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Chicago Dave

Full Member
Oct 15, 2011
What's up?

I'm new to vaping, I just bought two Blu Disposables to try it out. So far, after smoking probably half a pack I'd have to say I think I like it better than smoking an anolog cigarette. I have a couple questions.

- I've tried the njoy from my buddy but I like the Blu more. I did hear that the Blu (Premium Starter) is a good starter cig. I don't want to drop to much money on my first e-cig though. I'd say less than $100.

- Whats a good site for juice?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 17, 2011
Central Louisiana
HiYa Dave...I would suggest looking WAAAAY beyond the Blu(not well thought of around here)...a rule of thumb is the closer to ciggy looking, the poorer the performance AND don't get fooled by glitzy and deceptive TV and internet advertising...to that end...my first recommendation would be to go to liberty-flights.com and look at the Riva510 starter kits...a super solid starter kit with 510 threading(most common) and I believe compatible with the Blu...this kits batts will give you 6+ hours of continuous vape time and with the 20%discount(button on top left of LF page) costs 30bux for the lite bundle...also on that same site, get some(10) Boge low resistance(LR) cartos and this will cover your hardware needs...LF sells a lot of juice as well...unfortunately it is generally considered mediocre at best(their decadent vaper is better)....there are tons of sites and make/models to look at it...just a few of them are
hoosierecigsupply.com for their KGO kits(42bux)...around 12 hrs of vape life
and for ciggy sized units with 2-4hr batts look at.........
like I said, there are a zillion vendors out there for both hardware and juice, look in the Forum Supplier list available at the top of this page...virtually all of them are legit and will do all they can to help you out...


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 20, 2010
Hi Dave and welcome. I think the general consensus here is that the blu is a good kit but way overpriced. I suggest looking at some of the starter kits and juices from some of the forum vendors here. Here's a link to the deals and steals page. It's usually worth checking the last four or five pages. If you find something that looks promising, check it out on utube, or ask questions here. hth. http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/pay-forward-pif/85781-deals-steals-582.html


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2011
HiYa Dave...I would suggest looking WAAAAY beyond the Blu(not well thought of around here)...a rule of thumb is the closer to ciggy looking, the poorer the performance AND don't get fooled by glitzy and deceptive TV and internet advertising...to that end...my first recommendation would be to go to liberty-flights.com and look at the Riva510 starter kits...a super solid starter kit with 510 threading(most common) and I believe compatible with the Blu...this kits batts will give you 6+ hours of continuous vape time and with the 20%discount(button on top left of LF page) costs 30bux for the lite bundle...also on that same site, get some(10) Boge low resistance(LR) cartos and this will cover your hardware needs...LF sells a lot of juice as well...unfortunately it is generally considered mediocre at best(their decadent vaper is better)....there are tons of sites and make/models to look at it...just a few of them are
hoosierecigsupply.com for their KGO kits(42bux)...around 12 hrs of vape life
and for ciggy sized units with 2-4hr batts look at.........
like I said, there are a zillion vendors out there for both hardware and juice, look in the Forum Supplier list available at the top of this page...virtually all of them are legit and will do all they can to help you out...

madjack thanks for your continuous support for people new to vaping.

Chicago Dave I can't suggest what e-cig will be best for you as I am new to this also. What I can tell you without a doubt is, if you stick with vaping long enough and find the right one for you your days of smoking analogs are done, forever.

Two weeks smoke free, and my e-cig is my new best friend.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2011
Las Vegas, NV, USA
It seems like the Blu disposables are better than their rechargables. You get full flavor 24mg juice in the disposables and you can get a great hit. Then you buy their kit and the max is 16mg and it's not as good an experience as you had with the throw away. I don't understand it but I hear that often. Welcome and good luck.


Super Member
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Verified Member
Mar 1, 2011
If you want to start out on analog sized e-cigs, I would look for some 510 manual button long batts, like 4 of them, and some 510 atty's or cartos. If you really want to start out satisfied I would look up the Ego-t starter kit. Just about every vendor listed in the ECF vendors, sells 510 start kits and ego-t starter kits. Good luck!


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Oct 15, 2011
ramsgate kent uk
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Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Jun 20, 2011
Schaumburg, IL
I highly recommend getting a kit from vapor4life instead of a blu kit. People with blu kits tend to not use them very long. Vapor4life has great batteries and a big selection of cartomizers and juice...
I would check out XL batteries and get a passthrough as well, but get the wall thing to plug it into instead of plugging it directly into your computer, where it will wear down your motherboard. Maybe u already have one of those. If not vapor4life sells one now too.

Volts from smokeless image are good too and the cartomizers are great.

I'm sure if u do a search on blu on this forum u will see all the complaints about it. AND I have heard that the disposables are better than the regular blu batteries.


Full Member
Aug 24, 2011
CC, Texas
Hi Dave,

I was in the same situation 2 months ago. I bought a blu disposable and ended up liking it so I purchased the kit for $90 at my local grocery store. I was quickly frustrated due to battery life and performance. Also it really was more expensive than smoking due to how little of juice you get in each one and the price for the cartos. I did attempt to refill them with limited success. I hated paying $15 dollars for 5 and still coming up short and unsatisfied for my needs. I guess I was just impressed with the disposable at first because it quenched my need for a cigarette however that quickly vanished after a couple days. I realized that I needed something else so I came here to ecf and read and read. I purchased a 510 njoy and some e-juice from tasty vapor and alien visions. My first impression was WOW so this is vaping. And then I made all the noob mistakes and became quickly frustrated even with that. I got back on here asked the right questions and got advice specific for my needs. I now vape with a KGO 1100 mah pv. It provides the long battery life that I desire and the voltage that I need for my own personal satisfied feeling. I was hesitant at first because it was not analog like. Meaning it did not feel like a cigarette. But what you will learn on here is most report that when they got over their need for a cigarette sized pv then their experience with vaping improved drastically. Which In my own circumstance I can agree. I would prefer an analog sized battery but the performance and length of a charge is just not there for my own needs. I do use an analog sized pv but I do that at the bar or casino. Generally speaking I make the trade for something I can use low resistance on and still have a battery that lasts while I am at work. I also use a mod but that is another area entirely. What you need to find out for your own needs is preference without going to far initially because that will lead to discouragement and confusion with it all.

I can tell you with certainty though there is way better than blu in every area imaginable. And I was glad to experience that for myself. Keep in mind you can also get prefilled like the blu from tons of other vendors that will fit your needs with being cheaper and better than any blu kit ever hoped to be. I would reccomened a kgo if you dont mind the bigger size and with that bigger size comes alot more satisfying vape and crazy battery life that lasts me all day. If you go with an anlog style it would be wise to cary a pcc to recharge your battery on the go. Which is also what the blu kit has in it. With my blue pcc it stopped charging my batterys after a week tho.

Hope you find what works for you

Check out this video

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Supplier's Manufacturer - Offline
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2010
Land Of Corruption
There is also a store in elmhurst, dude, to check multiple things out, I think CigTechs is there, Chris rocks fwiw......:)

Its a couple weeks until our next meet but the Windy City Vapers Club meets the second saturday of the month at the Real-Time Sports Bar in elk Grove Village, you can see almost every single type of mod and accessory there, especially of Col. Gaunt shows!!!:thumb:


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