Hello I'm new here :)

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2011
Tampa Area, FL
Good luck in your search. I have no clue about the regulations in Singapore, but I do know that as you continue to post here (4 more posts I believe) you will be able to access other parts of the forum, including international areas.

As for what to try.....individual preference. You might get 5 different people tell you 5 different thing. Does not mean one is necessarily better than the other, but instead is better for that person. I went with the Ego-T Type B with 900 mAh batteries. Just started this past Friday after 27 years of smoking.....have not had one since starting the e-cig.

Read as much as you can. Research. Watch videos. Figure out what is best for you, then vape AWAY!!!


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Sep 30, 2011
MY opinion: Get an Ego-t (kit), Get 1 atty (atimizor), and a 5 pack of cartos (look for a site with a sample pack)(get extra) and a drip tip

your ego-t battery will be a manual battery (press to produce vapor) it will come with 5 tanks, two tank atty's, charger, wall plug in, and maybe some juice. first thing you do is get your battery and charge it up, get your 510 cartomizor and screw it on the battery and vape!

Each carto should last you about a day, and youll wonder why i recommend the ego-t with all that other stuff. Cartos do it for alot of people, some people get bored or just aren't satisfied. Get your 510 atty and a drip tip, and drip 3 drops of juice right on the atty and put the drip tip on and vape! or fill your tank up with juice pop it into the tank atty and vape! There will be so much stuff to do and try that you won't even think about cigs.
Also don't think you need all that stuff to carry around, just bring a carto or two and a full battery and it will last a full day of pretty frequent vaping.
If you go to AltSmoke.com they have a ego-t kit and you can get 5ml bottles of a couple diffrent juice (nuport Highly recommended) and all the stuff mentioned for like 90$ or something and they ship pretty quick
Let me know if you have any questions!!
Welcome to vaping!
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