Hello and a queston about Ego batteries

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New Member
Nov 18, 2011
Central Illinois
I've been lurking here since November

Smoked my last Kool on the Wed before Thanksgiving

Started with 510s - Have moved to Eqo and 510 tanks

The Ego T starter kit I purchased came with the Battery Pictured on the left

I ordered a spare and received the one on the right

Obviously, the connectors are different and the replacement would not work with the Ego T attys from the kit

The vendor sent me a spare identical to the one from the stater kit and did not ask for the "different" one back

I was using this one with 510 tanks - Worked great

I then ordered a small Ego C starter kit - tank, cone and atty only

That one will only work on the "different" battery, not the battery received with my original Ego T stater kit

So, I'm wondering what I really received as an Ego T stater kit

As you see, the "different" batter is labeled Ego T - The starter kit battery has no label

Thanks for any insight

This place has been very informative



Moved On
Feb 13, 2012
  • Deleted by Elendil
  • Reason: masking/potential supplier affiliation
You can try use egot battery combine with egoc atomizer, I diy it myself

I would try that, or call the supplier and make sure they sent the right battery. Is it defiantly different connections? I know sometimes on my egos I have to move the contacts between the 510 and atty/carto for them to make contact.
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