General Questions For The Veterans

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 2, 2013
Indianapolis, IN, USA
To start off I guess I am somewhat of a rookie/newbie at this because I have only been doing this for about 2 maybe 2.5 months. But in the same sense in that time frame I have learned a lot. Especially from those of you who have helped me by answering my questions here. As a matter of fact I have referred a lot of people to ECF who are beginners just for that reason. You guys have been awesome. HOWEVER I do have some more questions. Some may be stupid ones but there is something that I was told long ago that I use as one of the rules of life. "The stupidest question you could ever ask is the question that you don't ask".

I posted a thread yesterday about "Best E-Liquids". I got some great responses but when they told me where to go to get the juices they used abbreviations instead of the actual company names or web addresses. Please forgive me if I sound stupid or moronic about this. I am on some new pain meds for my shoulder that I started today and all I can say is WOW. Talk about the walls liquifying and the dogs actually talking. So if this just rambles on and on please bare with me...

I do have some serious questions about E-juices and equipment. I have tried to talk to someone at my local Vape shop here in Indy but the only one that will talk to you is this blonde chick who is a know-it-all, has a bad attitude, says that she may not always be right but she is never wrong. sells you the juice strength that SHE thinks you need and not what you want. She doesnt even explain the equipment to you.

I will be most grateful if you can give the full name of the shop/store so I can google them or list their website.

Juices: Since I have quit the analogs my taste buds have gone completely nuts. HAYWIRE you might say. Who has the best tasting juices? I have been told to try Halo, Mr. Vape, The Vapor Room, and Vape Dudes. The local vape shop here has some good flavors but they arent strong enough. I love the fruit flavors such as Strawberry, Pineapple, Cherry, Black Cherry, Peach, Grape, etc, etc. My favorit drink flavor is Pina Coloda however the juice I have of this you cant taste the pineapple. My favorite desert so far is the Apple pie and Cinnamon Rolls. I do want to try others such as Orange Cream, Chocolate, Blue berry pie, etc, etc, etc. I would also like to find a good Cigar juice. Although I have never smoked a cigar in my life I do love the aroma that they produce. I would also love to find a good tobbaco flavor. Now all of the juices I have have lost their punch taste wise and I dont know why. I have only had them for 2 months and I have them store at room temp in the Vapor Docking Station I built.

On the juices I ordered some from My Freedom Smokes. I ordered the Black Cherry 24MG and the Carolina Tobacco 24MG. I mixed the Carolina with a juice I have called USA Mix and it came out pretty nice. The Black Cherry started out really good. Tasted like a Tootsie Roll Tootsie pop but then it had a medicine taste to it and it still does. MFS sent me a sample of their US Light 38MG. I thought to myself "Cool Deal". They said it was very close to a Marlboro Light. I put it in my Clearomizer (Tube). Took the first hit off of it and it tasted horrible. I took 2 more hits and I got real light headed and my heart began to race and kept that up for about an hour. I immediately discontinued it.

I have tried looking up the ratio between 6MGs, 12MGs, 18MGs, 24MGs, 36MGs and 48MGs and what is in Marlboro light nicotine wise. I have seen some sites stating that 24MGs as Very High, 18MGs as High, 12MGs as Medium.... I still have yet to find out the Nicotine Ratio for Marlboro Lights or Mediums. Can anyone help out with this?

Equipment: I have the EGO-C Twist with 650 Battery. I am using the CE4 and CE5 Clearomizer (tube). I do prefer to use the 1.8OHMs Atomizer for the TH and taste however I cant use the 1.8 on one of the two because the Atomizer is not long enough. I am getting frustrated with both of the CE4 and CE5 because sometimes it doest get messy (not to bad) when filling the tube. What kind of other clearomizers can I use with the EGO-C Twist that would benefit me more? I do plan on upgrading my battery to a 1100 or 1300. The blonde at the local vape shop here was using a battery about the size of a toilet paper roll in length and around. I asked her how long did that last her before she had to charge it. She said about 3 days. I told her that I wanted one. Her exact words to me were "Judging on how I was dressed that I probably couldnt offord it and since I was new to vaping that I wasnt experienced enough to use it" This not only ...... me off but it ...... off about half of the customers there and they walked out with me. What she doesnt know is that I have enough money to buy her, use her, re-sell her and can with stand the loss of profit LMAO....

On a good note: As most of you know I have built my own Vapor Docking Station out of wood. No kit was used. I will be getting the materials later this week to build 2 more but these to are gonna be a little bigger and more extravagant. Me being a musician I am gonna use an idea I have. One will have a big mirror on the back wall, a huge 4 level stage, a dance floor base, and lights. The 4 level stage will be for Juice storage, Clearomizer storage, Battery charging (with cord running in from the back, Will have 3 doors - 2 in front and on on top, the 2 front doors will be for storage of extra cords and atomizers and etc, etc, etc... This will be sanded with a cherry finish. The other one will be exactly the same without the mirror. Now I plan on keeping the one without the mirror for myself but IF the one with the mirror turns out the way I want it to I may part with it. When I am done with them I will post pics. Now here is the kicker of this. These will be built 75% one handed. I lost most of the use of my right hand, arm and shoulder due to Blowing my shoulder out last year. have had 2 surgical attempts to repair but no luck. The next surgery is a full and total replacement in 4 yrs. Its bad enough that I have to retire at the age of 45.

One more good note and I will sign off. I have been analog free for 2 months and 1 week. That is 2,600 analogs at $806.00. I put what I would spend on a carton of analogs a week in a jar every week. This week-end I took $403.00 of that and took my 9 yr. old daughter to the opening day of the Indiana State Fair. We had a blast. I had fun watching her and she had the ultimate fun. She didnt have to wait on daddy to smoke a real cigarette, nor did she have to wait on me to catch my breath or hit my inhaler which I have only had to hit 3 times this month due to high humidity.

OK I am done LOL... I do appreciate everyone's response. Again I am very sorry that this so long. I did not mean to write a book... I am just seeking some answers..

Thank you so much for your support.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
Hey Radar! That was quite a ramble, but we all get to a rambling once in awhile.

One thing I learned fairly early on is the nicotine in cigarettes and the nicotine in vapor seldom equate. As an example my sister smoked a very mild, lower nic, cigarette and I smoked a very robust, high nic, cigarette and at this moment she vapes almost twice the mg/ml in her juice that I do. Granted, I started higher than her, but she went up and I went down as we went along our vaping journeys. I'd suggest putting nic numbers of cigs right out of your head and just remember the mg/ml that works for you and then getting that one again. Throw those low/med/high things in the trashcan even quicker as it is the mg/ml that should concern you and not someone's arbitrary scale of low-to-high.

Looking to find good flavored juice? Come to one of the vape meets that the Hoosier Vapers club hosts or one they help a B&M shop promote. There is always a bunch of juice to try. (Be sure to bring a dripping atty so you can try all the different ones.) The next meet is being hosted by the club in Fort Wayne, so less than 2 hours of driving, for most areas of Indy, will take you to a free event where there will be a table of juices to sample from a number of vendors. Heck, a couple of juice vendors will be there just hanging out. They won't be selling anything, but they will be giving stuff away. I know of no other way to sample as many juices for the $ as a meet. There are always vapers there too who are usually more than willing to pass along their knowledge. There is a link in my signature to the club's website and details, like the address and time it starts on 8/10/13, are there.

Hopefully the above helped some...
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