Hi. I'm DazevRaine and I'm New here and somewhat confused...

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New Member
Oct 5, 2010
Hello. I'm DazevRaine and I'm new here, new to the whole vaping scene and I just purchased my first Magma 510 and waiting for it to arrive in the mail.
For those of you who might be able to assist me in my confusion on a particular topic allow me to explain that it may seem I am asking dumb questions but actually I have an autistic disorder known as Aspergers syndrome; I have difficulty understanding some things and may ask for a more indepth explanation on those few things.

I've done my best to research everything that would help me with my experience with vaping, studying vids on how to clean your attys, carts and so forth, that I got, I understand them, the step by step instructions with pictures of each step really helped.

I also understand for the most part the mods that are out there, except for some portions of them where I just don't get it.

Can someone please help me so that I can enjoy the experience? I've been smoking for 30+ years, I want to quit; it's been really hard and that's where the vaping thing comes in.

My question is this: I was reading up on the eheim filterpad mod, I understand (in part) the blue mod concept but I don't understand the wick thing. There is a straw mod and a spring mod method? I need step by step instructions and pictures for each step if I wish to make using this mod a success. Please can someone explain to me what items I will need exactly and what I do with them exactly?

Thank you.


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Aug 12, 2010
S F Bay Area
Welcome to ECF, you have picked a good starter ecig the 510..wish i had when i started a couple months back.
The mods you asked about can be found in the 'modders forum' in the atomizer sub section, you won't be able to post there until you get 5 posts, but your welcome to learn. I'm using the ZFM myself. thats zero filler mod but I stick ust a little piece of filler thru the hole to help wick. Good luck and be sure to watch MistressNomads videos for broke noobies at the top of the new members section in the 'stickies' ..lots of good basic info there. then come back and ask your questions to get your post count up. enjoy :)


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Sep 3, 2010
Northern California
Welcome! The mod that has been working well for me is well....I dont know what the name is, but you take a brand new empty cartridge and take the filler out. When you take it out, make sure and notice which way the fibers are running. You want to keep it the same.

Cut that filler piece in have, so you have two pieces close to square.

Now, fill up the cart with juice, and leave about 2 mm from the top. now carefully put half the filler, and save the other half for another filling. be careful not to smash that little square too much. just use a toothpick to work the bottom into the cart. the top just slip right in. you have to add about 3 or 4 more drops until it looks like a slurpee. trim any stray fibers.

I find this works well for me. when you push the cart into the atty, the atty wick pushes the filler into just the right position for wicking. keep in mind if you top off, you need to use a toothpick to lift the filler back to even with the edge of the cart. I had good luck refilling at least 1 time, and the filling can be bought (fluval polishing pad) white color.

I usually make up about 15 at a time, and clean and refill when needed.

I was in love with the tea bag mod for about a day, and found that it leaks badly. Taste is great, but did not hold my juice well.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
IE, CA, US, Earth
Greetings, and welcome.

As far as cartridge mods go, I'd suggest just trying what the 510 comes with first before modding anything. I too read up on all the wicking problems and cart mods before buying a Riva (that uses a 510 atty) and I expected to have problems. But so far I have not needed to mod anything in my cartridges, they just work. No wicking problems, no leaks. I pull the filler out, fill the cart up about 80-85% full of juice, slide the filler back in, add 1 or 2 more drops on top and I'm good to go.

The only real issue is that of capacity. A standard 510 cart doesn't hold a whole lot. So I carry a 5ml bottle of juice and a couple extra carts with me. Not a large deal. Even if the cart capacity was doubled I'd still need to carry a bottle of juice and one spare cart.
I'd suggest just trying what the 510 comes with first before modding anything.

I'm with this guy.

Also, cart modding is a PITA. Tons of wasted juice while you get it right, tons of juice on your desk and hands, tons of "why isn't this working?", flooded attys, etc. In fact, if I hadn't started to try modding my carts, I'd probably still actually use carts, because they were honestly fine until I started messing around with them all the time. Now I just use a drip tip and I doubt I'll use a cart again any time soon.

Also, FWIW, my wife just got some cartomizers a couple of weeks ago and has never looked back. I was extremely envious of them while sitting there with a bunch of cut up straws and aquarium foam and broken clicky pens, watching her vape clouds with no effort.


New Member
Oct 5, 2010
Thanks to everyone for you replies.
I plan to use the carts that come with my Magma 1st but I also purchased Johnson Creeks 40ml with drip tip bottle because I figured it would be cheaper in the long run to drip, I'm on a fixed income so yes Foggy1, already checked out MistressNomads videos definately some good tips there. I just want to make sure that if/when I do decide to try out the blue foam mod and possibly some others (eheims seems so much simpler, more understandable) that I get the process right even though it is my understanding that the rest about dripping will take some practice and just getting to know how much will fit my needs. Thanks so much everyone.

Foggy1 my question to you hon is this, you stated putting a little piece of filler in the hole, right? Do you mean the hole on the top of the atomizer? Through that little arced section of the atty? If so then now I understand, if not, please explain more if you can, otherwise I'll check out the modders forum and yes the zero filler mod as perhaps the answers lies there, lol.

Do you mean the hole on the top of the atomizer?

He means the hole in the ZFM plug. It's just a piece of silicone cut to the right size to plug the cart, with a hole punched in it for the atomizer to wick juice through. He's putting a little piece of polyfill in that hole to help it wick to the atomizer.

Search "ZFM" here or have a look at zfmvapors.com and it'll make sense.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 9, 2010
Ozarks in Arkansas
Welcome DazevRaine! All this vaping info can be so overwhelming at times, can't it? Another good thing to look at, are youtube videos, there are tons out there and when watching one, there are suggestions to watch more. You will be at your computer for hours, but take it slow until you "get it" and try a few things out here and there. Don't be afraid to come here and ask questions, these people are so helpful and supportive!
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