Hi everyone, new to e-cig

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New Member
Mar 18, 2011
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Hello everyone. happy to find a from on e-cig..
Need some help from u all, today i have punches a e-cig pack. and confused taking it or not. i am a chain smoker.
its a green pack with 6 refill and one main stick. look like a 20stick cigarette pack. health e-cigarette.
Is it ok to have this? sorry if i am asking wrong quistion.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
It's OK to start with. I started on a similar small model (M401). If it's the thickness of a cigarette then it is a super-mini - tiny cartridges (the little juice cup is down inside the mouth part), weak hit, conveys flavor well

If you can buy eliquid, you can refill those carts. Stick an unbent small paper clip in the mouth-hole to push up the inner juice cup. You can add eliquid to the stuffing in the juice cup (not too much - just enough to look damp). Make sure the stuffing is positioned at the top edge of the juice cup. Then you need to push the juice cup back down into the mouth-piece without pressing on the stuffing. When the stuffing gets old and does not work well, you can try making new stuffing with polyester pillow stuffing. In the US it is preferable to use a type of blue aquarium foam for restuffing carts. It is sold as a foam sleeve for aquarium filters, MarineLand Rite-Size U Foam Sleeve and we cut cart stuffing from it.

After a month using the small M401 I bought some stronger more popular models - Joye 510 and KR808D-1
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
You can't use Blu cartomizers unless you have a new Blu or an ecig that is compatible with the new Blu. Blu is another small ecig that people grow out of after a month.

You can use e-health cartridges. I do not know what else is compatible with e-health. Those cartomizers might be compatible if both ecigs are model L88B batteries.
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