E-cig only? Or e-cig and cigarettes?

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Aug 26, 2012
Long Beach
I wanted to quit analogs SO bad! I ordered my first PV and got it on 8/7/12...charged up the battery and switched on 8/8/12. I haven't had an analog since, but notice in the last week, that I've craved for the smoke TH. I'm sure everyone can tell the difference between the analog hit and a vapor hit. I can physically feel the difference, which seems to be the part I miss the most. I've got KR808 batteries, and eGo-C, and an APV like the lavatube...I like them all, but none give me "that feeling". I use them in different situations (APV at home, eGo/KR8 at work or out at a bar...) I'm also working on picking out the right juices...I've tried several in the last few weeks and found some I hated and some that I know I'll keep ordering... So, no, I don't do both, and it's been a mission of mind over matter...I live a block from the gas station and could easily pick up a pack! I'm satisfied with the nic I'm getting, and LOVE that I don't wreak like smoke, but miss the actual analog sensation...and super odd to say, but in my lungs...AND ISN'T THAT THE REASON I QUIT ANYWAY!?!? LOL


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Aug 4, 2012
VA, USA 'In A Holler'
Been vaping for 2 months, cut back a bunch from day one but still had a few. As the days went by, less cigs and more vaping. I'm now 6 days without a cig and there have been times the craving was strong! I came here to ECF and continued reading and seen that maybe I needed a boost of nic, I'd been vaping between 12-18mg so I made some 24mg unflavored juice and loaded a couple of cartos with it. I carry them with me and if the craving hits I just switch cartos, vape a little and craving is gone!:D
Good luck and Happy Vaping!! :vapor:


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Jun 18, 2012
When you think you want an analog do this - grab your vape and take a few drags. Sit for a minute. If you still want an analog, go have one. Then focus on this: how is that analog satisfying you that the vaping is not?

I got my vaping gear, screwed around with it for one night and finished smoking my pack. The next day, I got up and when the urge to smoke came about, I started hitting the ecig. The feeling passed. Then my wife wanted to go out for a smoke and I thought I would take my vape out with her while she smoked. The smell of her analog was atrocious. Now, two months later, I can smell an analog a great distance away and the smell is almost nauseating.

Slowly ween yourself off and the longer you are off of analogs the more the smell of a burning cigarette will make your stomach turn. It just takes time. Good luck!


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Jul 22, 2010
Herrin, Illinois
I still smoke an occasional cigarette, usually I don't get to the end of the smoke before I put it out. Sometimes at work on breaks I'l go outside to have a cigarette too, even though I'll be vaping most of the day at my desk at work. I smoked a pack and a half to 2 packs a day for so many years, if I have one or two every once in a while, I don't see it as a big deal. Its also a reminder that I like vaping much much more.


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Jul 1, 2012
For me, I was smoking a 1/2 pack a day. In my prime I was above a pack. My buddy introduced me to e-cigs and gave me a set-up and since that day I haven't even craved an analog. I still had an unfinished pack or two laying around the house and after about a month I just threw them out.

I really enjoy vaping but to be honest I think I'm smoking more now even though it's just vapor I feel a bit guilty for it. I never enjoyed smoking as much as I enjoy this...seems more of a hobby with trying different flavors and delivery systems looking for the perfect vape. I'm on 18mg, and thinking that I should try to eventually cut down to zero. I always wanted to quit smoking and did several times, once for 7 years. I'm new to this but as I said I really enjoy it and have no desire to quit. I wanted to stop the analogs because of the health concerns...mission accomplished. I guess what I'm getting at is if you are looking to stop smoking all together, stop ingesting nicotine this might not be the best alternative. As for my experience so far, I am most likely taking in more nicotine than ever. Maybe a topic for a new thread, 'who has been successful in eliminating nicotine from their life?'


Full Member
Aug 26, 2012
Long Beach
I 100% quit smoking the day I bought my first E Cig.

I had cravings for a cigarette the 1st 4 weeks so I upped my nic strength from 18 to 24 mg and I even vaped about 30 ml of wta 24 mg. liquids in between week 2-4.

I smoked for over 30 years and I have had enough. At first I just vaped until the cravings subsided, now I don't really even think about smoking and I like it that way.

lotsoffish - did upping the nic level help you out with not craving? I just posted about how I'm craving...but I think it's more for TH and how the vapor "feels". I've heard that more nic = better TH. I smoked ulta-light analogs, and researched the nic level as 6mg per stick...so when I ordered my juices, I ordered 6mg. I've since realized and researched that analog nic levels and vaping nic levels are likely not the same (since no one really knows the nic level consumed in the vapor). I'm wondering if the feeling is more like "smoke" for you when you upped the nic level, or if you really couldn't tell...I'm not really looking for more nic...at least I don't think, but I want that feeling...I want to call it that "lung feeling"...but THAT just really sounds terrible :blink: The production of vapor from all three PVs I'm rotating is really great...TONS actually...so it's not what's "going in"... Thanks!!


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ECF Veteran
Apr 25, 2012
Washington State
I had smoked for over 25 years, the last 10 or so being almost 3 packs a day. For the first 4 months after getting my first e-cig I still smoked about a half a pack a day. Been smoke free now for over a month. But I know others here who continued to smoke for a year after they started to vape, and if that is what you need to do then do it.


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May 5, 2010
Been vapin for going on two years. I knew from the first toke on a BLU that I could substitute the electric version for the tobacco I'd used for more than 52 years. It took me awhile. . .and things progressed. I now can honestly say I don't even think of tobacco cigs anymore. I keep finding them stuffed in places around my house. . .I bring them in and give them to guys I've given ecigs and ejuice too, trying to encourage them to quit. I DIY'd my juice from the start. Loved Cinnamon flavor. Decided maybe it wasn't a great idea to be inhaling all that Cinnamon. I pretty much vape every waking moment. Left the Cinnamon out of a DIY batch. Accidently left the NICOTINE out of that same batch. When I discovered it a couple days later, I decided. . .who needs it. I couldn't believe it. After 52 years of smoking 2.5 PAD tobacco cigs. . .I ACCIDENTLY quit smoking. What a bizarre turn of events. JMHO

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Aug 21, 2012
Back in November when I got my first ecig I was so excited and convinced that everything would work out that I've never ever touched an analog again expect for one party where I wanted to taste what it would be like. That was after like 2month of only vaping and it tasted like old poo. Never touched it again and don't crave for it all. Im just TOO convinced of vaping and I like it that way :)

Amish Ed

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Jan 25, 2010
Lake Forest, CA
I tried the e-cigs (Tornado) 2yrs ago and did both about a month. Then went back to regular cigs. 2 weeks ago I got my Tornado-T. Immediately went to 1/2 PAD, then down to 6 a day. Friday I got my Vivi Nova and now I'm at 3 a day. IEach cig tastes worse than the last. I think it will be very soon before I'm smoke free.


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Aug 26, 2012
Binghamton, NY
I used to smoke 1 pack a day of marb smooths when I first started vaping. For my first week I kept smoking and vaping partly because I didn't want to waste the smokes considering a pack of marbs is 10 bucks in my area of new york but also because switching to vaping was hard for me personally. Vaping was VERY painful for me at first compared to analogs and it took me about 2 weeks trying different juices, cartos, atties, and voltages to find something that worked for me and didn't send me running back to an analog. After I finally got used to vaping I haven't smoked since. The first month was rough and I had cravings for smokes a lot along with multiple headaches and other minor withdrawal problems. By the time I hit month 2 my cravings for a smoke had changed into cravings for vaping.

Warren D. Lockaby

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Oct 19, 2011
South Carolina, USA
It takes what it takes to get where you're going, and if you worry about it the stress will probably slow you down. Every cigarette we DON'T SMOKE is a WIN, so I'd rather celebrate my little victories than mourn any perceived losses. I've been vaping close to a year now (actually not sure just how long) & still smoking when I wish. I know I could quit tobacco easily enough now - the only thing missing is the "want to". I'm still seeking that magic juice, mixing my own & getting pretty close but I haven't quite hit it yet. If I could just order a 30ml bottle of "will" I believe it'd be a done deal.

Best wishes & Blessings from my cave.... :toast:


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Jun 5, 2012
St. Charles, MO
I only use my PV. I don't ever want to touch a regular cig ever again. I do get reg cig cravings every so often, usually on stressful days at work. I usually just push through it, and take a few more puffs than usual on my PV. Cravings are normal. My father, who hasn't smoked a cig since 1985 still gets cravings every so often.
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