Hellos from Wyoming!

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New Member
Nov 5, 2011
United States
I just want to start off saying this site is amazing, and the community seems Awesome!

I've been a analog smoker for ~15 years, mostly menthol. I just got my first 510 kit and some juices the other day, and yesterday I ordered a eGo pass-through and some Mega DCCs, along with a few more juices.

So far I really enjoy everything about vaping and plan on trying my hand at some DIY Juices soon.

Anyways just thought I'd introduce myself, not sure if this is the correct spot for that, but I'm still new to these online forums.

Looking forward to a life without Cigs and I'm going to try to get my Dad (a smoker for 40+ years) to quit and start vaping instead.

Anyways, see ya next week...

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