Frustrated to the point of wanting a smoke.....

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Senior Member
Jun 4, 2015
Ontario, Canada
I see a few people a year in our local shop being referred by a few knowledgeable Dr.s to vaping to try and quit smoking. The hospital is across the street.

Hey, you should go speak with those doctors and see if they'd be willing to join the cause to stop all the negativity and legislation on vaping. There was an awesome show on vape tv on the Coast 2 Coast with 2 Canucks Friday about advocating. They had some awesome guests on and all of them stated that more health officials need to come forward and get on board with advocating publicly. One of them is a registered nurse, Kellie Forbes, who is a huge advocate and has written some great articles and at least one book about it. The more health officials on board publicly the better the chances of winning the legislative battles.

My friend is a tech in a hospital and he said all the nurses are intrigued by his vaping. If every new vaper converter 3 people, bt doesn't stand a chance lol.. I converted 5 from smoking so I did my part!

I'm with ya there! I've converted at least 6 so far in the 14 days I've been vaping, including one today who I sent here for information. I'll talk about my story and how vaping released me from my prison of cigarettes to anyone who'll listen and help them convert if they are willing.

I'm looking into the mechs, but I want to make sure I know everything I can about them before I get one so I know I'm safely handling and using them
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Jan 24, 2015
Long island
Yeah it was like a domino effect for me. I started and most of my friends smoke and they tried mine and liked it so I sent them links to stuff and taught them how to use it and now we are all onto rebuildables with similar setups. It's like every time I upgrade my friends do too. I guess I'm their leader? That's a lot of pressure!


Senior Member
Jun 4, 2015
Ontario, Canada
Yeah it was like a domino effect for me. I started and most of my friends smoke and they tried mine and liked it so I sent them links to stuff and taught them how to use it and now we are all onto rebuildables with similar setups. It's like every time I upgrade my friends do too. I guess I'm their leader? That's a lot of pressure!

LOL that's cool. You should start a little vape club where you all get together once a month or more and discuss new mods, juices, help each other fix stuff and such. Hmmm.... That's a good idea.. I think I will too LOL


The Millionaire Vapor' The Enabler
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Apr 8, 2015
Somerset, UK
Yeah, I'm actually ordering another one Monday. A friend who owed me money that I completely forgot about just paid me back this morning, so I'm putting an order in Monday.

That's great news, I really felt for you yesterday, it has happened to me before and it's not a nice feeling, it can really get you down, I got as far as the shop to buy a pack of cigarettes, I opened my wallet to get my money out and saw a picture of my daughter and it stopped me. I said to myself, I would never get in that situation again.


The Millionaire Vapor' The Enabler
ECF Veteran
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Apr 8, 2015
Somerset, UK
Yeah it was like a domino effect for me. I started and most of my friends smoke and they tried mine and liked it so I sent them links to stuff and taught them how to use it and now we are all onto rebuildables with similar setups. It's like every time I upgrade my friends do too. I guess I'm their leader? That's a lot of pressure!

Nothing wrong with being a vape pusher if you got them off cigarettes :thumb:


Senior Member
Jun 4, 2015
Ontario, Canada
That's great news, I really felt for you yesterday, it has happened to me before and it's not a nice feeling, it can really get you down, I got as far as the shop to buy a pack of cigarettes, I opened my wallet to get my money out and saw a picture of my daughter and it stopped me. I said to myself, I would never get in that situation again.

Thanks @Rixsta it was pretty hard at one point. Part of the problem was I still have a carton of cigarettes in the fridge, and every time I went to the fridge I saw them.... That was when I would think about them. I was waiting for my brother to be in town again to give them to him, but I'm gonna take them over to my mom's today and leave them there so they are out of sight and mind.


Super Member
Jun 9, 2015
Right Here
If I can be noisy and get on my soap box, I too kept a carton for a long time thinking Im done and cant throw them out. Maybe Joe wants em, but I never gave them to him just thought it. Then after watching oprah (just kidding really), I decided to throw the carton in the burn barrel and tell everyone I knew that I quit smoking for good. The next morning after my coffee I decided to go get a pack and then realized shoot, Im going to look like a fool after telling my world that I quit and went back on it just after one night. It didnt work for long though, I bought that pack a few days later. My wife, my daughter even my dog were all disappointed with me but hey, Im a smoker. It wasnt till I found the vape shop counselor who schooled me, took my $40 and led me to the better path. Never looked back. The hardest thing for me was I got bored of juice so quickly and was constantly searching for good juice. I bought a lot of juice man and it took me almost 6 months to find just a few ones I adored. The rest is history and I sure smell good now. Good luck and let us all know when that carton is out of the house (and car :headbang:).

3mg Meniere

Vaping Master
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Mar 24, 2013
Tomah Wisconsin
Giving smokes to people who cant afford them? IMHO if I were homeless and broke, down and out, would not being forced to quit smoking after some time actually be a positive side effect?
Given the anxiety involved in being homeless and broke, that won't work. Ever see anyone out collecting butts to harvest tobacco for RYO? Give them an education on vaping so that when they get the money, they can make the switch in a less anxious situation.


Super Member
Apr 11, 2015
Nova Scotia
Giving smokes to people who cant afford them? IMHO if I were homeless and broke, down and out, would not being forced to quit smoking after some time actually be a positive side effect?
absolutely and categorically and beyond a shadow of a doubt no it does not what it does do is have folks bumming smokes, picking up butts etc


Super Member
Apr 11, 2015
Nova Scotia
it will not happen :( but the very best thing any of the homeless shelters could do would be to give / support vaping but of course that is not going to happen and it is a whopping disservice to those in need. You can agree to attend a quit smoking group and be given boxes of gum but you cannot be counselled, educated and encouraged in the art and practice of vaping. It is annoying, frustrating and dare I say down right evil but it is the current political/social situation and the fear and mistruth spouted and the road blocks put in the way of the most vulnerable of our communities annoys and angers me to no end.


Senior Member
Jun 4, 2015
Ontario, Canada
If I can be noisy and get on my soap box, I too kept a carton for a long time thinking Im done and cant throw them out. Maybe Joe wants em, but I never gave them to him just thought it. Then after watching oprah (just kidding really), I decided to throw the carton in the burn barrel and tell everyone I knew that I quit smoking for good. The next morning after my coffee I decided to go get a pack and then realized shoot, Im going to look like a fool after telling my world that I quit and went back on it just after one night. It didnt work for long though, I bought that pack a few days later. My wife, my daughter even my dog were all disappointed with me but hey, Im a smoker. It wasnt till I found the vape shop counselor who schooled me, took my $40 and led me to the better path. Never looked back. The hardest thing for me was I got bored of juice so quickly and was constantly searching for good juice. I bought a lot of juice man and it took me almost 6 months to find just a few ones I adored. The rest is history and I sure smell good now. Good luck and let us all know when that carton is out of the house (and car :headbang:).

I hear ya @lovemytank . With me it isn't isn't keeping them for convenience. My brother has been out of town working and I was waiting for him to get back to give them to him. I felt strong enough, having my vaping, that it wouldn't matter they were here. But that little test made me realize it's best not to have them here at all in case there's another test. I don;t want to just throw them out because hey.... I paid for them and I'm on a tight budget and I hate wasting money LOL. I would rather give them to someone who will use them than just throw them out. Plus..... I know my brother.... When I give him the carton he's gonna ask why and I'm gonna tell him!!!! And I'm gonna let him know how much better I feel and all the awesome benefits I've gained from vaping instead of smoking. I'm not gonna tell him to quit... Just let him know how awesome it's been for me, which is what I did with my nephew and others and they ended up vaping LOL. Knowing my brother.... He may end up giving what's left of the carton of cigarettes to someone when he decides to start vaping :thumbs: That may be high hoping, maybe it will take him longer to do it, maybe he won't do it... But I'm an optimist.

Please don't toss your leftover cigs and RYO stuff. Donate them to a homeless shelter. The poorest seem to be the worst addicted. Same thing for your unwanted equipment. PIF.

That was my thinking as well. When I start making my own juices here I'm going to be giving quite a bit away to others to PIF all the great support I've received in this community.

Given the anxiety involved in being homeless and broke, that won't work. Ever see anyone out collecting butts to harvest tobacco for RYO? Give them an education on vaping so that when they get the money, they can make the switch in a less anxious situation.

Sadly, while not homeless (which probably makes it worse), I was a .... hoarder. That's how addicted I was. Because of being on a tight budget I knew there would be times I wouldn't be able to afford cigarettes and I was so afraid I wouldn't be able to smoke when I didn't have the money I would save all the butts from my cigarettes and keep the tobacco from them in a zip lock baggie and use it in a little pipe I have when I ran out of cigarettes. That's actually what made me decide to get my vaping gear and quit.... I was at my moms a couple of weeks before I bought my vaping gear. My brother lives with her and he keeps his butts in a big can in his room until it's full and then empties it. I had run out of cigarettes and .... tobacco and my mom caught me raiding my brothers .... can and asked what I was doing. Although mom didn't judge me, I felt so ashamed.... When I woke up the next morning I still had that feeling of shame... That's when I made the decision that as soon as I got my money at the end of the month I was buying the vaping gear and quitting. I am so glad I made that decision!
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Senior Member
Jun 4, 2015
Ontario, Canada
@Caro123 and @Rixsta you are both so right. That's why we need everyone to get on board advocating. There is indeed strength in numbers. I'm going to set up a vaping group on Facebook for our area, and also have regular face to face meetings to discuss this. I want to set up some information events and invite officials from our area health units, clinics, hospitals, private practice doctors, politicians, the media, etc.... and also invite some of the major known advocates and doctors who have done research and such. We'll have copies of all the major research and science studies that show how beneficial vaping is.
This is something every community should do. We need to fight back against all the million dollars of tobacco and drug company garbage biased studies that the public is inundated with that misleads people about vaping. The bigger the group, and the more often we get the message out the stronger we become and the faster we get the truth to the masses.


The Millionaire Vapor' The Enabler
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Apr 8, 2015
Somerset, UK
@Shipwreck , your def not on your own here, I have done it too, no need to feel ashamed, it's a very strong addiction, I used to put mine in rolling papers with a rolling tip, finger tips black from the ash, it was nice of you to share that with us though. This is what makes me so mad about these taxes and bans, they are trying to taken away the very thing that has stopped us smoking.

@Caro123 , completely agree, I usually have a link to in my sig but since the new website, I've not put it back, we all need to stand together for sure. Unbelievable the BS they are saying about vaping, I could write pages about this, just goes to show what a corrupt world we live in.
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Super Member
Jun 9, 2015
Right Here
I like your point and vape education is great but I think the statistical chances of someone in that situation to end up successfully vaping might be low. You can teach someone to fish or give them one but if it costs much money to fish then they might not ever end up catching a fish. Call me a crazy conservative but I would be more inclined to buy someone a burger which I have actually done with more than a few homeless people. You called me out so I will turn a leaf. I have a bunch of ego batteries with those awesome kanger pro mini3 tanks. I am going to give one setup with a few bottles of high nic juice to one of the unfortunately (for them) many homeless people in our area and spend some time with asking questions and training to make sure they might give it a try. I will promise to check up on them in a week and if they dig it and still have it, I will then gift them some more juice. I will update after my work is done. Im out of town this week but will be sure to update in 2 weeks. Thanks, I know this is only one try but maybe this might turn me into a vapangelist.
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