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Eulogy for Trukinlady

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
I am sitting here, looking at a blank screen. To start with, I just loved her posts and looked forward to reading them. She said the same about me. LOL! I told her she needed glasses! We talked on the phone first, and after talking to her for a few minutes, I felt like I'd known her my whole life. That lady loves Jesus more than anything, including her family. She knew that no one compares to Jesus! She read her Bible and asked the Lord to help her understand. She really tried to live her life faithful to God. I have no doubt where she is now! None!

What does bother me is that she was going through her 4th type of cancer. Cancer hit her when she was 3 years old and she had to have one of her little legs amputated below the knee. She has always kept her attitude joyful because she had Jesus in her heart. She always took care of her family. Her sister had some hard times and T invited them to live with them until she got back on her feet. Her home was small, but her husband and she didn't mind. Her family needed help and she always helped. T loved her family, including her fur babies. She wasn't able to have children, and her fur babies took their place. It really wasn't the same, however.

She loved to witness to people about Jesus! She was never pushy. She would even witness to other truckers on their radios. She visited me twice and we had such a great time. She loved to laugh....a lot! We even laughed over her prosthesis. She and I would belly laugh and since she had fibromyalgia like me, we paid dearly the next day. We had so much in common you would have thought we were twins....though we didn't look alike. I can't believe she's gone. I know I'll see her again, but for now, my heart hurts that I can't pick up the phone and hear her voice. She was only 50 years old! I realize that sounds old to the young, and young to the old. My daddy died at the age of 95 1/2 years old, and my mom died at the age of 86 years old. So, in comparison, she was young.

She did Jesus proud. She never waivered. She was a sister in Christ and a close friend.
:cry: Thank you guys again for praying for her husband and family.
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