First day = awesome!

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Full Member
Jun 18, 2013
New Jersey
Welcome & congrats to you! As someone else said it only gets better as time goes on! Just make sure you get backups for your initial setup & get a small bottle of higher nic juice incase you have one of those rough days during the first couple of weeks & you're tempted to take a smoke! 2 of the most important things I was told when I got started & have proven to be true 6 months later...
1. Have a backup
2. Have a backup for your backup lol
3. Drink plenty of water
Congrats again & welcome to the wonderful, fun & addictive world of vaping!! :toast:

Thanks Chimney!
I think I have to work on # 2, but trying like hell to have the others covered :)
I was less than a pack a day (only barely) but I got 18mg or 1.8 or whatever, and just keeping the spinner pretty low and cranking it up if I feel like I need it.
I got 2 big ... batteries and 2 clearomizers, andcarried my juice with me (good thing I had the juice or today woulda been a problem!)
Water, I drink about 3-4 liters a day. I definitely notice the dryness in the tongue between work and home though


Full Member
Jun 18, 2013
New Jersey
Welcome to the family :vapor:

It's definately a great lifestyle! It's crazy how much better things taste, how much better and energized you feel...try going for a bike ride or a hike or play some tennis or something in about 2 weeks and compare and contrast, it will astonish you!

I actually already had a chance to notice it today.

There's a bus connection that I sometimes miss, and end up powerwalking (usually with an analog).

I would always end up coughing this deep, dirty cough when I got the cardio up and a cig in my face.

Same thing happened today and, I guess out of habit, I took a deep breath and felt that cough coming and it was very different. It almost didn't happen. Very cool.


Full Member
Jun 18, 2013
New Jersey
Welcome to ECF WebDude!

Congrats on your switch! :D

I hope you find your visits here informative and fun. We have a huge community here that can be incredibly helpful in your journey. Feel free to ask any questions, as I'm sure there will be many with an answer for you! :)

Please see the links in my signature below for New Member information, as well as informative forums and threads on CASAA (Consumer Advocates for Smoking Alternatives Association) and the latest legislative news and info.

Again, welcome to ECF!! :vapor:


Thanks Sonic, much appreciated! I've only been prowling around here for a day or two but I read an awful lot of threads. I can see that the community here is aweseome!


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Dec 1, 2012
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Thanks Chimney!
I think I have to work on # 2, but trying like hell to have the others covered :)
I was less than a pack a day (only barely) but I got 18mg or 1.8 or whatever, and just keeping the spinner pretty low and cranking it up if I feel like I need it.
I got 2 big ... batteries and 2 clearomizers, andcarried my juice with me (good thing I had the juice or today woulda been a problem!)
Water, I drink about 3-4 liters a day. I definitely notice the dryness in the tongue between work and home though

You're welcome! Sounds like you're doing excellent so far! I smoked a pack & a half a day for the most part & I've been using 18mg nic juice since I started. Sometimes ill vape 6-11 before bed so I'm not wired all night. If you've already got one backup then you're probably good for a little while since you may find that you want to upgrade happens to a lot of us. Lol! Water is still my issue though! I was addicted to soda but I'm getting better but a lot of it is caffeine free tea for me instead of soda. I've tried all of the water flavor enhancers & I still have a hard time. Sorry, I digress...make sure you keep us posted on your vaping journey!!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 31, 2013
Abbotsford, B.C. Canada
Sorry to hijack, but I've been reading several comments to drink loads of water. And yes, I've been following it faithfully.. But it's been like 3 weeks and my throat still hurts if I don't consume abnormally large amounts of water. Is this normally the case?
It might be the pg in the nic juice, it can be a little harsh and you might have a pg sensitivity. Do you know what the pg/vg ratio in your nic juice is? I don't have a pg sensitivity but I have vaped a 70 pg/ 30vg and found it a little harsh, I now vape 50/50 and it's much better.


Full Member
Jun 18, 2013
New Jersey
I wasn't sure how big to go, but I want to go on the record with I am so happy I got this big ... Spinner battery!

I've been half drunk for like the last 3 hours of my day and chain vaping this thing and it's still keeping up with me. I do have the other one fully charged for when the time comes, but wow I'm pretty sure I'm glad I didn't go with the 650 regular batteries!
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 8, 2013
Farmington, NM USA
Welcome to the family :vapor:

It's definately a great lifestyle! It's crazy how much better things taste, how much better and energized you feel...try going for a bike ride or a hike or play some tennis or something in about 2 weeks and compare and contrast, it will astonish you!

Exactly. I bike half again as far, and with less effort. Only about 10% gain in speed, but I'm pretty happy. This comes under the headin of solving a problem I didn't know I had.


Full Member
Jun 18, 2013
New Jersey
Exactly. I bike half again as far, and with less effort. Only about 10% gain in speed, but I'm pretty happy. This comes under the headin of solving a problem I didn't know I had.

That's such a cool thing to hear! I do about like 20 miles a week on my hybrid, not at any kind of impressive pace. I expect to thoroughly appreciate any performance boost


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 6, 2013
Great to hear it WebDude. I hope day 2 goes even better.

anyone else here get like a mild headache and elbow stiffness with higher nicotine levels like 18mg?

Yes, a mild headache can happen if you're getting more nicotine than you need. You can try dropping down to 12 or just vaping a little less. I know in my first couple of weeks I hit it pretty hard.

The elbow stiffness, not so much. But, if you're coming from cigarettes, that could be a side effect. Keep an eye on it and speak to your doctor if it gets worse.
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Full Member
Jun 18, 2013
New Jersey
Congrats! I have been vaping since March but I was still smoking analogs. I've been analog free for 4 days after finally talking my girlfriend into vaping with me.

4 Days, nice!

I did it almost the exact opposite way. My woman decided to quit (I've been talking about it for months, but she just stopped smoking, much more of a do'er than myself, as usual), and I just dove in and got the stuff.

I ended up with two big batteries and two clearomizers, so I abused the hell out of my setup and left her with a charged vaporizer at home all juiced up, and we both met with success for today.

Good times... good times!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2013
Los Angeles
Good job everyone :)

A reminder that even if you mess up and smoke a cigarette, it's not the end of the world. Just throw it away and go back to vaping. You're not a failure and ECF still loves you.

Remember that a cig delivers the nicotine in 6 seconds and vaping does in 30 seconds. Sometimes I vape long and deep (don't pull hard) and keep the vape in my mouth so the nicotine gets in through my mucus membranes. About 25 seconds later I vape as if I was smoking a cigarette - and I get the nic hit right at the perfect time. So essentially it feels the same.

I'm at one week today actually. In a couple days I'm going to have my bike back and am pretty excited to see my performance going up hills (that was always a challenge for me) I'm trying not to inhale too much vape so my lung capacity doesn't suffer - but its still better than tobacco. I really wish tobacco didn't cause cancer, mess up lungs or have a lingering smell, but alas, it does.


Full Member
Jun 18, 2013
Melting Pot
That's probably a case of the nic being too high. I started vaping at 18mg and had the same problem. I went down to 12mg and it was much smoother and my throat stopped hurting.

Hey Sailense,
You were spot on! I'm pretty much relieved after purchasing pure VG and watering down my juices. It tastes still good without the awful throat hit.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 20, 2013
Pago Pago, AS, USA
Hey Sailense,
You were spot on! I'm pretty much relieved after purchasing pure VG and watering down my juices. It tastes still good without the awful throat hit.

Hah! I did the exact same thing. Although, the VG does mute the flavors somewhat, so I'm usually good with a few drops.


Full Member
Jul 14, 2009
Long term lurker here. Been vaping for 4 years. I've Been mixing my own juice at a 34mg strength for the last two years, mostly PG with vodka and menthol added to up the Throat Hit. That is what I need to be satisfied, strong TH. I also don't really feel a problem if my tank goes dry and I can't vape when I want to. I say all of this to point out just one huge plus of vaping. You can make or find fluid for whatever you need. Some need the nic, some need the TH, some need the smoke, and other just need a habit. When you are comfortable with what you have and decide you are going to trun this into a hobby, look at mixing your own juice and rebuilding your own addys. I spend well under $40 a month and am just starting to get into the addy and variable voltage stuff. Have fun, enjoy, and vape on!

Disclaimer: I do not recommend that anyone mix or vape any high nic juice. I have a lengthy defense as to why I choose to. I take very long slow drags and don’t hold the vape in my lungs for any amount of time, as I just need to feel that burn on my throat. I was a pack and a half a day Newport smoker if that tells you anything. I go hours without a vape, at will, and have not felt any type of ill side affects or nic fits since my last analog. I made some 12mg juice for a friend and tried it for an hour, basically chain vaping, and it never fulfilled my need. Clouds of vapor, but it just didn’t do it for me.



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Jul 11, 2013
Rochester, NY
I'm in the same boat, been using 18 mg juice and I get frequent headaches throughout the day due to the fact Im vaping alot more than I was smoking (I can vape anywhere!). Next order of e juice will be 12 mg since I'm not willing to cut back on vaping at the moment as I'm only 1 month free from analogs!
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