FDA accepting public comments on tobacco bill

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Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 17, 2009
Warwick, RI
It's a dumb switch in my opinion. If we put up a poll here and everybody answered truthfully to if they smoke it with nicotine or not we'd get an INSANELY low count. Probably 5%

It is optional, however, if we believe in our product, believe we're being screwed. We must speak the truth in how it's changed our lives.

I for one used to sleep 14 hours a day. I've tried everything.........besides quitting smoking. Now I'm down to 6-8 hours a day after a month.

That's a powerful statement and we all have one of our own. Along with our willfull determination, our intellect, and our courage, we may be able to fight this. But let's not turn it into a spin fabrication of the truth with people vaping 48mg solutions on this forum.

Sure, and I can make a forum of .... users and can put up a poll who actually uses bongs to smoke tobacco. Probably less than 1%. Yet you can legally buy a .... at any local smoke shop.

Bongs are not a threat to tax revenues. E-Cigs are. That is why almost every nation on the face of the planet has this big hard-on to ban them. Lost $$$, not because of concerns of public health and safety.

Want to find the cure for Cancer too? Never in our lifetimes will we see this. The cure for cancer was found decades ago. Think you'll ever see it? 8-o

Cigarettes, disease, and cancer are big money makers. Sad fact.

Which is why whenever I see some plea from some hipocritical "organization" like the American Cancer Society, I feel compelled to mail them a big fat turd as a "contribution"
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 26, 2009
Sure, and I can make a forum of .... users and can put up a poll who actually uses bongs to smoke tobacco. Probably less than 1%. Yet you can legally buy a .... at any local smoke shop.

Bongs are not a threat to tax revenues. E-Cigs are. That is why almost every nation on the face of the planet has this big hard-on to ban them. Lost $$$, not because of concerns of public health and safety.

Want to find the cure for Cancer too? Never in our lifetimes will we see this. The cure for cancer was found decades ago. Think you'll ever see it? 8-o

Cigarettes, disease, and cancer are big money makers. Sad fact.

Which is why whenever I see some plea from some hipocritical "organization" like the American Cancer Society, I feel compelled to mail them a big fat turd as a "contribution"

You bring up a very valid point. However, I don't feel we should run with it. Unless in turn it's our main point since the nicotine is used in terms as dangerous (fuk1n joke imo) than yes you should resort to it. I feel it should be a last minute ditch though. Maybe I'm wrong.

And yes I remember the drug that came out that could be extremely effective towards cancer. However, it was too cheap to make and the pharmaceutical companies weren't going to make any overhead. It's a sick and crazy world when people get away with this ****


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 17, 2009
Warwick, RI
Nicotine optional was a Great switch...it takes weight off the issue of it being a Medical delivery device(Only for the delivery of Nicotine) This is really the point that needs to be made...If this device is seen as only having one use(Providing a Drug regulated by the FDA) then we have no footing....

My comment isn't there. :( They must be hand picking them. Most seem to be "Yeah go for it! blah blah" comments.

So much for an "open" government.


I present to you, the Nations TRUE Colors!
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2009
T-Town Oklahoma
Sure, and I can make a forum of .... users and can put up a poll who actually uses bongs to smoke tobacco. Probably less than 1%. Yet you can legally buy a .... at any local smoke shop.

Bongs are not a threat to tax revenues. E-Cigs are. That is why almost every nation on the face of the planet has this big hard-on to ban them. Lost $$$, not because of concerns of public health and safety.

Want to find the cure for Cancer too? Never in our lifetimes will we see this. The cure for cancer was found decades ago. Think you'll ever see it? 8-o

Cigarettes, disease, and cancer are big money makers. Sad fact.

Which is why whenever I see some plea from some hipocritical "organization" like the American Cancer Society, I feel compelled to mail them a big fat turd as a "contribution"

I use a .... in the morning with my E-Cig LOL the E-..... If you have not smoked a E-Cig with Ice Water then your missing out!:thumb:

Here in a few days your going to see a really really neat one by another user working on one:p

Hell yes too the taxes! Just watch the news on the falling budgets, and states upping taxes on tobacco to cover the falls.

Just think how much lung cancer hospitals make off of tobacco? you think they want their budgets dropping off the wall? You will not see a statement from any major company/hospital(they are private in America)that makes a ton from taxes.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 2, 2008
The FDA is calling for comments from the public on the new Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco act. Members of the public can comment on any aspect, including reduced-harm products. While there is debate as to whether or not the Act affects e cigs, it might be an opportunity to speak out on the device (or any other aspect of this bill).

An article on the FDA call for comments is at US Headlines Examiner. (Hope this link works!).

If you want to make a comment, you can do so by going to Regulations.gov ( redirect,) and type in the name of the tobacco act in the document search line.

Awesome! The public can comment on a bill after it becomes law and the comments are meaningless! This is a beautiful day for Democracy! <end sarcasm>
July 1st, 2009
Proponents of ‘electronic’ cigarettes await ruling on import ban
Posted: 09:52 PM ET
From Paul Courson

WASHINGTON (CNN) — A lawyer, along with product users and sellers, hope a federal judge will soon lift a ban on imports of “electronic” cigarettes imposed in March by the Food and Drug Administration because, they say, nothing in a new tobacco law supports the restriction.

Electronic — or “e” — cigarettes contain no tobacco, a pre-requisite for expanded regulatory authority provided in the law signed June 22 by President Barack Obama. They use a rechargeable battery to power a heating element which vaporizes liquid nicotine.

The use is called “vaping” instead of smoking, to reflect the vapor produced by the heating element. The devices are marketed as an alternative to smoking, but retailers avoid making claims about health or safety.

The only U.S. health study conducted so far on e-cigarettes is not yet complete.

A company challenging the import ban claims in court documents to have sold 600,000 of the devices the past year through a network of 120 distributors in the United States.

“We are on the verge of going out of business, which is why we are suing the FDA in U.S. District Court,” said attorney Kip Schwartz, representing a company called “Smoking Everywhere,” a U.S. wholesaler that was importing the devices from China.

FDA spokeswoman Siobhan DeLancey acknowledged Wednesday in response to questions from CNN that “the tobacco bill is only about tobacco,” not the regulation of electronic cigarettes. However, she said her agency considers nicotine a drug, and that the FDA “is just waiting for the judge’s ruling” on the import ban.

Retailers say the devices are popular with users who work in no-smoking environments, as well as among those hoping to minimize health risks from the smoke in traditional cigarettes.

Federal Judge Richard Leon in Washington has been reviewing documents and oral arguments in the case, but the judge has given no indication when he may rule on the motion to strike down the import ban.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 17, 2009
Warwick, RI
I posted my comments on July 4, 2009 and they gave me a tracking number and now I cannot find my comment. Printed out directions also. went into the electronic trash can I guress.

And you'll probably never will either. They're hand picking them. All the comments they have posted so far not one mentions the electronic cigarette. Just typical anti-smoking Nazi banter being posted.

They seem to be only posting comments left that is in favor of the bill. I'm quite sure, knowing this group here, that there were a LOT more than 37 comments left over the past week.
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