Hello all vapers

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Aug 18, 2015
Hello, i just subscribed to the forums, i'm been vaping (and going back to rolled cigarettes, then vaping, then cigs...) since 2010.
I started with my first eGo + cartomizer, then moved up to an Innokin Taste SVD which i still use, but not so much because i lost my favourite rba (a cheap chinese Kayfun clone which worked wonderfully) , and since then i've been trying using my Kanger protank but without success.
I tried also an original kayfun lite, but i find it is tasting of metal way too much, while the kanger protank coil heads they always burn :/

So now i'm waiting for a an aspire triton to try with the 1.8 coil heads on the SVD, and thinking to buy a TC mod, probably a dna 200 or this new Innokin TC mod which should be out soon... but i still don't know.

I hope the triton will satisfy me because i want to smoke less real cigs.
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