Hey, newcomer here. A question...

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Full Member
Sep 29, 2013
Ankara, Turkey
Hi all,

I started vaping for the first time yesterday, with my eRoll.

I was smoking 2 packs/day, and tried quitting smoking for several times, with various techniques(nic patches, nic gums, cold-turkey etc.). My most successful non-smoking period lasted for 3 months. Nic wasn't the problem, it was the addiction to the smoking ritual, specifically the inhaling.

With e-cigs, I think I finally found a cure to my tobacco addiction.

I've been tobacco-free for 36 hours, with no withdrawal symptoms, no cravings, none of the symptoms that I experienced on my previous tries of quitting tobacco.

Many thanks to the ECF community for providing me all the information I need related to e-cigs.

And for my question:

How much vaping is too much? As a heavy-smoker, I'm chain-vaping with my 18mg PG liquid, around 4ml/day thanks to the small cartridge of my eRoll. Do you advice switching to a higher concentration?


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Sep 22, 2013
Jacksonville, FL, United States
I was a pack-a-day smoker and was advised to use 18mg, as it would be equal to a pack-a-day smoking. You might want to up your nicotine level as you were smoking 2 packs-a-day. You may not be getting enough in your system. Fairly new myself, so don't have a definite answer for you, just from what I've seen here. Congrats on making the switch. Like you, tried everything, never worked. 2 weeks on vaping, and no cravings, and still get that satisfaction of the ritual. Best of luck to you!


Full Member
Sep 29, 2013
Ankara, Turkey
Thanks for all the replies!

I'm watching my the reactions of my body closely to be aware of any unwanted side effects as soon as possible.

I was having some problems yesterday with cravings, but today after reading a lot more on ECF, I found that I was smoking the e-cig like a cigarette.

After changing my vaping style, I'm quite satisfied. I will buy some higher concentration liquids tomorrow to give it a try, and some more flavors. Currently using Dekang USA mix.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 30, 2013
Portland, OR
Congrats Rudy! I started on the eRoll and used it exclusively for 2 months before I ventured out of the cig-a-likes. You made a great choice with that unit, it will serve you well! Def try 24mg nic liquid for those times you're craving a bit more. I smoked 1 PAD for 30 years and started with 24mg, and had to drop to 18 after I got the hang of vaping correctly (got nic sic). But still used the 24 at craving time (in the morning and before bed).

Chain vaping is pretty common the first month or so--as long as you aren't making yourself sick it's fine. Your body is adjusting to a slower nic delivery than smokes and it will take a little bit before it has fully adjusted. You will likely find yourself automatically vaping less as you get more used to it. Enjoy!

Well done and vape on! :vapor:
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Another thing to keep in mind is vaping is replacing the nicotine from ciggs, and not the many many other chemicals smoking introduces to Your body You may have some getting use to not having them in Your system as well.

Yeah I'm aware of that.

Currently, I'm only experiencing increased appetite as a negative aspect(I'm on a diet :) ), aside from other good things that comes with living tobacco-free.

I'm quite happy tho, and already converted a friend to vaping, and working on my aunt and several others too.
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The only problem I have is e-cigs are banned in Turkey. I was lucky to find original eRoll, as e-cigs are only sold in underground shops, swarming with fake liquids and e-cigs.

I'm searching e-commerce sites to find a vendor that I can shop safely without getting them confiscated in customs.

Thanks for all the support. Certainly it's encouraging.


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Sep 17, 2013
My suggestion is going from low level and go up ONLY when you feel the withdrawal. My first try was 9mg menthol and due to my local slum tobacco store that have only 18mg for all other flavors, I'm now stuck with 18mg vanilla and others... I really can't tell the difference between 18mg and 9mg except maybe psychologically. I don't FEEL good with 18mg because I know it's twice the concentration of nic. The purpose of e-cig for me was not only an alternative to smoking, but also a way to reduce nicotine use gradually until it's ZERO. So I would tell you to start as low as possible. I would rather chain vape all day than to maintain, or even develop a higher level of nicotine usage than before.

I have 1 bottle of 9mg, 1 of 12mg, and 3 of 18mg juices right now, and honestly I'm just too cheap to throw all the 18mg away, although I think it'd be for my own good if I could just throw them away because I am using the extra nic level that I don't really need. And let's be honest, Nicotine is a indirect carcinogen, use as little as possible please.


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Sep 17, 2013
Oh btw, I don't know how much you smoked, but I was a 1-pack smoker. I thought I should go by average nic-level (18mg), and I found I was deadly wrong.

OH BTW, I think I didn't make my logic clear enough. My point is, chain vape all you want may still compensate for the lower level of nicotine that you adopted. However, it's harder to chain vape, especially if you got work to do during the day or tied up by something. On the other hand, adopting a higher level of a nicotine makes you more easily take in more nicotine because you don't have to spare as much time to chain vape. So ideally, low nic level + less likely to be able to chain vape = less nic taken; high nic level + less likely to be able to chain vape + no need to chain vape = more nic taken.

..... I think I just confused myself with my chaotic logic.
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