FDA: Anti smoking drug Chantix linked to more than 500 suicides

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Ultra Member
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Jun 30, 2012
The Woodlands, TX, USA
I'm not joking when I say EVERY Chantix commercial I've ever seen makes me laugh, and I usually wonder if it is a spoof, especially after seeing the one done on SNL. I honestly can't understand any appeal that Chantix has, when I see the commercials.

Yep. I find the one with the mother playing with her little kids creepy. There's something wrong with the way she looks at them...


Dragon Lady
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2013
OMG... have you seen the link in one comment?

They are offering up to 805 $ on completion - to enroll "adolescent smokers ages 12 to 16 years old who are motivated to quit smoking" in a study which will have them take this deadly drug :(

If you are interested in having your child participate in this study, please fill out the form below.

Whatever happened to all the cries of "save the children"? :(
This is sickening. Truly sickening.


Vaping Master
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Mar 4, 2010
OMG... have you seen the link in one comment?

They are offering up to 805 $ on completion - to enroll "adolescent smokers ages 12 to 16 years old who are motivated to quit smoking" in a study which will have them take this deadly drug :(

Whatever happened to all the cries of "save the children"? :(
This is sickening. Truly sickening.

This needs to be in Flyers, get awareness up, get parents to picket alongside us, to fight the lunacy. OMG, this is so awful, so very very awful.



Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2013
Orbiting Sirius B
this, it is amazing what a few hundred people with $500 computers and the truth can do to a multi-million dollar propaganda campaign.

....yes!.... Vape On.jpg


Dragon Lady
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2013

- mods pls delete this posting if this subject cannot / should not be mentioned here -

Knowing what I know now about self-medication with nicotine intake against ... hm... let us call it ... not-"normal" functioning of things related to emotions / cognitive functions .... I think I am pretty sure I know why people taking this hellish drug fly into uncontrollable rages and have suicidal thoughts / commit suicide:

If nicotine intake helps people to keep things in check, helps people to "function normally" or at least with an outward semblance of "normality" (whatever that "normality" means in a world where human beings are expected to function like machines, but without the care and maintenance that machines receive), if nicotine intake regulates functions and emotions . . . and if the drug Chantix blocks the nicotine receptors and thus prevents the positive effects of nicotine intake ... if the person is suddenly "thrown into deep, ice cold water, without the ability to swim" .... yes... I can very well believe why people fly into rages, attack others and / or attack themselves, to the point of suicide. To the point of ending it all. Because those people have just been robbed of the ability to .. uhm .. "live".

Yes, I can understand it very well. Very well indeed.

Quit or die, eh? :(
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Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2013
Orbiting Sirius B
OMG... have you seen the link in one comment?

They are offering up to 805 $ on completion - to enroll "adolescent smokers ages 12 to 16 years old who are motivated to quit smoking" in a study which will have them take this deadly drug :(

Whatever happened to all the cries of "save the children"? :(
This is sickening. Truly sickening.

Just when I think we've seen the worst BP can do. Are. They. Out. of. Their. Effing. Minds!!!!!

Don't these trials have to be cleared by some review board or other?


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Mar 27, 2011
Canton, GA
Don't the parents have to sign approving their underage son/daughter to be used a guinea pig? Who gets the money, the kids or the parents?

It's like the kids are donating their bodies to science while living. It would be better if they continued smoking, or better yet, start vaping.

Makes one wonder if an ANTZ caught their 13 yo smoking would they subject them to this proven killer. Why do I think not?


Dragon Lady
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2013
Don't the parents have to sign approving their underage son/daughter to be used a guinea pig? Who gets the money, the kids or the parents?

It's like the kids are donating their bodies to science while living. It would be better if they continued smoking, or better yet, start vaping.

If I read it correctly, the parents sign up their children to participate as guinea pigs to test this deadly drug.

If you are interested in having your child participate in this study, please fill out the form below.

And if I know anything of legal contract age, the parents receive the money. As a child of 12 - 16 cannot make a legal contract, as much as I know. Thus, the parents would be selling their children as guinea pigs. For a drug whose mind-altering (up to: deadly) effects have been proven. At an age where young people are very susceptible to .. uhm... mind-altering stuff.

The offered price is (up to) 805 pieces of silver.

That is just sickening.


Senior Member
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Feb 8, 2013
Springfield VA
It's not that it just blocks the effects of nicotine. It's also a replacement therapy. It's supposed to stimulate the same receptors in the brain that nicotine does. Kind of like an anti-depressant (Welbutrin works in a similar way but without the blocking mechanism).

I'm not against psych meds. I take them myself. Chantix is not a psych med. But it can have similar effects, just as nicotine has similar effects. A perfect example is putting someone who is diagnosed with Bipolar on an anti-depressant. Many people with Bipolar who take certain (different for everyone) anti-depressants will go manic. Chantix can mess with the chemistry of your brain, and make people more prone to having adverse mental events.

But, Chantix has proven more successful for people than most NRT's. It's just that you have to be very careful not to let someone with a Mood Disorder take it.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2013
Orbiting Sirius B
It's not that it just blocks the effects of nicotine. It's also a replacement therapy. It's supposed to stimulate the same receptors in the brain that nicotine does. Kind of like an anti-depressant (Welbutrin works in a similar way but without the blocking mechanism).

I'm not against psych meds. I take them myself. Chantix is not a psych med. But it can have similar effects, just as nicotine has similar effects. A perfect example is putting someone who is diagnosed with Bipolar on an anti-depressant. Many people with Bipolar who take certain (different for everyone) anti-depressants will go manic. Chantix can mess with the chemistry of your brain, and make people more prone to having adverse mental events.

But, Chantix has proven more successful for people than most NRT's. It's just that you have to be very careful not to let someone with a Mood Disorder take it.

One of the main mantras of the ANTZ/PANTZ establishment is that we need to keep nicotine away from youth because their brains are still developing. Shouldn't a drug like Chantix elicit the same warning? Do we want to be giving youth a drug that can alter their brain chemistry (and, given all the established side effects, e.g. rage, not in a good way)?

(Or, to put it flippantly, isn't adolescence just one long mood disorder...?)


Dragon Lady
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2013
Chantix can mess with the chemistry of your brain, and make people more prone to having adverse mental events.

Well, it has been proved to do so. 500 suicides do not happen out of thin air.

But, Chantix has proven more successful for people than most NRT's. It's just that you have to be very careful not to let someone with a Mood Disorder take it.

Weeeeeeell..... as mood disorders still carry a kind of stigma, unfortunately, not everybody goes around telling everybody / anybody / the doctor about such.. uhm.. impaired functions.

- - Some time ago, in Germany, a young soccer player killed himself. It turned out that he had suffered from depression. That incident prompted a series of articles in news magazines about depression. It was mentioned that one out of five people (in my home country) suffer at least one episode of depression during their lifetime.

One out of five.
And it is often mentioned that the incidence of smoking in the industrialized world does not go down below 20 percent. In spite of all the efforts to the contrary. (except Sweden - where Snus is widely used)

20 percent IS one out of five.
This may be coincidence.
Then again, it may be not.

I only know that I, for one, definitely use nicotine as self-medication. It gives me something. Something that I do not wish to do without.

And if I had to take some mind-altering crap, I would not be posting here for long. Either I would be in prison, or I would be dead.
Enough said...


Ultra Member
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Sep 26, 2013
MetroWest Boston, MA, USA
OMG... have you seen the link in one comment?

They are offering up to 805 $ on completion - to enroll "adolescent smokers ages 12 to 16 years old who are motivated to quit smoking" in a study which will have them take this deadly drug :(

Whatever happened to all the cries of "save the children"? :(
This is sickening. Truly sickening.

I read the questions, one of which is 'has your child smoked 5 cigarettes per day over the last 30 days?'. For that relatively low level of smoking, someone would take the risk with this drug?? I know, 5 cigarettes/day isn't good, but the risk/benefit is way out of whack. Especially if the child is already motivated to quit.

The next 6 questions are psychiatric focused (no history of mental disorders please because we already know that's a problem) and followed by 1 medical question about liver, kidneys, pulmonary, gastrointestinal & cardiovascular, glandular or allergies. Gee, doesn't that give you warm fuzzies to put your kid on this? for UP TO (my emphasis) $803...

I agree, this is sickening and very scary. Think of the children who will be harmed by this study.


Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
I'm not joking when I say EVERY Chantix commercial I've ever seen makes me laugh, and I usually wonder if it is a spoof, especially after seeing the one done on SNL. I honestly can't understand any appeal that Chantix has, when I see the commercials.

You're right. a 1:22 minute spot was around 15 seconds of ad and over a minute of cautions.
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Vaping Master
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
addition:.................... I think I am pretty sure I know why people taking this hellish drug fly into uncontrollable rages and have suicidal thoughts / commit suicide:.........(

It's not "commit suicide" it's "suicidal thoughts or suicidal ideation". They don't go as far as saying you could commit suicide although suicidal ideation often leads to suicide.
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