Hello from WNY!

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Moved On
Sep 10, 2014
Jamestown, NY,USA
Hello everybody.

I'm new to vaping. Only been doing it for about 3 weeks. However, I haven't had a single analog cig in that whole time. :) I've progressed quite quickly, though. Started with an Innokin INNO eGo and a couple of disposable tanks. Then, as my juice collection got bigger, I tried some generic colored cleromizers with an adjustable air flow. Then, I got a couple of Aspire BDCs, and loved them. Still top of my favorites list. Ordered some tanks from China, and accidentally got drippers. In the last week or two, I've bought an MVP V2, an Aspire Nautilus Mini, a KangerTech Aerotank mini, and an itaste 134. My local shop was cool enough to let me swap out the iClear 30 tank for a Kanger Protank II. I don't like iClears, or any top coil. Too warm and harsh for my tastes.

Anyhow, just wanted to say hi. Looking forward to participating!
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