GGTS knockoff to the max!

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Feb 27, 2013
Toronto, Ontario
I´m just new in the GG Buisness:)dont forget the bad Karma if you buy any Clone....hehehe

Best wishes from a litte GG-FanBoy:D

OH Yeah! And simply forget about all that BS about any bad Karma for dumping on all those poor pathetic POOR people who - hahahah can't stop laughing they're soo pathetic! - don't have enough $#$$ to spend on the cool, expensive, BEST stuff WE all have.

Sarcastic mode off: now let me rip you all (some anyway) a new one; Out of the way first, Imeo is an artist & his contribution to the vaping World is superlative. That said, if any of you can convince me that your attitude is not elitist, I welcome you to try. Before you go tapaptapatap, think on this: Not.Everyone.Can.Afford.High.End.Gear.

Let me break it down for you even more; 98% of the people in the world are poor & could not afford one of Imeo's products, or another high end Company if they saved up for a year. Furthermore, it's because it isn't just the initial 300 buck dump; it's all the peripherals, Delivery System maintenance & on & on....etc.

What did you say? Did I just hear the whir inside your head saying that "Pfft! Well, if they're dirt poor we don't want them vaping...let them choke on cigarettes!!!" If that's what sped thru your mind, shame on you!

I proudly own a KTS Storm & it's because: 1 I can't afford Imeo's products; 2 after more than half a year of vaping I was ready to move past egos, clearos & "electricos" (had to make it rhyme) to something of a more purist sensibility. It took me 3 months of saving just to be able to buy a low end mechanical, but I did my best to get the most bang for my buck, & I'm very happy with my KTS. SO much so that I've started putting away bills under a part of my mattress designated: U can pick once U have the $$$!"
It'll be about a year before I have enough $ to make my decision &, after about a year I'll also have learned enough to 1- Choose well what I want; 2 - Know enough to use it wisely & well & 3- appreciate what I will receive once that day arrives. Because when I get a High End Mech, I won't have the luxury of making too serious a mistake cuz I won't be able to afford to make them.

Not all of us can afford the real thing, & as the ageless saying goes, Imitation is the highest Form of Flattery I'll add: "Buying Imitation is the Highest, if slightly suspect, form of combined worship & Envy"

However sometimes it's also The Only Form of Survival. Not all of us live in Floating Glass Castles, priviliged to feel God's raiments occasionally brush the tip of our hairs.
'Nuff said.

Blissful Clouds of Vapor 2 Us All & 2 All of Us A Great Vape!!!
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Senior Member
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Jan 30, 2013
I am very sorry you felt the need to write this.
I can't speak for everyone else, but most likely most of us realize that you are 100% right. Also most of us realize that all that's said has to be taken with a grain of salt, and is not meant to hurt anybody, poor of rich. As adults we should be able to make a joke here and there, enjoy our self's, and hopefully not get carried away, thinking we are being attacked.
Working long days, trying to provide and saving many months for one of the high end mods, I know what it is to work extra for what I like.
Not everyone has the willingness or opportunity to make some dreams come through. I see some of us with many mods and some with none at all. But no matter what someone else has, says or thinks, I'm happy with what I got and wouldn't trade with anybody in the world. That's living!

To all a great night.:beer:

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD


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Feb 27, 2013
Toronto, Ontario
I am very sorry you felt the need to write this.

Because I felt it needed to be said. I have the greatest admiration for the imagination, creativity, artistry & all the various skills going into the design, implementation & production of Original high end Mech Mods. I love them. And you're spot on t getting what you want is about setting priorities & the will & discipline to put aside for what you dream of having. The big point here is that even someone like me, who will have to save up for close to a year for a GG or Super T ELA, am privileged compared to many many many who either have to save up for a long time just to get a "knockoff" (AKA: GG Clone or some-such, the empire clone K100...etc) or can't afford any period.

My point is that there is without a doubt a place for these clones & every GG owner should be flattered & even grateful that less fortunate ppl are able to at least have a small taste of what they have full on full stop. IN a way, they should feel privileged (in a good way) & grateful that they're able to afford the Real Thing, instead of slinging mud at ppl who can't.

OK, now as far as being able to "make a joke", bang on wooptididooda Yah Homer give it to me right in my peepers, but as far as I could see, well, I must admit if there were any jokes here, I must have missed cuz I didn't see it. What can I say? I'll have another look & if you guys were just simply "taking the piss out", I'll have tro see about getting my sense of humor upgraded.

I can't speak for everyone else, but most likely most of us realize that you are 100% right.


To all a great night.:beer


Happy Vapin' Everyone! :vapor:
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Jan 30, 2013
I think you hit the nail on the head.
Many of us are from different parts of the world. Different cultures have a different sense of humor and give a different meaning to words.
I see it at work and at home everyday. Here in the states the sense of humor is so totally different then where I from in Holland.
People are easily offended over here and a lot softer when it comes to there feelings in general.
Over time I learned to hold my tongue, sugar coat just about everything and move on.
Again, not everybody is the same, and we all respond different in some way or another.
The clone war is mainly against the manufactures, and not so much against the buyers, as far as I'm concerned.

Posts that are not to my liking, I just ignore, I choose not to participate, to confront them, because honestly, I just don't have the time or willingness to do it.

Hopefully we all can get along, but most likely more comments are made in the future that will cause a reaction.

Time for a vape!
Live and let live!


Howdy Y'All
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Aug 10, 2012
Bradenton, Florida
To me it's about the manufactures telling lies about who's design it is and not giving credit where it is due, and people who buy the clones forming a opinion of the real thing based on experience created with a badly made clone.

Yea these Politicaly correct fruits in this country can't handle a bit of brutal honesty or anything that might be remotely true.



Full Member
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May 12, 2013
To me it's about the manufactures telling lies about who's design it is and not giving credit where it is due, and people who buy the clones forming a opinion of the real thing based on experience created with a badly made clone.


Thumps Up !

I´m proud to get one of the GG Products. I´m using it the whole day. It´s not only a beautifull "Art-Thing" for me that stand in the Livingroom. It´s an finest Vaping Machine.
Yes, i´m happy that i could buy GG Products but i work very hard to earn money so i could buy these things.
If anyone got those great ideas to build those Stuff, he earned my respect.
I´m using an k100 CLone of the EmpireMod....Bad Karma for me:)...but i didnt know that this was an Clone. I will buy the EmpireMod as soon as possible too.

Just my 2 Cents:).

Vape on and Greetings from Germany


Super Member
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Apr 17, 2013
Alameda, CA
clones make us famous and customers poorer Long. Its good for GG users and bad for the non GG users. The solution is to make more units and thats exactly what I did this time.

True words Imeo. I was made poorer by the clones. I missed some other good things because of it.
The only good thing: my troubles have made me loyal to Greek designers, and everything has been better since then.
So now, my wallet is still empty, but what else do I need when I'm just sitting enjoying a terrific vape?

I'm afraid Ithaka is not in my budget in this pre-order (ending). At this time buying a couple Mods worthy of Ithaka happened first (whoop whoop Atmomixani). I will be with you Imeo 100% next batch. I wish I could ask you to stash one in the garden for me, but it wouldn't be fair to the people who have waited.

My biggest wish for you at this time is to hope you are not feeling too much stress, as the whole world has demands of you now.

Right now, I am home for a long time, to recover from a work-related injury. I'm not looking for sympathy, but I want to say my friends in Greece have been VERY GOOD FRIENDS during my recovery. Today my joy comes from hearing from you Imeo. Thanks again.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 13, 2009
Athens, Hellas
Thats true Long. Too many copies out there. The worse part is exactly what you said. Not only they dont give credits to the manufacturer but they try to convince people that the design is theirs. And the worse part is that I have seen clones named GGTS and also the site warns people to not buy anything else than the original (that is theirs) lol
To me it's about the manufactures telling lies about who's design it is and not giving credit where it is due, and people who buy the clones forming a opinion of the real thing based on experience created with a badly made clone.

Yea these Politicaly correct fruits in this country can't handle a bit of brutal honesty or anything that might be remotely true.



Super Member
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Apr 17, 2013
Alameda, CA
Yea these Politicaly correct fruits in this country can't handle a bit of brutal honesty or anything that might be remotely true.
I KNOW! What the heck? It's making the kids act funny. I just have to button my lip around all the parents lately. I'm not one who's OK sheltering the kids from reality until they turn 21, then just turn 'em loose all stupid.

Lately I've just been getting along better with Europeans. I don't know why.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 13, 2009
Athens, Hellas
I am very glad about your recovery upset my friend, you have my best wishes.:)
If you cant affort GG products then you do well by buying other mods. GG series is not expensive but not cheap too. The reason is that they are made after a very long thought and many parts. I dont charge as much as other modders do because if I do that then GG series would be extremely expensive. I am always trying to satisfy my people with best constructions and prices at the same time
True words Imeo. I was made poorer by the clones. I missed some other good things because of it.
The only good thing: my troubles have made me loyal to Greek designers, and everything has been better since then.
So now, my wallet is still empty, but what else do I need when I'm just sitting enjoying a terrific vape?

I'm afraid Ithaka is not in my budget in this pre-order (ending). At this time buying a couple Mods worthy of Ithaka happened first (whoop whoop Atmomixani). I will be with you Imeo 100% next batch. I wish I could ask you to stash one in the garden for me, but it wouldn't be fair to the people who have waited.

My biggest wish for you at this time is to hope you are not feeling too much stress, as the whole world has demands of you now.

Right now, I am home for a long time, to recover from a work-related injury. I'm not looking for sympathy, but I want to say my friends in Greece have been VERY GOOD FRIENDS during my recovery. Today my joy comes from hearing from you Imeo. Thanks again.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 13, 2009
Athens, Hellas
Just great D4 my friend:)
Thumps Up !

I´m proud to get one of the GG Products. I´m using it the whole day. It´s not only a beautifull "Art-Thing" for me that stand in the Livingroom. It´s an finest Vaping Machine.
Yes, i´m happy that i could buy GG Products but i work very hard to earn money so i could buy these things.
If anyone got those great ideas to build those Stuff, he earned my respect.
I´m using an k100 CLone of the EmpireMod....Bad Karma for me:)...but i didnt know that this was an Clone. I will buy the EmpireMod as soon as possible too.

Just my 2 Cents:).

Vape on and Greetings from Germany


Super Member
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Apr 17, 2013
Alameda, CA
Today, I saw the Penelope clone. The worst thing is the vendor seems to name a bigger price every time a new clone is introduced. I don't want to say it, but it's GREEDY.

This is a vendor I have been loyal to, due to fast shipping and good customer service; who has even done a couple favors for me...
But having thought long and hard, and reading/listening to many of you, I for one will begin my boycott today. There are plenty of alternatives.

I just realized I'm always treated well on the sell... but left holding the bag after delivery. Basically, I raised the issue of product support in conversation, and all that was returned was dead silence.


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Jun 8, 2012
Long Beach, California
I have been vaping for a year this month. I have wanted and saved for a GGTS for about 8 months.I am on every list there is to purchase a GGTS hell I have had the cash to buy one for 6 months. I refuse to pay well over retail to acquire a used GGTS so what did I do? I dropped almost 400 on my Precise ELA's. The cloning issue has to do with money to a certain extent, but the other end of it has to do with availability. I would gladly give up one of my ELA's and throw down whatever else I had to to own one. But I have a sneaking feeling even if I had the cash I'd still be GGTS less lol
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Senior Member
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Jan 30, 2013
You are absolutely right and Imeo has acknowledged many times that availability is a problem.
To all a great evening. :toast:

Forgot to mention that Imeo is doing his best increasing production. I believe he recently contracted a second machineshop. (or a bigger one)

I have been vaping for a year this month. I have wanted and saved for a GGTS for about 8 months.I am on every list there is to purchase a GGTS hell I have had the cash to buy one for 6 months. I refuse to pay well over retail to acquire a used GGTS so what did I do? I dropped almost 400 on my Precise ELA's. The cloning issue has to do with money to a certain extent, but the other end of it has to do with availability. I would gladly give up one of my ELA's and throw down whatever else I had to to own one. But I have a sneaking feeling even if I had the cash I'd still be GGTS less lol
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Ultra Member
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Jun 1, 2012
I have been vaping for a year this month. I have wanted and saved for a GGTS for about 8 months.I am on every list there is to purchase a GGTS hell I have had the cash to buy one for 6 months. I refuse to pay well over retail to acquire a used GGTS so what did I do? I dropped almost 400 on my Precise ELA's. The cloning issue has to do with money to a certain extent, but the other end of it has to do with availability. I would gladly give up one of my ELA's and throw down whatever else I had to to own one. But I have a sneaking feeling even if I had the cash I'd still be GGTS less lol
There will be some available soon


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 26, 2013
Yucatan, Mexico
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 29, 2012
Oregon, IL
Imeo your designs are absolutely excellent. You have given me a great consistent vape with your atomizer design. Unfortunately I don't have the money to purchase an authentic odessyus; If I did I would. I have a tobecco oddy clone, a copy of your genius design and I love it. it just works so good, because it's based on your design. Thanks imeo!!
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