Does the e-cig Community want an E-cig Assoc. to help self regulate the industry?

Would you be in favor of being a member of such an e-cig Assoc. or not? Chooce which faction fits yo

  • E-cig User (Yes, I would join such an association and vote)

  • Vendors (Yes, I would join such an association and vote)

  • Manufacturers (Yes, I would join such an association and vote)

  • Opposed - E-cig user (I would Not participate or vote in such an E-cig Association)

  • Opposed - Vendor (I would Not participate or vote in such an E-cig Association)

  • Opposed- Manufacturer (I would Not participate or vote in such an E-cig Association)

Results are only viewable after voting.
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John Phoenix

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 12, 2011
New Orleans
I suggest a new e-cig association details here:

This association would be made of E-cig Users, Vendors and Manufacturers in the USA. All members would contribute to how the association is run equally for better fairness for everyone with no set members who have greater say than any other member. The majority will of the people will vote on and make the rules and regulations. Vendors and manufacturers will not vote as such but as individual members.

The needs this Association will help to self regulate are; Quality Control, Safety, and Fairness of Pricing. All the members will vote on all of these issues per each product the Association seeks to endorse. The Association symbol will be seen on e-cig websites and store bought OTC e-cigs and when you see it, you will know that this product has been tested, voted and approved on by The People (You the E-cig Community as a whole) for quality, safety and fair pricing. Kind of like the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.

The purpose of this poll is to determine which factions of the community and how many wish to be a part of such an association. These are just my first basic thoughts on how such an Association could be run fairly with least possible chance of corruption. Others may have other views. Discussion is welcome in the thread above.

I feel if we help self regulate ourselves (like the UK E-cig Association) Government regulation will be less harsh. It's certainly worth a try and could not hurt, only strengthen us as a community IMO.

The Poll Question asks If you a member of said faction either E-cig User, Vendor or Manufacturer would be willing to be a member of such an E-cig Association.

John Phoenix

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 12, 2011
New Orleans
If an association could be formed that would successfully achieve the goals most of us would agree on, then yes.

And by the way, ECITA has offered publicly to help us here in America put something together.
As far as I know the offer was completely ignored.

Thanks for the info. It seems I'm finding this out, no one actually wants to contribute though all speak of wanting good self regulation. I just wanted to get a feel for whats happening in this respect. I would expect the ECF to be flooded with forum posts from people trying to build a good lasting e-cig association.

I'm not the smart guy, the pretty guy or the guy with the money. There are people out there who are and can come together to get these things done. I'm baffled why when the old ECA went defunct, no one picked up the torch and ran with it and improved on it.
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