ECX Nicotine Review, with thoughts on MFS and VZ

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Cyrus Vap

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 8, 2011
Bay Area, California
I was sent a sample of ecigexpress nicotine to review, so here it is

The sample is 60 mg/ml nicotine in 100% VG

Here is the bottle, 5 mls poured into a 10 ml plastic bottle, and my trusty Echo/Fluxomizer/Bootleg cone


The nicotine had no odor. I placed it in a hot water bath for a few minutes, shook the heck out of it, maybe picked up a SLIGHT pungent/alkaline aroma that is...well, what nicotine smells like. Very slight. After it cooled to room temperature the odor was gone.

As you can see the bottle seems to give the nic a strange color, but in the more clear plastic bottle the 5ml's looks crystal clear. I think. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Its also a bit thinner than I'd expect from 100% VG. I'm guessing it may be thinned out a hair with DW. linnx please chime and clear this up if I'm wrong. Its not super runny, mind you, like some acqueous VG solutions I've seen and made.

I diluted the 5 mls of nic with 5 mls of VG (which is 5% DW, home mixed). Again, nice consistency, thick but not syrup. Still clear, still no odor.

That's a 30 mg/ml base, which is smack in the middle of the 'hot zone' for me, e.g. 25-35, where nicotines hate to love and love to hate aroma/alkaline bite starts to become apparent

Dripped in a 3.0 ohm fluxomizer (recoiled) and vaped on my newly built Puck (thank you AGAIN ThePuck!)

It's *really* good. Heck its phenomenal. After three hits the familiar buzz and tingly feeling kicked in, so I'm sure its around the advertised strength just based on my usual subjective response.

There is a slight, I mean SLIGHT alkaline note that is on par with the VZ nic I recieved, which is nevertheless not bothersome and significantly less than what I get from MFS nicotine. The VG sweetness is far more pronounced than the alkaline note, and even that is subtle.

I'm feeling very lucky, I love MFS, but have recently found 2 new nics that I like more, and seem to be able to go into the 25-35 range without becoming a love/hate/hate/love thing to my buds.

The one potential confound here is, I've never had 100% VG nic, so perhaps that's contributing to the stellar smoothness of this solution. A true comparison would require all VG nic from MFS and VZ, which I don't have at the moment.

My current top three, or two...

1) VZ nic and ECX
2) MFS

What about the price?

ECX offers 250 mls of 60mg/ml nicotine for 49.95, advertised as 99.56% pure. I understand and respect an unwillingness to mix/sell 100mg/ml, as nicotine is a poison, and people are well...reckless and stupid.

VZ offers 250 mls of 100mg/ml nicotine for 49.95, advertised as 99.9% pure.

So the only gripe here is, you can get almost double the amount of usable product from VZ for the same price. So when it comes time to reload (have to vape away my MFS nic, though it breaks my heart to use my 2nd place in lieu of my two first place items), I'd be more inclined to buy from VZ purely for price. Quality is identical in my opinion.

But if I had to choose between MFS (great prices) and ECX, I'd surely pay the extra money for the ECX, it's most definitely worth it!

My only recommendation to ECX would be to consider a 100mg/ml option

My recommendation to VZ and ECX would be to consider displaying a certificate of analysis (alla MFS) for those in the vaping community that tend to be more stringent in their standards for trusting a potent compound such as nicotine. Not that either vendor has ever given me any reason to distrust, it would just make us all feel better (even though a certificate can be forged and faulty in its own right). Its just another step in the right direction.

Great stuff! Thank you!
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