help with LR atty.

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Moved On
May 19, 2010
I was trying to decide between getting a 5v mod with regular atty or 3.7v mod with LR atty. I've decided to go with the 3.7 but I have a question.

Why do the LR attys burn out so fast? Is there any way to maintain them so they last longer? Maybe people are just taking too long of drags and the atty fries out. I just dont wanna go through 3 attys a week.


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Dec 8, 2009
Baltimore, Maryland
I was trying to decide between getting a 5v mod with regular atty or 3.7v mod with LR atty. I've decided to go with the 3.7 but I have a question.

Why do the LR attys burn out so fast? Is there any way to maintain them so they last longer? Maybe people are just taking too long of drags and the atty fries out. I just dont wanna go through 3 attys a week.

Just keep the atty's moist and don't vape above 3.7 volts.:vapor:


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
CRAP! I dont like dripping, too much hassle compared to just filling up a cart. Does anyone know which cart mod keeps the filler the wettest? Maybe the zero filler mod?

The blue foam mod works well. If your attys are getting overly hot, it's a sign of not enough juice on the wicking material. Warm is OK, but hot on a 3.7 battery is bad and usually leads to early failure...


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Oct 28, 2009
Kissimmee, Fl
I use the BFD on my EGO with LR attys and have had absolutely no problems for about five weeks. Keeps the attys wet and when you get a dry burnt taste stop and refill. I think all of this talk about attys dying is through misuse. I have regular attys that are over eight months old and they still work great. The only atty I lost was during a too aggressive dry burn cleaning.


Reviewer / Blogger
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Apr 22, 2009
Coral Springs, FL
I think all of this talk about attys dying is through misuse. I have regular attys that are over eight months old and they still work great. The only atty I lost was during a too aggressive dry burn cleaning.

I have to agree with you there. After over a year of vaping I've only ever had one quit on its own, including my first two LRs that have been going steady for over a month now. I have a dozen or so that don't perform that great anymore, but I'll live with an average of a month's worth of steady vaping.

David Bruno

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Apr 18, 2009
Iron Mountain , Michigan
I use the Blue aquarium sleeves from Walmart. I believe the brand is Rite way or Rite something, it's in a large blue bag. I've had my LR attys for a week and zero problems so far. I've had some of my atty's for over a year and so far haven't lost any. I keep a dozen in rotation. I only ordered three LR's with my Tornado. I wanted to try them before stocking up. I'll order a dozen or so from Eastmall. At the price they sell them for I can afford to keep quite a few at hand. As everyone has said, they really make a difference.I always keep my atty's wet and blow them out every night. When I fire them up I drop a few drops in. I also give them a alcohol bath every now and then. It seems to work fine. If it's not broke don't fix it.
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