Help I'm sick

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Banana Vap70

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Jan 11, 2014
I need some advice & suggestions. I have been vaping for about 3 months now, not totally off analogs but down to only 2 to 8 per day depending but that is down from 1.5 PAD, so I still feel really good about that. I started getting sick on Thursday, terrible dry hacking cough. Went to the Dr. on Friday, tested negative for flu, she said it was viral, maybe bronchitis.

I was still vaping on Thursday, coughing but still vaping. Starting on Friday I couldn't vape at all, it would send me into a terrible coughing fit. As odd as this sounds, I was able to smoke a bit of an analog a few times a day with less coughing or hacking then vaping. Yesterday, Sunday was the first day I was able to even have an analog without it feeling like someone was stabbing me in the lung. I thought for sure today I would be able to go back to vaping, but as soon as I try, I start hacking and coughing again.

Why is this happening with vaping and not analogs? What can I do? I do not want analogs I want to be able to vape?

I have been vaping 30PG 70VG pre 24mg pre mixes, but I do have DIY supplies that I was going to start working on this weekend, but have been to sick. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.:(


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Jul 13, 2010
You will likely hear to experiment with different ratios of PG/VG, and try different levels of Nic. This isn't bad advice at all, but you should also consider that, well... sometimes people just get sick. Vaping won't change that. The fact that you're able to more easily smoke instead of vape while you're sick could be due to the fact that one of the many chemicals in cigs is actually meant to act as a cough suppressant (as crazy as that sounds).

I just recovered from a pretty bad chest cold and I'll tell you right now, vaping didn't do me any favors in the way of recovery. It will dry out your throat and sinuses, which could be bad if this tissue is already inflamed. If your issue is viral, the best thing to do is plenty of rest, fluids, and healthy diet.

Have you ever tried Nic gum? I'll often turn to it when I have a chest cold to minimize inhaling anything but good clean air. You didn't mention whether or not your sinuses are inflamed but if they are I recommend picking up a bottle of nasal saline (this works wonders for dry nasal passage).

Good luck with it. Nothing worse than being sick.

Oh yeah, you may consider getting a vitamin B injection. You can usually get one for around 20 bucks at any local clinic. You'd be amazed by how much better it makes you feel.
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Banana Vap70

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Jan 11, 2014
Thank you all for the advice. I will try a little of all of the above. I don't don't have any nic gum, but it might not be a bad idea to get some to keep on hand just in case. I did not know that about the cough suppressant in analogs, but makes perfect sense.

I will mix up some low nic juice and see if I can manage that until things get better otherwise I'll try the nic gum tomorrow, that hadn't even crossed my mind. I just don't want to end up smoking more analogs then I was already smoking before I got sick, as most days I was around 2 to 4.

Any idea about VG as opposed to PG? I do have the ability to go 100% VG too. Wonder if this would help in the meantime?


Grumpy Ole Man
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Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
Went there last year, bad head/throat cold.
Sinus tend to over produce Saline - Salt Water and irritate the throat. Then anything can hurt.

What I did and found that worked for me - (NOT SMOKING) Halls or Brothers(any good) cough drops. Plenty of water and the usual Cold remedies.
For Vaping - a equal mix of Blueberry and Strawberry(light flavors) with just a small amount of Menthol mixed in.(I personally never cared for menthol anything.)
This mix at my normal Nic was comfortable and the menthol helped sooth the throat.
Even if Smoking seems okay, it should be a last desperation resort.

Hope you succeed in your transition!
Get well :)


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Jan 10, 2014
West Texas
Still new to vaping myself but I am finding that vaping produces a dry caught for the past few weeks. I am totally off the analogs so I can't compare but my mother who I got set up at Christmas is going through the same things as well only with vaping and not analogs.

I keep LOTS of water handy. I am flavoring the water as well and I drink it constantly. I keep hard candy on me at all times.

Try hydrating more and in between vapes to see if it helps.

good luck


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Sep 29, 2013
Near Austin, Texas
Thank you all for the advice. I will try a little of all of the above. I don't don't have any nic gum, but it might not be a bad idea to get some to keep on hand just in case. I did not know that about the cough suppressant in analogs, but makes perfect sense.

I will mix up some low nic juice and see if I can manage that until things get better otherwise I'll try the nic gum tomorrow, that hadn't even crossed my mind. I just don't want to end up smoking more analogs then I was already smoking before I got sick, as most days I was around 2 to 4.

Any idea about VG as opposed to PG? I do have the ability to go 100% VG too. Wonder if this would help in the meantime?

When I first started vaping, I couldn't hardly do it without coughing hard. A visit to a B & M where they suggested 100%vg and a bottom coil tank (cooler, more airy). That did the trick. No more coughing!! I can now vape a more conventional mix. Maybe that will help you too, don't know for sure though.


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Jan 9, 2013
Poole UK
The reason that you can still smoke is the poison (arsenic etc) in the cigarettes..... Tobacco companies add ingredients that act as an unaesthetic on the cilia in the bronchial tubes.
It may sound far-fetched but these statements can be verified. By adding these ingredients it allows a smoker to deeply inhale without coughing which then encourages a smoker to form an addiction. Scary but true.
Persevere with a lower dose nic in the knowledge that your cough will clear up 10x faster than it would have if you were back to full time smoking. Get well soon.

Banana Vap70

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Jan 11, 2014
Okay, so here are my results. I cut my 24 mg 25/75 VG PG unflavored down to 6mg using 100%VG, added a few drops of Halo's Kringle's Curse (which is already 6mg and presumably a 50/50 mix) as this was the only thing that I had that was even close to a menthol, I think it's a peppermint menthol mix. I am going to add a little hint of strawberry to the base as well.

:toast: This is working!!! Very smooth and no coughing (other then the regular coughing that I would have even without vaping), of course I am being very careful about not drawing to deep as well, but before I couldn't even take the smallest amount of vapor in.

Glad to also understand about the analogs, I just couldn't understand why I was able to smoke an analog. This knowledge will help me to persevere through this without the analogs.

Yippee, thank you all again so much. Will continue to stay hydrated vape at low mg nic levels and hopefully this pesky virus will be gone soon.


Ultra Member
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Apr 30, 2013
Tucson, it's a dry heat
Yay - a solution! How ingenuitive of you! Please remember to drink a TON of water - I see you're in AZ - we're very dry right now.

Okay, so here are my results. I cut my 24 mg 25/75 VG PG unflavored down to 6mg using 100%VG, added a few drops of Halo's Kringle's Curse (which is already 6mg and presumably a 50/50 mix) as this was the only thing that I had that was even close to a menthol, I think it's a peppermint menthol mix. I am going to add a little hint of strawberry to the base as well.

:toast: This is working!!! Very smooth and no coughing (other then the regular coughing that I would have even without vaping), of course I am being very careful about not drawing to deep as well, but before I couldn't even take the smallest amount of vapor in.

Glad to also understand about the analogs, I just couldn't understand why I was able to smoke an analog. This knowledge will help me to persevere through this without the analogs.

Yippee, thank you all again so much. Will continue to stay hydrated vape at low mg nic levels and hopefully this pesky virus will be gone soon.
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