Help a Noob.

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Full Member
Aug 13, 2013
Hello, I'm brand new to vaping. I bought Vapor4Life Stick batteries (808d), titan and king. I'm not crazy about the refillable cartomizers with the fiber filling. Is there a refillable "tank" cartomizer that would work the same but be easier to clean and refill like how a protank can be cleaned and refilled?

Sorry if i didn't use the correct terms. I'm still learning.

I guess to rephrase I'm looking for the ease of cleaning/refilling of a protank in the size of a stick battery cartomizer.


Full Member
Aug 13, 2013
Halo offers the mini tanks with K808 threading. I just got mine in the mail yesterday and they are working great. No poly-fill taste and they put out more vapor than the cartos. Great price at only $4 each. Good luck!

Well I guess I should mention I'm looking for one i can easily change liquids on, these halo mini tanks look good BUT they have a wick so i wouldn't be able to quickly change out liquid.

The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Is it possible to find one that doesn't use a wick though?

Hi and welcome!

Any kind of atomizer will have a "wicking" system of some kind. It is what draws the liquid to the heating element. I might be wrong (not the first time by any means), but I wonder is you are referring to the polyfill material inside of a cartomizer, since you mentioned being interested in a Protank style device.

The Protank is a Bottom Coil Clearomizer. The heating element is at the bottom and while the tank holds the liquid, there is a little wick inside of the coil that draws the liquid to it. What you might be interested in looking at is a Nano. It is another type of BCC, but it doesn't have a replaceable "head" (heat coil) like a Protank. It is slim and designed to go on small batteries. Smokeless Image has 808 connections:

Smokeless Image | The Best Electronic Cigarette

You rinse them out when you want to change flavors.


Full Member
Aug 13, 2013
Yea i was looking for something that doesnt require drying time in between flavor switching( which is why i was looking for something without a long wick), I've only seen my husband use his protank II and didnt see any wick, though admittedly i never looked closely, but he was able to switch flavors fairly quickly just rinsing the setup in high proof vodka.
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