Here NOW! Premiering the Aspire NAUTILUS Glassomizer 5ML Tank- World's First Air Flow Adjustable Tank! Stainless & Pyrex

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Full Member
Nov 30, 2011
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and no just filled and started using it after giving it some time to soke in

thanks for the help

want to get it sorted when its working well it is the best vape i have had on this new mvp 2

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 17, 2009
Whitestone , New York USA
i replied and wondering if its the head at all or how your putting it together but ill play around and see if i can figure it out , since the filler material will prevent any juice from flooding it, especially vg which is thick, so then the only thing i can think of is juice is going up and in through the screw portion of the head that meets the airtube, but that space is so small and again vg is very thick so im thinking maybe to do it in reverse like i mentioned in your emiul and ill do some testing here as well

one way to test were your issue might be form is to remove the center airtube completely, but leave the head inside screwed intot eh base and fill it with liquid up to the top of the screw lines, and leave it alone to see if anything happens, if that stays dry then we know were to look. it will be easier to determin the cuase this way as we can rule out were the issue might be for you and others who might experience this

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Full Member
Nov 30, 2011

filling it up like in your pic with out having the vacuum of your puff it dusent leek

fitting the head in to the air tube first all the way tight it then dusnot make a tight connection to the base the glass stops it and it just flows under the head

i have done some measuring and it seams that the glass dusnt let the head make tight connections in both sides at the same time
i did this by counting the full rotations as i thread it in and my findings are below
if i start with the head in the air side the base gets 3 full rotations less before getting tight on the glass
and if i start with the head in the base the top gets 5 full rotations less before getting tight on the glass

both leave the head very wobbly in the side you didn't start on

i hope this makes seance
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 17, 2009
Whitestone , New York USA

filling it up like in your pic with out having the vacuum of your puff it dusent leek

fitting the head in to the air tube first all the way tight it then dusnot make a tight connection to the base the glass stops it and it just flows under the head

i have done some measuring and it seams that the glass dusnt let the head make tight connections in both sides at the same time
i did this by counting the full rotations as i thread it in and my findings are below
if i start with the head in the air side the base gets 3 full rotations less before getting tight on the glass
and if i start with the head in the base the top gets 5 full rotations less before getting tight on the glass

both leave the head very wobbly in the side you didn't start on

i hope this makes seance

i think i understand and now to figure out the cause, that isnt as much of a head issue as it might be the airtube. my head is as loose as you mention, no flooding, using thick or thin juice so let me play around and see what it could be. if i dont reply tonight then i will tomorow


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 17, 2009
Whitestone , New York USA
think you are right

so in your air tube does the thread go right to the end of the tube as my one the threads on the head will slide all the way inside the air tube before there is a thread to bight on it looks like the threading missed the last 3mm of the end of the air tube

that is hard to determine by the pic you sent me, do you have skype, if so please add me, thebabyboss
we can do this on video and solve this much quicker and with more detail to your specific issue.

I will be able to chat with you anytime in the afternoon, its pretty late now


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 9, 2010
Peninsula, Ohio
one question, did you dry burn it before you were having the issue, im asking because if you did and also for anyone else reading, if you dry burned it maybe its possible the filler material got damaged which then could cause it to flood. but ill check your pics and go from there

that seems to be a negative about these heads, for me anyhow. My first head lasted for about 3days bout 4 tanks, 70/30mix, the flavor diminished and started to taste burnt. I tried to dry burn, took a long time before I saw the orange glow, after that it really did not work well, the draw on the smallest hole was airy and bad gurgling. I will put it down for now, back to the pro tank 2, which in my opinion is the best for longevity and the heads can be dry burned and rebuilt (I don't rebuild them, because they cost so low).
Don't get me wrong I do like the nautilus when its working, but the negative is the price of the heads, and not able to dry burn.
Once I use up my new heads the nautilus will be retired.


Full Member
Jan 17, 2014
Dallas, TX, USA
I see that you guys are getting good consistency on the heads. All the people that've bought heads from Viper Vapes, that I've talked to have had problems (including me - had two duds out of the 3 I tried). I haven't tried to contact them, but do you know if the Nautilus heads do well with 100% VG? If you've had success with it, then I'll start buying the replacements and maybe a second Nautilus from Got Vapes. I do know that vaping on the smallest hole will usually give flavor, but I'd really like to use the 1.8mm hole with the 100%VG. I know, I know, smaller hole = more pressure differential, which will feed more juice to the chamber especially with thick juice, but in a perfect world, I'd love to get the thick juice wicking well even on a bigger hole.

Thanks for your time, guys.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 17, 2009
Whitestone , New York USA
ok i know this might sound silly but years of vaping has had me see some crazy things, so ill continue looking into this and im making a video for you guys on the natalus and all its workings, but so far the 3 people with issues all said 100%vg, if you can attempt to redo the same thing that gave you a issue , then when it floods or gurgles, open the top and use a qtip or your finger and taste the juice that is inside, it is very possible(nt saying its your issue) but its possible that is condensation from the 100% vg. ill keep digging for you guys


Full Member
Oct 7, 2013
ill look into it for sure but im curious as to were everyone bought these that had a issue, can you pm me were you got them, i can try to track down the issue as to maybe a certain vendor has product with issues or a certain group of vendors, was this in the usa or euro and when was it purchased, then i can look into it directly with eigate for you guys but its hard for me to determine the issue when the ones we are selling dont have that problem but ill try to help. im starting to think that maybe a couple of vendoirs out there must have recieved some bad heads and i have spoken to a few vendor firends who do sell it and they havent had any issues just like we havent so if you can pm me some info i cant try to help , as to how to fix it, i wont know unless i have it in my hand, if you want to send me the one head you have to test it, i can do that for you

issues like the ones your having are the reasons we stress to buy form reputable vendors who are well known like us. The reason being is the bigger vendors that buy more are more then likely to always get the best of the best. Its not always the case as sometimes issue can arise but the majority of the time it can depend on who you purchased them from, i would also contact the place you bought them at to see if what they can do for you. Illl look into this for you guys and get back with you

once again thanks for the super fast response. I don't feel the need to pm where I got it from as you all should be getting the same product. I got mine from a small b&m called Pahrump valley vapor. The first one flooded right out of the gate 5 drags in and it tasted like the juice.. Actually spit it in the wifes mouth... I have not been back to see if she will replace them but I think she only had 2 more coils left when I got mine. Again she is a small vape shop. Thanks again for your time and maybe I should get my stuff from you as I always look for good CS.. But yours seems to be great!!! Thanks again..

One more thing is all my coils are 1.6 not 1.8.. That might narrow it down some..
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 17, 2012
Norman, Ok
issues like the ones your having are the reasons we stress to buy form reputable vendors who are well known like us. The reason being is the bigger vendors that buy more are more then likely to always get the best of the best. Its not always the case as sometimes issue can arise but the majority of the time it can depend on who you purchased them from, i would also contact the place you bought them at to see if what they can do for you. Illl look into this for you guys and get back with you

I don't feel the need to pm where I got it from as you all should be getting the same product. I got mine from a small b&m called Pahrump valley vapor.

Don't be naive... what badkola said about the bigger vendors getting preferential treatment and getting better quality components has been seen over and over... he wasn't just blowin' smoke. In addition, there are a lot of fakes and clones that get sold to the smaller chains without their knowledge... it is sad but also true. Unless I just must have something now... I order only from a select few anymore, I've been burnt too many times to have not learned my lesson.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 17, 2009
Whitestone , New York USA
once again thanks for the super fast response. I don't feel the need to pm where I got it from as you all should be getting the same product. I got mine from a small b&m called Pahrump valley vapor. The first one flooded right out of the gate 5 drags in and it tasted like the juice.. Actually spit it in the wifes mouth... I have not been back to see if she will replace them but I think she only had 2 more coils left when I got mine. Again she is a small vape shop. Thanks again for your time and maybe I should get my stuff from you as I always look for good CS.. But yours seems to be great!!! Thanks again..

One more thing is all my coils are 1.6 not 1.8.. That might narrow it down some..

ok thanks for that info, as rdsok explained it is true, some vendors can receive inferior versions of the same product form the factory, it could be an exact clone in the same packaging and all, there are many variables and we have seen it oh so many times and its even happened to us when we first started and we learned the hard way. There also is a difference in what vendors get depending on how big or popular that vendor is, you can usually expect places like us and other popular vendors to always have the better versions of many product but that isnt always the case . Now with your issue im fully looking into it regardless of were it was purchased as we are here to help you, thanks for letting me know its 1.6 head, ill be speaking to eigate tomorrow and hopefully i can get you some answers and im also toying around with some heads to see what i can come up with for you all, thanks for the info once again and ill reply once i have some info for you.

a simple answer could be that some vendors randomly received some bad heads, its very possible and typical, meaning the product like heads are made in lines with over 30 workers and if one line makes errors, however small they are they are still errors that get mixed in with all the other heads being made, they do spot checks and there is managers that run each line but its possible some bad heads got through , then packaged and sent out to vendors and now we have numerous vendors who have some bad heads while others might of got lucky or only have a handful of bad ones out of 500. either way ill try to see if its the unit itself, the head or maybe how its being put together or if there is an actual issue with your head.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 1, 2010
Somerset, Pennsylvania
I've been using mine for almost a week now and it's the best performing BCC I've experienced thus far. The only minor problem I've had is some small gurgling issues. I've been traveling a lot to the mountains and back and the change in air pressure dumps a little liquid into the coil head. It's not even a gripe, just physics! I love the open draw but it would be awesome if it could be opened up even more. That said, the Nautilus blows away the competition in both form and function. It's nice to have a device that you don't really have to fiddle around with to get a good, solid vape.


Full Member
Nov 30, 2011
ok so after playing with the 2 heads that come in the kit i gave up and changed for one i got in a 5 pack and haven't had one problem in 2 days love it
so looks like the unit shipped with 2 defective heads not very good this is going to be all some people will see
if i hadent got replacement heads at the start there is no way id be sheling out more cash on a unit i didnt get 2 days of use out of

well tats my story not very happy with 2 of the 3 heads i have used DOA just hope the other 4 are good or this grate unit will not hold my attention very long
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