First APV, Looking for advice

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Jun 5, 2009
Chino California
Oh!?! Very cool, thank you D. Seems I spoke out of line... I've been intimedated by posts against mechs without some serious experience (1-2 or more years of vaping, before using one), and videos of fuming mods...pretty scary stuff!
But now, I believe its time for a lil more research, and practice, to achieve that warmth I still long for. No more warm batteries?...COOL!
I'm not in agreement with those frightening posting about years of experience etc...

We all have to learn some time. But I"m adamant that if you are going to use a Mechanical than you need an Ohm Tester or Multimeter to test for shorts.

I've been RBA for 6 months and I never ever pop a RBA on a Mechanical unless I've tested it for short circuits. If you are using on a non-mechanical than it's not important because all the Variable Volt Units have Short Circuit Protection.
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Mar 20, 2012
Austin, TX
tom, I don't disagree, i went EgoT -> EgoC -> Provari -> bunch of mechs -> ego twist -> homemade wood boxes -> (sadly) a vamo in my line of purchases

but i do use the unoxidize method and fire away on a mech, LOTS of shorts for sure, but on a freshly charged high quality battery (never used protected, Safe chemistry instead) never had an issue

then I move to a provari to ohm reading, nowadays I use the vamo for this (my multimeter somehow stopped reading ohms, still does everything else)

THIS IS AN ADVANCED TECHNIQUE I DON'T encourage anyone to jump from EGO-VIVI-carto-what-have-you to this, but i also think most fears are overblown

An I know of not only me, but many people once start this path of more advanced stuff can't stop looking for the next improvement in their vape experience

How many reports lately of batteries, SAFE CHEMISTRY type, exploding?

3, 4? the latest was an EGO type of batt, before that a guy who built his own mech and was stacking batteries (I'll never do this)

in the meantime, an iphone killed a chinese person, laptop batteries have been recall by Sony (a year or so ago by Dell, after one caught fire, etc)

Basically, following these and most people will be fine:
- Use quality, safe chemistry batteries, AW IMR never failed me, but now I use Panasonic Hybrid, will also add the new Sony 30 Amp to the arsenal

- Use a quality, reputable charger, not a no name chinese one, I use the one that came with my provari but will soon add a 6 line intelligent charger (xstar or so)

- use mods with ventilation & hotsprings

- don't start with unoxidized meshes or sub .8 ohms coils until you become VERY familiar with what you are doing. .8 ohms is something even a Provari handles. (A vamo falls above 1.2 only)

for RBAs, I started with an AGA-T & phoenix V2 and took longer to master than if i had started with an RSST, this one if isolated at the wick hole and bottom of the cup, so shorts even on an unoxidized mesh is truly hard ~ although not impossible ~

I don't use them, but a battery fuses are available for a low cost.


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Jul 12, 2013
So I pulled the trigger yesterday and I bought a Vamo. I absolutely love it. Ended up driving up to OKCVapes and left with a Vamo, Smok RSST, couple of tanks and atty's. Now if I can just get everyone at work to quit laughing at how big my mod is. I keep telling them I am overcompensating.

Now to get the RSST built up and see how that runs for me.

I appreciate all of the info that everyone has given on these forums. The experiences and knowledge given out really helps us newbies make a solid informed decision.
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