hello all newbie here.

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Jul 17, 2011
have quit smokeing normal ciggys for about 8 months, baught the v2 starter kit both me and my roomate stoped at the same time. she has totaly quit and dont even vape anymore, i still vape all the time but feel 1000 times better now than i did before. i have the kr808's been useing the same thing since i quit smokeing. getting to where would like to try something different and see what other type of vapeing devices are out there. anyhow just wanted to say hello to all and say im new.


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Jul 17, 2011
thank you guys, really trying to find out as much as i can on the e tank system, not sure if thats what i want to get into or not, still trying to figure them out. the 808s have been great and have 8 of them that run great, also use the clearomizers i believe there called and system works great, but want to also try out new stuff as well. any input on the tank systems would help a lot. thanks again.


Vaping Master
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Dec 28, 2010
What is it about the KR808 that seems to be missing for you? Pinpoint that and maybe we can help you find a pv you might like.

If you're happy with that setup, just experiment with juices. If there's something you don't like about it- maybe battery life or draw or TH we can suggest something else.

How much do you want to spend. How much do you vape/smoke?


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Jul 17, 2011
i do vape allot, the extra long batteries are manual, they last a few hours at most, i have tried a bunch of different juices flux, bwb, dtwvapors and a bunch of others. i like a sweet tasting e juice but just cant seam to find what I'm looking for. the v2 red juice i loved but cant buy it in a e juice, dfw had something really close but its gone now and there new juice i cant stand , 4 bottles of it and haven't opened 3 of them , the other has one refill out of it. don't like the nutty taste at all. bwb i had allot of luck with till i changed over to the clearomizers, not sure if i got a bad batch or not but the last order was way to thick i think and it will plug up a normal carto in no time at all , little as one refill, and clean them once a week. so though they were bad and bought new ones, same thing plugs up way to fast, so bought the clearomizers, they also are hard to get any vape out of. it may be the juice I'm not sure. other e juices such as coffee , blueberry and others are fine with the kr808's but still don't get that hard hit out of them. kinda want something that gives you a really hard hit once in a wile. also like the sweet taste of the v2 cowboy or red now. and also like the taste of the bwb hunters blend. not sure if that helps or not.


Vaping Master
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Dec 28, 2010
I started vaping with an ego and it's pretty perfect for me. It delivered on battery life, easy draw and great throat hit.
Batteries last 7+ hours and you can use many types of juice delivery systems with it. You can use cartomizers, you can use cart/atty, dual coil cartomizers, clearomizers, echo-e big cartomizers.

I started with the basic ego from Liberty Flights. I got the joye but the Riva is the same thing but $10 cheaper. Since that time, and it's only been 7 months many things have come on the market. There are bigger battery models, e-power models, tons of options.

Here are some options for the ego (which is what I have)

Liberty Flights has the ego for $29.99
E-Liquid and Electronic Cigarette Shop - Category Listings
Mad Vapes has the Mega ego with DCC for about $45
MadVapes 510 Ego Mega Dual Coil Cartomizer Kit
Mad Vapes has the epower for under $50
E-Power Replacable Battery kit!
Hoosier has the KGo with 1100 mah batteries for $45 and they have an epower
eGo 1100 mAh 2 battery kit

Bill in the Suppliers section has an echo, igo and echo-e for $45 (I'll get you the link).

There are tons of other options, mods etc. I'm not familiar with them so hopefully someone else can help you with that.
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