Doublers? What is their proper use?

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Jun 25, 2010
Minneapolis, MN
I've been looking at the doublers and I have to admit I am a bit confused.

Right now ( though I am trying to cut nicotine back ) I prefer the 36mg or 24mg juices.

1) If for example I purchase a doubler it has no nicotine in it correct?

2) Then am I to assume that I should be ordering the 48mg juice to use with the doubler to get to 24mg?

3) Do doublers make the flavor even better? or it it simply used to cut nic content?

or am I missing something important?

I'd really hate to screw this up and end up with a juice that won't satisfy my nic fits at this point in my vaping, so I am double checking my assumptions to be sure.

thank you for your answers in advance.

Mrs. Tasty Vapor

Full Member
Jan 30, 2010
Oakland, CA
1) If for example I purchase a doubler it has no nicotine in it correct? Correct, our doublers are a zero nicotine liquid. We mix them in 2 oz and 4 oz bottles. You can vape them directly out of the bottle, or use to cut down you high nicotine liquids.

2) Then am I to assume that I should be ordering the 48mg juice to use with the doubler to get to 24mg? Correct again.

3) Do doublers make the flavor even better? or it it simply used to cut nic content? The doublers do not make the flavors better, per se. They are used to cut the nicotine while flavoring is not diluted.

There is more information on doublers on our website at "Why Do You Call Your Mixing Solutions “Doublers”?"


Bird Brain
ECF Veteran
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Dec 6, 2009
Because the doubler has the same flavor as the e-liquid, you are going to get an average level of nicotine and an average level of VG but no change in your flavoring.

If you were to take a glass and fill it halfway with Coke Free and then add Coke Classic to the brim, you'd get 50% of the caffeine and 50% of the sugar of Coke but, because both halves were cola flavored, you wouldn't dilute that flavor.

ETA: I've found it best, the first time I try a flavor, to order just the e-liquid with the correct nicotine level. That way, if I don't like it, I only have 1 ounce to trade away and I've only spent $10-$15 (depending on whether it was a flavor of the week.) If I like it enough to reorder, then I go for upping the nicotine and buying a doubler to save money.
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Mr. Tasty Vapor

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
I always have fun explaining this one. Doublers were pretty much a two fold thing. Initially, I was despondent over seeing the pricing for zero nicotine liquid being the SAME PRICE as nicotine liquids. That just seemed to be "scammy" as hell. I just didn't think that was fair.

Also, there seemed to be a considerable amount of people, likely on a budget who were trying to stretch out their vaping dollars by purchasing HIGH nicotine liquids, and adding their own PG, VG, flavorings, etc., thereby creating MORE, LOWER nicotine liquid. Problem there is, a lot of people have destroyed a lot of useable liquid because they couldn't get the mixing part right.

So, we came up with Doublers. We give you a HUGE bottle of zero nicotine liquid for an even LESSER price than our nicotine liquids. You can either vape it right out of the bottle, OR, you can use it as an already flavored mixing liquid to mix down your high nicotine liquids, not lose any flavor, not screw up the existing flavor and create a VERY decent amount of lower nicotine liquid.

It's just kind of a "win" all the way around, especially for those who just REALLY don't want the hassle of all the DIY stuff.


Bird Brain
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 6, 2009
I also like it for combining flavor if I don't want to commit to an entire ounce of something I'm not sure of. I have Apple Pie at 12mg and a doubler and I have Vanilla Custard at 12mg. I'm vaping at 0 or 6mg now so I can combine some of the Apple Pie doubler with an equal amount of either Apple Pie or Vanilla Custard e-liquid and have a 6mg mix of each. And I still have plenty of Vanilla Custard to try with my waffles.


Ultra Member
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Nov 10, 2009
Doublers do one thing other juices cant , give zero nic vapers the nirvana vegatarians cant get from a salad bar.Dont take this the wrong way but I only used tasty vapor for 6 months of nic free vaping till about 3 months back.I only vape on going out nights once maybe twice a week, total vaping per week 8 hours.So lately I vape 12mg thinking what the heck it is not hurting me.Run or bike three times a week and hit the weights hard.No doctor visits this year.Live healthy ,health is wealth and my redneck retirement is a lottery ticket.
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