Grrrrrrr! Why does ordering cartos have to be so darn hard! A little help here please?

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Jan 18, 2013
I like tanks and have ordered quite a few over the last 6 months. I need three different types of cartos and I can't find them all in one place to save my life. Why doesn't one of these vendors buy enough cartos of different types to claim they are the "one stop shop for cartos".

This is what I need. If anyone can tell me who sells all these cartos in one place I will be forever grateful.
I need:
45mm LR/dual coil prepunched flanged cartos
35mm LR prepunched flanged cartos, dual coil preferred but not necessary(I don't want to ask for to much)
35mm LR prepunched carto. Again dual coil would be nice but I would settle for single coil.

No one I know of sells all of the. Why? I'm not picky about brand I just don't want to buy this small amount of stuff from two different vendors. I order all my juice from HHV and they've been out of cartos for a while now. Why? Are they hard to get? It's what I vape their juice out of, they should always have them. Sure you might run out on occasion but they have been out for a couple months. I sent an email and asked why and they responded and said their vendor had them on back order. So what, go to another vendor. Grrrrrr, I still love HHV and will always order their juice but get some cartos for god sake. Ok, rant over.


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ECF Veteran
Mar 23, 2013
Atlanta Ga.
Sorry I can't help you with a specific question, but as far as finding a one-stop-shop vendor...good luck with that. And I don't mean that in a condescending way. Unless you stick with the most basic and popular equipment, forever and ever amen, one-stop-shops will be as elusive as Bigfoot. Just not as blurry and out of focus. :)

Edit: I see your question was answered while I was typing a reply. So there's some egg on my face. :blush:
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