will really develop.

Butter beer: This flavor is a little hard to place. Definitely could taste pure butterscotch in there, but it had a... buttery taste on the exhale. I'm not sure if I particularly enjoyed this one, but I'll come back to it in a few days.

Caramel Apple: Tasted like 80% caramel, 20% apple. (if you like caramel, woohoo!) I think after steeping a few days this will balance out and become even more delicious.

Frosty Strawberry: I was really pleasantly surprised by this flavor. I bought it just for kicks and I think it may actually be my favorite one of the bunch. Also, I've read the Chef doesn't use menthol, but natural mint flavoring for his "frosty" flavors and I think it makes for a very pleasant vape. Very refreshing and delicious, could maybe use a few days of steeping so the strawberry flavor can become more pronounced but all in all a great vape.

Peppermint Patty (sample): AMAZING!!! I tasted thin mints on the inhale, great flavor balance but ICY on the exhale (may not be for everyone).

Honey Pearry: very sweet; tastes a little like melon with asian pear if you've ever had it. Not balanced enough for an ADV, but delicious!

The main takeaway for me from this batch of samples is that out of all six flavors I tried, NONE of them had a particularly chemical taste or a perfume-y taste at all, even right out of the box. This is HUGE for me, because I would say 90% of the juices I've tried have disappointed me spectacularly because of the harsh chemical taste even after weeks of steeping, and I was just about ready to give up on vaping altogether due to this problem. Also ordering online was always a hit-or-miss (mostly just miss) because a flavor described as _______ would instead taste like a;sldkfjas;ldfj EW. The Vapor Chef is like the messiah! I'm definitely going to be re-ordering from him and no one else for the foreseeable future. His great service and spot-on flavors make that a no-brainer!


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Apr 28, 2013
dfw, tx
My VC order is coming in the morning. I picked up Honey Pearry, Hobbes Blood and Blue Jazzberry to try out. If I like Blue Jazzberry, I'm actually thinking of trying out the Frosty version. Are the frosty versions heavy on the menthol? I've found I love juices that are light on menthol/mint, such as Melon Boba. Too much menthol kills it for me. I love vendors such as GLV and MOV that cand add just a littttle menthol.

I'm getting worn out on fruit though, since its mostly all I've bought/enjoyed. Does Vapor Chef have any great non-fruits that can be recommended?
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