FDA Approved, yet long list of warnings

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Oct 2, 2012
Arkansas Delta
Why are so many drugs like Chantix, wellbutrin, and a list of other alleged cessation remedies approved by the FDA that have a long list of warnings acceptable, but supposedly vaping is dangerous? These drugs are safe? Well, if it doesn't kill, it'll cure you. Is this sanity, or is it big business power and influence? I wonder how many dollars goes into politicians pockets?
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Oct 19, 2012
Portland OR
I took Chantix a few years ago. It worked to help me quit (for a while, I relapsed later) but I nearly had a nervous breakdown. This was of course BEFORE the commercials they air on television with the extra list of disclaimers... "if you feel anxious, agitated, feel like blowing your brains out, please stop taking Chantix and consult your doctor..."


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Sep 19, 2012
Bundarra NSW
Chantix is, not to mince words, bloody dangerous stuff.

The FDA can only base their approvals on known research. If that research is positive, or inadequate, or faked, then any old garbage can be approved. I'm not one for disparaging proper scientific methodology but in the case of chemicals that are being put into one's body, less is always better.

If you don't want to live in a nanny state then you have to take responsibility for your own health and tell them to naff off. The downside is that the errors are then all of your own making. You want freedom? Fine, but take the responsibility that goes with it.

Too hard for most people.

So we have "authorities" that are supposed to know what's best for us. They're fallible, they get it wrong, people die. But they're exempt from responsibility and prosecution because the benefits of the system outweigh the harm. Where it all goes wrong is in the protection of vested interests against anything new, good or bad. The assumption is that if a substance or method isn't controlled and tested it MUST be bad. This is false, and the FDA know that.

Welcome to the real world. It's broken.


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Sep 16, 2012
Lake Tahoe
The pharmaceutical companies have a lot of money, and thus have a huge voice and influence. These companies don't want vaping to be easy on us, because they know it will hurt their bottom line.

edit: CASAA - The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association
Check them out, they are trying to help us.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2012
Dayton, Ohio
This may not be entirely in-line with vaping, but I hate to see pharm commercials trying to sell meds to specific people. For depression, they suggest a booster, but this may cause severe depression, thoughts of suicide, etc. Really?

Weight loss drugs may cause ".... leakage". ...?! I looked it up and what I found was too disgusting to repost here.

Valtrex makes all people with herpes learn to ride bikes and go mountain climbing and walk slowly and happily through a leaf-littered forest. Uh huh.

But vaping?! OH. MY. GOD. You're inhaling WHAT? Antifreeze?! (Sarcasm).

PharmUSA is evil, evil, evil. Sure, a lot of meds help a lot of people, but it's mostly $$$ driven. I worked at a fine dining restaurant that had an attached dining room for private parties and such. I've worked dozens of pharm pow wows where local doctors would meet with these businesses or firms, get wined and dined (I'm talking over a $2,000 price tag, wine and food and desserts included), be given a powerpoint presentation, then asked how these drugs could be incorporated into these doctor's practices.

As a server (an invisible peon), I listened in to these pow wows. The doctors all asked and raised valid points in concern for their patients (I have a patient with x, will y help her?) The reps don't know shiznit. They're numbers people. They'll throw a figure at you, a percentage, something, anything, But the end result is, "Buy our new pill." Thankfully the bulk of these big time dinners ended with almost no "hand-shakes". Basically the docs pilfered the left over wine and food and dipped.

I was cleaning a back room during one of these meetings and I actually overheard one pharm rep ask, "Did we sell 'em?"

The other said, "I think so. Our laser-light pens got some attention."

Freaking laser-light pens they gave out as free promos. Seriously.
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Vaping Master
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Apr 1, 2012
San Diego CA
Ever see that we have so many mass shooting mothers killing their kids ect I wonder how many of those people were taking psychotropic drugs? A pill is not the answer it just buries the problems! It happens more and more I just wonder if theirs a connection. I wrote a email to the FDA asking just that they replied saying my concerns were unfounded and the drugs in question were deemed safe by them.
Corporations are running our country in so many ways the FDA is just another corporate puppet

Dr. Phill

Senior Member
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Aug 17, 2012
Kansas City, Mo
I tried Wellbutrin because I couldn't afford Chantix. I didn't even have the urge to quit smoking while taking it. I did however, feel nauseous most days and could not eat very well at all. Vaping has been my relief, and I am very thankful for it. I was getting really tired of feeling so bad, and having to go outside to smoke in the cold, rain, heat, and having my kids ask me why I stunk so bad.


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Aug 8, 2012
Champix uk name made me want to kill everything that moved horrible mood swings terrible cramps shortly after taking it and made me want to physically hit people whenever I got agitated with them my ex girlfreind included ( we were both on them at the same time ) made for a horrible time for the pair of us ultimately the end result I went back to smoking champix did work for me but the side effects are just plain dangerous and al finish this by writing what I saw a "medical head" defend champix saying quitting smoking can cause depression anger ( with him so far to a extent I can believe this ) and can make people suicidal -_- that was a new one too me


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Jul 29, 2012
OP - your original question was about how the FDA could approve obviously dangerous drugs. It is about money - as in who has the money to do the research required by the FDA.

The point of the fda is not to promote drugs that are "safe" but rather to promote drugs that have been studied so that there are no surprise deaths or other ill effects. the point of the fda is to simply be aware of, and able to demonstrate, the fail line of a product.

to the fda's credit a company must be able to demonstrate that there is more good than harm in a product. but that does not mean the product cant have a spectacular failure rate relative to the expectations of the public buying the product.

any product labeled as FDA approved is not really "safer" but rather the effects of the product are known over a long term.


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Jun 13, 2012
I tried Wellbutrin because I couldn't afford Chantix. I didn't even have the urge to quit smoking while taking it. I did however, feel nauseous most days and could not eat very well at all. Vaping has been my relief, and I am very thankful for it. I was getting really tired of feeling so bad, and having to go outside to smoke in the cold, rain, heat, and having my kids ask me why I stunk so bad.

I did wellbutrin before chantix hit market. The insomnia, irritability, and anxiety attacks made me stop on day two. I didn't want to smoke much simply because I was such a wreck I wanted a padded room with a treadmill to burn off nervous energy. Cold turkey was a million times easier for me...even if it only lasted six months.


Resting in Peace
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
Commercials used to just promote a drug without listing all the side effects. People would then go to the doctor and request those drugs without knowing that those side effects could be potentially dangerous. FDA stepped in and required the drug companies list all the possible side effects in the commercials so the public would be better informed about those drugs.

Worked for me, I don't trust drugs.


Unregistered Supplier
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The thing with those scripts is that they are for depression and OCD. If you are depressed then it should work (in theory), but if you don't suffer from depression than the list of side effects get introduced. The drug company is BIG business and BIG money. You can't turn the TV on now a days without a script being shoved down your throat. I would stay away from Chantix and Welbutrin. I'm not a DR by any means, so I don't have the authority to say vaping is better, but introducing an anti depressant into your life shouldn't be your means of smoke free salvation.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
Not to play the Devil’s Advocate here… But what is in an e-Liquid?

If I buy Brand X e-Liquid does it have the Exact Same chemicals in it as Brand Y? And in the Exact Same Proportions?

Not saying that Money and Political Power doesn’t play a Role in the FDA, but how can e-Liquids be said to be safe when there is No Clear Consensus as to what is even in an e-Liquid?


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Jan 7, 2012
north central Indiana
government is run almost completely by lawyers
lawyers sue companies for huge amounts of money
many government approved drugs are later on the bad end of lawsuits
these lawsuits make lawyers obscene amounts of money
lawyers use money to run for public office
government is run almost completely by lawyers

Lawyers should use the symbol of Ouroboros to represent themselves rather than a set of scales...


Ultra Member
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Oct 2, 2012
Arkansas Delta
I tried Wellbutrin (Bupropion), and the only thing it did for me was give me an upset stomach, and it made me feel lousy. I didn't feel like I wanted to blow my brains out, but it didn't help my mental state either. It also did not help me with withdrawal symptoms from nicotine.

WARNING: Bupropion is an antidepressant used to treat a variety of conditions, including depression, other mental/mood disorders, and smoking cessation. Antidepressants can help prevent suicidal thoughts/attempts and provide other important benefits. However, studies have shown that a small number of people who take antidepressants for any condition may experience new or worsening depression, other mental/mood symptoms, or suicidal thoughts/attempts. Therefore, it is very important to talk with the doctor about the risks and benefits of antidepressant medication, even if treatment is not for a mental/mood condition.

Tell the doctor immediately if you notice new or worsening depression/other psychiatric conditions, unusual behavior changes (including possible suicidal thoughts/attempts), or other mental/mood changes (including new/worsening anxiety, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, irritability, hostile/angry feelings, impulsive actions, severe restlessness, very rapid speech). Be especially watchful for these symptoms when a new antidepressant is started or when the dose is changed. If you are using bupropion to quit smoking, stop taking bupropion and contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of the symptoms listed above or if you have any of these symptoms after stopping treatment.

Now, when I started vaping, I haven't smoked a single cigarette, I don't feel like I need one. I also don't feel like I'm going to blow my brains out at any second. Even without FDA approval, I'm NOT SMOKING! I don't need the FDA to tell me if it works or not, I already know that after 40 years and having tried every way to quit smoking, vaping is the ONLY successful method I've personally tried.

The thing with those scripts is that they are for depression and OCD. If you are depressed then it should work (in theory), but if you don't suffer from depression than the list of side effects get introduced. The drug company is BIG business and BIG money. You can't turn the TV on now a days without a script being shoved down your throat. I would stay away from Chantix and Welbutrin. I'm not a DR by any means, so I don't have the authority to say vaping is better, but introducing an anti depressant into your life shouldn't be your means of smoke free salvation.
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