Hi new here! Not new to vaping though

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New Member
Apr 28, 2015
Hello everyone name is Migz just wanted to introduce myself and I've been a vaper since 2013.
I was a tobacco smoker for 16 years and quit ever since October 2013. I was also vaping at the same time
switching back and forth till I decided to kick the old habit due to chest pains and other fears I've been having
due to tobacco smoking.

I came here seeking some help and also share my experiences as well as to hear yours. Please bare with me as this might be pretty long. I'll try to cut it short as possible since it has been a frustrating 3 years.

This all started as I quit smoking cigarettes, I've read the health benefits and also the withdrawals.
I started to vape more and more till on mid June 2014 something hit me out of nowhere. I started to feel out of balance, it was kinda hard to breathe, felt like i was going to pass out anytime. I struggle to keep standing, I remember I was holding on to my girlfriend's shoulders and I remember telling her if I pass out take me to the ER. Also my senses were different, felt clogged or clouded. I manage to redeem myself and was able to feel somewhat okay. The following day, it was the same, I can hear myself breathing, balance was a bit off, chest felt kinda tight and felt pretty tired. Mind was clouded and new symptoms arise when my arms, chest, head felt tingly and numb. I decided to go to the ER and did all kinds of test on me this includes, ekg, x-rays, blood work, ct scan of my chest and head. All test were remarkable and nothing was found. I was referred to a cardiologist to do further testings and nothing was found. My chest felt kinda tight and breathing was also tight. I was then referred to a pulmonary specialist, my tests were all normal.
My pcp and specialists thinks I'm crazy they prescribe me some anxiety pills like paxil which I have never taken. My health started to decline at this point were I had fatty liver which I beat, I started to have severe cramping, urinating blood which my urologist still can't figure out. I have a weird tender pain on my right rib cage which the doctors can't figure out. More tests was done to me, all special blood work, ultrasound, x-rays again and more ct scan. ALL NEGATIVE! I've been tobacco free and I thought quitting will give me more health benefits instead its a living nightmare. I'm really starting to blame the vape here because I did chain vape before and now I limit myself. I vape about 3mg of nic and mostly the blends I vape are mostly 80% vg or 100% vg based. To this day after countless, sleepless research and studying my own body. I was able to cope and control some of the symptoms I've been having. The only symptoms that is hard to figure out is the numbness and tingling and the tender pain on my right side rib. These are chronic and just started to appear last year.
I've been eating healthy, drinking plenty of fluids, staying away from all the processed crap, junk food and all the saturated fats, fructose etc. I am a bit overweight, I am 5'5 and 156lbs. My ideal weight should be between 125-145lbs. When I had fatty liver I was at 180lbs but I manage to control and beat that.
I also lost interest in a lot of things. Before I love getting up in the morning and always looking forward to my day,but now its like blah! I dont' even want to drive anywhere anymore without that stupid numbness and tingling attacking me. It doesn't happen all the time,but it does trigger out of nowhere.
I also noticed my breathing pattern is off when I am driving so could all this be as simple as anxiety? and
do I have nicotine damage? When I smoke cigs, nicotine makes me happy,but when it comes to nicotine in vape, it makes my feel like ..... Can anyone relate?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2009
Pittsburgh, Pa
Sounds like you are missing the MAOIs that are in cigarettes. You might do well to try Swedish Snus. They seem to help a lot of people. There is also WTA liquids that some folks swear by.

And, yes, almost all of what you describe can be anxiety. And the anxiety can be a result of you no longer getting the MAOIs from cigs. Hence my suggestions. Either one or both may really help you. If you go Snus, make sure it's Swedish. They are the most studied and found to be very safe. I wish you well and keep us posted....:)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Dec 24, 2014
Exercise has not been mentioned. You might want to consider a walking regimen. I walk at least an hour a day and finish off the walk with the last 5 min. at a rapid pace. This exercises the heart and cardovasc. system. Better blood flow, clears up the mind and promotes self accomplishment. Works for me.
"comes to nicotine in vape, it makes my feel like ****" --Might want to try different flavors at a vape bar, then buy a few to enjoy. For me, the taste and flavor is the goal. Nic is last on my must haves. Sounds like you have not found 3 - 4 great juices.
You might want to look at RDA's and a Reg. mod ? Great flavor combo for vaping. Read up on the advantages of RDA's and flavor.
Regulated Mods. --How to tailor your vape.
Sometimes we all have to work hard to find our happy spots. Some have to work harder than others.
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