Ekowool inside GG Atty or how to improve the taste

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Senior Member
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Dec 25, 2011
Herne @ Germany
Hi folks

I ask myself if anyone ever tried and was succesfull
to use ekowool silica inside any gg atty.

I love this type of wick cause as in my mind it gives
the best flavour and never get burned so dryburns
can be done as well without any damage.

I tried to build coils in various gg attys with this wick
but i never was succesfull cause it seems the transport
of the liquid is well but it can hold it as glasfibre wick
so the atty get flooded or it tastes metalic.

I tried as well to use ekowool in combination with the
normal wick but then the good flavour of pure ekowool
as i know from my kayfun get lost.

So i would like to know why does it do not work and
if there could be a way to cjange something how the
coils need to be build to work inside gg attys.

the guys who ever tried ekowool will know what i mean
You always have this taste of glas fibre and even with
silica wick you will not have such a clear taste like with

Of course i tried to burn th wick out or burn liquid before
using it but still this general taste of glas fibre remains.

:) have you got any tips how to be able to use ekowool
or improve the taste so there would be no need anymore
to switch to my kayfun and enjoy my gg attys as much as
this one ?!

Or is it possible thatjust the difference in how the atty itself
is build changes the way how it tastes so much?
Maybe the bigger steam chamber or the thinner channels
the air must take to pass the drip tip?

If i compare how the Kayfun is build with any gg attys
the iatty would be that one that is most similar to it
cause there the liquid need to take the way upside to the coil
and it also have a chamber and a small air hole
just the amount of wick and wire that can be used is not
as much as with kayfun.

I remember the first weeks i did experiments with odysseus
and vaped it on high voltage and found out for myself that
it improves the taste as well if the coils get hotter
and cisco attys taste as well very nice to me cause they offer
this very clear taste so i think there must be a way to build
coils that taste great without using ekowool.

by the way - mesh is not my cup of tea so no discussion about this needed ;D

:) so let me know - what are your personal secrets to get the
most flavour out of you atty!

Poppa D

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Jul 7, 2010
Minnesota, USA
Since I haven't used ekowool yet, maybe this post is irrelevant, but maybe you can try it out before you lose interest.
I've tried different thicknesses of COV wick, thicker and thinner. Tonight I'm using 2mm, doubled per coil (2 coils & wicks), which makes the wick 4mm. My wick only fills the gaps at the top of the ceramic, there is no wick in the sides of the ceramic, only across the top. My coils are 34awg kenthal wire with 30awg nickel set at 2 ohms each, for a 1 ohm Ithaka. The coils are tightly wound. My BF is closed, I use the MP for juice control.
This setup took a little time to break in, but is vaping well now for 2 days, and still tasting good.
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