Has anyone had their lungs xrayed (vaping)

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2013
This sounds really interesting. Did he ever publish a report? I'd be interested to read it, and also look into what controls were used. It's clear he used a lethal type influenza, but I'm wondering what conditions were present because certain viruses and chemicals confer an early immune response leading to survival.

Hi smalltwig,

Yes. I have the original here (and a couple of others):

Effect of Propylene Glycol Aerosol on Air-Borne Virus of Influenza A

"propylene glycol" inhalation influenza - Google Scholar

and some other info:

O. H. (Oswald Hope) Robertson Papers :: American Philosophical Society


CASAA Activist
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To answer the base question, yes. I had bronchitis and lungs were X-rayed in January and follow-up done in February.


HISTORY: 67-year-old for followup abnormality at right lung base.

COMPARISON: 01/04/2013.

FINDINGS: PA and lateral views of chest were obtained. Lungs are
clear. Cardiomediastinal silhouette and pulmonary vascularity are
within normal limits. No abnormality within the right lower lobe.

Not bad, considering the fact that I smoked for 45 years. As you can see below, I quit inhaling smoke March 27, 2009.
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ECF Guru
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Jul 12, 2012
USA midwest
Vocalek, how many base radiographs did you have of your lungs while you were smoking?
Or was your base xray only taken during an episode of bronchitis?

I think it would be rather irresponsible to say that because I'm not coughing anymore (from cigs) that no cellular or other damage is taking place, if that is not being measured and evaluated in some truly scientific way?

Aren't there about 20 different actual causes of interstitial lung disease? Including exposures......to chemicals, medications, etc. ---- not just cigarette smoke?

…"the researchers found that the propylene glycol itself was a potent germicide. One part of glycol in 2,000,000 parts of air would—within a few seconds—kill concentrations of air-suspended pneumococci, streptococci and other bacteria numbering millions to the cubic foot. Dr. Robertson placed groups of mice in a chamber and sprayed its air first with propylene glycol, then with influenza virus. All the mice lived. Then he sprayed the chamber with virus alone. All the mice died.
Medicine: Toward Victory - TIME "

For how long were they exposed to inhaling PG on a regular basis? a month? a year? a decade?

To prevent colds, Pediatrician Joseph Stokes Jr. and Dr. Tzvee N. Harris used propylene glycol vapor (TIME, Nov. 16, 1942) last winter to spray the air of six wards containing 105 children at the Children’s Seashore House in Atlantic City. While the wards were being sprayed, three children came down with colds. While the wards were unsprayed, 79 got colds.

How much air to PG ratio were the children breathing? Spray isn't very concentrated. Were they subjected to spray, directly, repeatedly, and over a long period of time?

Some of the science here is beginning to bother me, guys. I haven't been sick in 6 years, and I''m sure it's becasue I take a drop of oregano oil everyday. A neighbor who says she "cured herself" of Lymes Disease by eating a lot of garlic.

But-----For me, Anecdote just isn't Science. ;)
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2013
Since I have a very personal and selfish interest in my husbands health and because I have yet to be satisfied or convinced with Doctors suggestions and opinions from the ALA et al I have taken it upon myself to try and "get to the facts" and weed out the confusing and harmful erroneous statements often found in non scientific opinion. There is a wealth of information that I have found (smalltwig you may find this helpful). Bottom line is that in the absence of anything helpful after 15 years worth of suffering and trying everything suggested by Doctors, my husband says he feels better after only a short time of vaping high concentrations of PG....that's good enough for me. I thank all those who strive to keep this forum the informative site that it is. I came here because I tried an e cig and discovered that I no longer wanted to smoke. I have since discovered much more useful and helpful info:D



CASAA Activist
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Vocalek, how many base radiographs did you have of your lungs while you were smoking?
Or was your base xray only taken during an episode of bronchitis?

I can only recall two x-rays taken of my chest when I was a smoker. I was somewhere in my 20s when the first one was taken. As he was looking at the film, the doctor said, "I thought you told me you smoked." I affirmed that. Then he told me that my lungs were as clear as those of a non-smoker. He did warn me that they might not stay that way if I continued to smoke.

I had another chest X-ray while I was still in the hospital after I gave birth. Was never told why nor was anything mentioned about the results. This was most uncomfortable because my milk was starting to come in and I was told to press my chest against the plate (ouch!). Later on I got to wondering whether ordering the test was just a way to jack up the bill. There was no medical reason to do so that I know of.

In the case that I reported above, there was never a "base chest x-ray" taken. It seems that these days, they don't X-ray your chest as part of a well-visit check-up, because radiation is cumulative. In fact, I read recently that women who are treated for breast cancer with radiation are experiencing heart problems due to the fact that the heart was exposed to the radiation.

In the case I reported on, they did the chest X-ray because I had bronchitis that had not cleared up after a round of antibiotics. They ordered a second X-ray because the first one showed something that looked abnormal and they wanted to make sure that there wasn't something more serious than bronchitis going on. The bronchitis had cleared up after a round of steroids.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2013
Vocalek, how many base radiographs did you have of your lungs while you were smoking?
Or was your base xray only taken during an episode of bronchitis?

I think it would be rather irresponsible to say that because I'm not coughing anymore (from cigs) that no cellular or other damage is taking place, if that is not being measured and evaluated in some truly scientific way?

Aren't there about 20 different actual causes of interstitial lung disease? Including exposures......to chemicals, medications, etc. ---- not just cigarette smoke?


For how long were they exposed to inhaling PG on a regular basis? a month? a year? a decade?

How much air to PG ratio were the children breathing? Spray isn't very concentrated. Were they subjected to spray, directly, repeatedly, and over a long period of time?

Some of the science here is beginning to bother me, guys. I haven't been sick in 6 years, and I''m sure it's becasue I take a drop of oregano oil everyday. A neighbor who says she "cured herself" of Lymes Disease by eating a lot of garlic.

But-----For me, Anecdote just isn't Science. ;)

The studies referred to are posted by me in a later post, I believe all the info you are looking for is in there.


Full Member
Jan 23, 2009
Southeast U.S.
I've had CT scans for lung cancer screening seven times since about 2002. I started that by entering the national clinical trial that enrolled 50,000 older smokers to determine if screening could reduce lung cancer mortality (it does). After the three annual scans as part of the trial I continued getting scans on my own, because I smoked for over 50 years.

I smoked until August 2010, so I've been scanned both as a current smoker and a nonsmoker. None of the scans ever found anything except an early one that detected a little (symptomless) pneumonia.


Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
To answer the base question, yes. I had bronchitis and lungs were X-rayed in January and follow-up done in February.

Not bad, considering the fact that I smoked for 45 years. As you can see below, I quit inhaling smoke March 27, 2009.

I'll give you a five day early :toast: :toast: on your fourth year anniversary. I Just crossed three years on Feb 15th. Never thought it was possible.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
A PFT (pulmonary function test) is a better indicator of "short" terms effects of vaping on the functionality of your lungs vs. an chest x-ray if you had a baseline done before you quit smoking to compare to. Especially if you had abnormalities that reflected COPD.
I had a spirometry test done 17 months after I quit smoking and started vaping.
Unfortunately I didn't get one before I started vaping.

Anyway, my lung function was better than 100%

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