Helios and nemesis clone?

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So I'm close to pulling the trigger on a nemesis mod from hcigar. I wanted to buy a new rda to put on top of it, and have been lookin at the helios. I really like the look of those two together, and it seems that the helios is a great rda. My only problem is that the helios has a diameter of 23mm whereas the nem's is 22mm. So I looked into a hybrid adaptor kit for the nemesis and even found a picture of the helios on top of a nemmy, but it appeared to be flush. I was just wondering if the helios would extend further out than the nemesis. I don't want a muffin-top mod... Please help explain if this adaptor kit will help and/or if I even need it!

Thanks Vapors

ps, here's the hybrid adaptor kit, with the picture of the nemmy and helios flush in ss.
Nemesis Hybrid Adapter for RDA RBA Kayfun | eBay
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