Higher Wattage Mod...

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Full Member
Feb 27, 2015
that isn't a box mod...


Just looking for some advice, I'm currently vaping an Innokin itaste VV4 and would like to try something with a high wattage, mainly as I want to try rda/rba's. However being a bit fussy I'm not keen on the box mods. What would you recommend for a VW mod that's 30/50 watts.

Price range is up to $75 if such a thing exists for that price... I've done some looking online and all the tube shape mods seem to mostly be mech mods and I don't think I'm ready to try that yet. Part of my issue might be that I'm in the UK and I have a feeling choice is somewhat more limited here. I'm happy to buy internationally and get it shipped.

Thanks :)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
Just looking for some advice, I'm currently vaping an Innokin itaste VV4 and would like to try something with a high wattage, mainly as I want to try RDA/RBA's. However being a bit fussy I'm not keen on the box mods. What would you recommend for a VW mod that's 30/50 watts.

Price range is up to $75 if such a thing exists for that price... I've done some looking online and all the tube shape mods seem to mostly be mech mods and I don't think I'm ready to try that yet. Part of my issue might be that I'm in the UK and I have a feeling choice is somewhat more limited here. I'm happy to buy internationally and get it shipped.

Thanks :)

Welcome :) (If I never said hello.)

You are not to worry about availability of things in the UK, we're not like The Solomon Islands of something.

Tell us more. There are 40w Vamos and surely some other stuff as well....

and beware.... google is not always your friend... there are plenty of rip-off (or bad customer service) vendors who sit nicely on the top of searches...


Full Member
Feb 27, 2015
Thanks for your replies... I've had a look at the Vamo - I think you may have found my perfect mod! I'll do some more research but that may be the one I go for.

Had a look at the istick too as I've seen nothing but great reviews for it, I like that it would give me the option to subohm if I decided to give that a go. The rounded edges might make it feel nicer to hold - box mods with corners just feel odd (yes I'm strange).

Hmm decisions... If only I could afford both he he...


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
Thanks for your replies... I've had a look at the Vamo - I think you may have found my perfect mod! I'll do some more research but that may be the one I go for.

Had a look at the istick too as I've seen nothing but great reviews for it, I like that it would give me the option to subohm if I decided to give that a go. The rounded edges might make it feel nicer to hold - box mods with corners just feel odd (yes I'm strange).

Hmm decisions... If only I could afford both he he...

There are a few Vamos. I used to recommend buying from China (not UK vendors or ebay) but if you are going to buy one of the latest and greatest, it's going to be getting up towards £39.99 and it might be worth looking UK so should the worst happen.....

Myepack have one..


or Fasttech for £20 (more or less).

I definitely recommend stainless steel. The 'painted' Vamos look shabby in just a few months (gun metal, black, etc.)

This one, maybe... we can get you 10% discount to get the price near the same

New 40W Vamo V7 [VE867] - £44.95 : Vape Escape
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