Drumbeat Intensifies for Electronic Cigarette Regulations

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US News, by Steven Nelson
[h=2]E-cigarette advocates say hit the brakes, act on evidence[/h]
Federal and state officials are pushing for a rapid end to the current laissez faire regulatory environment for electronic cigarettes, which is characterized by hundreds of companies vying for customers with diverse device and flavor options. The Food and Drug Administration is preparing draft regulations, with a target release date sometime in October, for the battery-powered vapor machines marketed as a healthy alternative to carcinogen-packed conventional cigarettes.

Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, told reporters during a Wednesday conference call he believes the FDA already has authority under the tobacco Control Act to regulate e-cigarettes. He said he would be meeting with FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg and two unnamed Senate colleagues later in the day "to press [the FDA] to regulate tobacco products to the full extent of their power."

"Like Sen. Blumenthal, Sen. Brown is acting without adequate data," said Gregory Conley, legislative director of the Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association. "Sen. Brown is encouraging a ban on flavored e-cigarettes without having asked for evidence showing that flavored e-cigarettes are actually being targeted or marketed to teens, or actually being used by teens. He certainly doesn't seem to have any regard for electronic cigarettes as ways to get smokers to stop inhaling burning smoke." Conley added: "Mr. Brown sure knows from the negotiations back [in 2009] that eliminating flavored cigarettes from the market made no measurable impact on public health because no adolescents were actually using them."

Drumbeat Intensifies for Electronic Cigarette Regulations - US News and World Report


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Apr 7, 2012
I guess they should also ban candy while they are at it. All the different flavors appeal to kids making them fat! And just look at the rise n juvenile diabetes. I'd like to see some FDA regulations on candy. While they are at it, they also need to regulate cereal. Most of the cereal aimed towards kids lists sugar as its first ingredient. There is no age limit on buying either candy or cereal putting all our youth at risk for early death from kidney failure due to diabetes.
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