Hello. New here & to ecigs. Warnings for smokeless tobacco

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 3, 2012
Hello. I have been lurking here a couple of days and thought I might as well join. It's been 2 days since my last real cig. Been puffing on a cheapy mistic. It has kept me some what sane. I read some posts regarding chew. Five years ago I switched to smokeless had pneumonia and couldn't breathe. Thought chewing would help me quit. Little did I know one dip has the nic level of 4 &1/2 cigs! The pain when I tried to quit was way worse than smokes. Two months ago I went back to smoking. 1 pack a day couldn't hold off the withdrawls. It felt like I was being stabbed with needles all over my body. Plus my teeth hurt like hades. Now I will get off my soap box 8^) Thank you for this site. It has been cool to get info on ecigs.


Moved On
Apr 30, 2012
Cedar Springs GA

Congrats on quitting the habit! Your first couple days will always be the hardest. Just remember, try your hardest to keep yourself busy, drink alot of water, and vape like crazy! :vapor: If you feel the vaping is not doing its job its probably because you need a higher strength of nicotine. The company I just started using is called A1 Vapors. They're pretty darn good, they have a whole lot of flavors to choose from and after doing my research they offer the best prices. But hang in there! I promise you it gets easier and easier every day!


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Sep 3, 2012
United States
Welcome to the community! I hope that vaping can be as useful for you as I have found it. I smoked analogs for nearly a decade, but got off of them when I started vaping about 2 and a half years ago. I would recommend getting into it a bit, try a variance of the different methods (atomizers vs. cartomizers vs. Tanks, etc.) This can help work at taking your mind off what you're trying to quite and will also let you find the method that works best for you. One of the best things about this hobby is that a lot of the equipment I mentioned is relatively cheap. It's the battery system that holds most of the cost. For that, I would recommend starting with something like the eGo-C. It is really affordable and works great. It even has a "pass-through" charging system so you can use it while it is charging via USB. Best of luck to you!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 3, 2012
Thanks for the tips. I think I am too cheap to spend the bucks on the good stuff. Also to lazy to mod or fill stuff lol. Right now I am impressed with this cheapy. Tried sister in-laws blu it was ok. Tried one of the spendy ones she got online. Wasn't impressed. Are the tank thinks kind of like a hooka or a "usable piece of art glass"?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 29, 2012
Good for you Rose :)

One thing I really love about vaping is it gives ME complete control over how much and when I get my nicotine. I dont always want 4 cigs worth of nic in one go. OR nicotine hitting my system 24/7 (ala the patch). I can vape a high nic in the morning and a low one in the evening. I can chain to my hearts content or simply puff a few a put it away. Even cigs did not give me that much control!

as someone else said - if you are having trouble letting the cigs go, upgrading to a more powerful device or a higher nic content will help. Many of us start out as chain vapers - never putting the misty stick down until the habit is fully ingrained..

Personally I did not drop smoking entirely right away. I allowed my self (and still do to some extent) to smoke a bit when the urge is very strong. Itss sounds counter productive but its not really. Its hard to do something new when you are twisted up with the ciggy desire.
calm yourself a little with a cig then jut go back to vaping. In the very beginning i even would sit with a cig in one hand and my ego in the other and alternate hits. eventually the desire for a cig simply went away. I get what I need from the vapor and it simply tastes better.


Vaping Master
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Aug 3, 2012
While there are tanks that are "usable pieces of art glass" one of the most popular are the vivi nova for about $12. It will last and all you have to do is replace the screw on heads. Costs about 2 packs of cigarettes. Fill it up and go. Rinse it between tanks (kind of like you would empty and wash out your ashtray).

Don Kaluminati

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Sep 3, 2012
How big are these tank things? I am worried that my kids would get into it. Can you plug them into a wall?

The tank he is talking about is what goes on top of the battery. Ask these guys what would be good for a starter. I am using an ego battery that you plug into a usb port to charge with a little adapter, and it also came with a little ac adapter. I also ordered a clearomizer version 2 that has interchangeable burner/coil heads that lasts a while and can be cleaned and reused several times. My tank, the one I'm going to get with my mod that's on its way, uses a cartomizer that you have to punch/slot a hole into. You slide the cartomizer into the tank and fill it to keep the carto wet. This increases the life of the carto. I started with a skinny little smoov that looked like a cigarette, then moved up to a larger ego battery, and now am awaiting my vari-tube mini mod. My mod (which is a relatively large device containing the electronics and battery) according to a legitimate source (pbusardo @ tasteyourjuice.com) provides vapes consistent with higher priced mods. I hope that helps. I too am relatively new and decided to register after skulking around ECF's forums for a bit.
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Don Kaluminati

Senior Member
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Sep 3, 2012
How big are these tank things? I am worried that my kids would get into it. Can you plug them into a wall?

Oops. Kinda walked around your initial question. The sizes vary. Smaller ones are about 3.5ml and they can double or more in size. Check out youtube and put in 3.5ml to 5.5ml. you will get a good size reference from the vids.


Ultra Member
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Aug 12, 2012
Hi and welcome. Wow you had some severe symptoms. Ecigs are a better alternative to smoking cigs, IMO. They also make it a lot easier to cut down on the nicotine addiction, gradually. I went from smoking 2 to 3 packs per day, to 0 cigs and my nic from 24 mg dose to 6 mg dose over the past month. I'm already using some 0 mg doses. Then, I hope to eventually knock out even vaping 0 mg on a regular basis. Many folks here have no intention of going lower in nic, nor stopping vaping. What are your goals?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 3, 2012
Thanks for the welcome. I want to be done with nicotine in a couple months. Being a fifth generation nicotine addict I have seen smoking claim way too many people in my family. It makes me mad to spend money on it lol. For sure I don't want to be the person using a nebulizer and smoking a cig five minutes later. Hmmm i wonder if anyone here has turned a fish tank (minus the fish of course) into a vaping tank. Might be kind of interresting.


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Aug 12, 2012
I understand what you mean. My eldest brother passed away from emphysema. Our father, as well. Both at much too young of an age.
Here I was still smoking, 8 years after my brother passed - after seeing the torture he went through....I could kick myself.

You know, RoseB, it wouldn't surprise me if someone here has indeed turned a fish tank into a vaping tank. I've seen some pretty interesting devices being made into PV's. I've seen a cell phone, a kids toy, an altoid box and other things modified into a PV. There are some pretty creative, resourceful and knowledgeable folks here.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 3, 2012
Sorry for your loss of family. It is sad. Not sure about your family members, but some of mine said something along the lines of I wanna a smoke. Or had a smoke all within minutes or hours of dying. Right up to the end. Have read of the same thing happening to tons of people. It's sad and really makes it sink in how this addiction can grip a person and keep them right up until the moment they die. Right now it is day 3 I don't want to smoke/ chew. Between the vaping and this forum I am hoping that I will finally whip this. As a parent I NEVER want to see my kids smoke or chew. Thanks again for the support.

On a lighter note. I love working on things. Love to do mechanical things, and think building some kind of crazy pv would be fun. Need to learn quite a bit more first.


Vaping Master
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Aug 12, 2012
Watertown, NY
For what it's worth. It's not the nicotine that is going to give a person emphysema or heart disease or lung disease or whatever. It might contribute to elevated BP, but that's about it...and lower your nic in that case will "fix" that (along with a healthy diet, which hopefully you are doing anyway). The thing that kills the smokers is the tar and the thousands of other chemicals (arsenic, formaldehyde, etc. etc. most with unpronounceable names..and suspicious effects... added to "enhance" the delivery system of nicotine to the system). Nicotine...in and of itself is highly addictive, but is generally no worse for you than caffeine. Nothing in excess is going to be "good" for you. But nicotine itself is relatively benign other than the addictive part.

I've gone from 24 mg. to 5mg. nicotine quite painlessly...and did it within about 6 months period. I now make my own e-juice and plan on stepping down again in the next couple of months. Even if I get to 0 nicotine at some point, I will probably continue vaping. I'm far more "addicted" to the habit of the hand to mouth thing than I am the nicotine now.
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