Honest First Time Experince

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Full Member
Sep 9, 2011
Kershaw, SC
Howdy all! This is my first post as you can see! This is sort of a recount of my experience so far in hopes to help out any other new users or people thinking about going this route. I was overwhelmed with info when I started researching vape'n and alot of "reviews" seem to be "sponsored" by companies indirectly. I assure you this is completely my experience with no incentives involved. I smoked analog cigs for 18ish years, "lights" the first couple of years and Marlboro reds and boxed Newports the rest. For the last 15 years I have smoked at least a pack of Newports a day. I am in the process of building a house and I told myself I would quit when I moved in and that time is nearing. My neighbour smoked 2 packs a day and had told me how ecigs allowed him to only smoke 2 analogs a day. I give him credit for putting the bug in my ear.
I just started with Ecigs a week and a half ago, mainly to stop smoking analogs. I first bought a Mistic(Menthol) starter kit out of a Pilot gas station about lunchtime two Wednesdays ago. I was rideing with my boss/friend and he does not smoke or allow me to smoke in his company truck. I assembled a cig and hit it a couple of times. The experince wasn't duplicate to a real cig, but it was damn close! Another plus was my friend couldn't even smell me smoke'n it. The menthol taste is almost just like a full flavor Salem. It's no Newport, but this just might work! I only smoked 2 more analogs that day, hitting the Ecig everytime I had the urge to smoke.
The next morning I wake up and smoke a Newport. After that I use my ecig until lunch. After lunch I had to smoke a Newport, the Ecig just wasnt close enough to satisfy that after eating smoke. I continued to use my Ecig the rest of the day. After work I have my mind made up this is going to work and I begin researching Ecigs on the interwebz. My first hits were for V2s and Joye and a few others. This kept showing up but they are showing up on "rigged" looking best Ecig sites. I start looking deeper and run across a few forums that appear to reccomend eGo and such, but I want as close to a fake analog as I can get. I then stumble upon a few reviews of Halo G6 on here. One review seems alot like Halo sponsored it and the others look legit. Halo G6 it is! Hell I can research all day, but I gotta pull the trigger at some point! I ordered a G6 starter kit, PCC, tobacco sampler, and a pack of Malibu Menthol carts. I'm kinda excited, if the gas station ecigs work as good as they do, these G6s are going to be the ticket! Lol, I smoked a Newport in celebration and called it a day!
Once again I wake up to a Newport, but I didn't feel like I needed one. I guess it was just from ritual at this point. I smoked my Ecig the rest of the day, and it was even good enough for after lunch. I smoked a Newport before bed.
Saturday morning I wake up and smoke a Newport. I smoke my Ecig the rest of the day. I'm hopeing my G6s come in the mail, but they don't. Oh well.....
Sunday I try my Ecig instead of my morning Newport. It seems to work fine and I only smoke my ecig all day.
Monday is the same as Sunday.
Tuesday my G6s arrived! While the Mistics were good and getting the job done, the G6 just seem to be alot better product. The G6 smokes pretty damn close to a cigarette imo. The Malibu Menthol or Menthol Ice aren't as good as I hoped, there's just not enough menthol there. In my opinion theres not even enough menthol there to justify putting Menthol in the name. Tribeca is pretty tasty, so is Torque 56. Prime 15 is pretty damn close to a Marlboro Red! If it didn't have an aftertaste that makes me feel like I licked the ashtray you prolly couldn't tell the difference. Captain Jack just isn't for me. None of these are even close to a Newport, so I start researching on the internet. I know I'm going to need a strong Menthol type smoke for day in day out smoke'n. I order blank carts, Coolmist and Truepure small bottles from Halo after reading they are Halo's real Menthols. I read that Nuport from NHaler is as close to Newport as I'm going to find so I order up a big bottle. I run across udamskipy's post about DIYFlavorShacks good service and order Mint, Doublemint, and Thinmint from the based solely on them showing damn good business practice with udamskipy.
Wed-Fri I continue just smoke'n my G6. None of the flavors I currently have quite suit me, but the Prime 15 gets me through.
Friday evening ALL my flavors come in!!!!! I'm really looking for that Newport flavor, so I immediately load up the Nuport and let it soak for about 15. It tastes "kind of" like a Newport, but no dice. The two Halo flavors can actually claim their Menthol title this time with Coolmist being pretty damn tastey. The doublemint is kind of good, I can see myself smoke'n it. The Mint makes me realize I'm now really looking for MINThol instead of menthol. It's pretty damn good! I then get the idea to add about 5 drops of mint to my half smoked Prime 15 cartridge. You guys, this is great! It's not 100% what I'm looking for, but it's mighty damn close!!!! The thinmint I haven't tried yet. NHaler threw in a snazzy little bag to keep my Nuport in, DiyFlavorShack threw in 7ml of their Menthol cig and a small sample of Tigars Blood, Halo didn't throw in anything. The free stuff doesn't amount to much, but it shows me they appreciate my business. I have spent 10 times as much money with Halo, but these other 2 companies appreciated my business more? It's not a deal breaker, but kinda shows some class. Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for free stuff, but its nice to know my business is appreciated.
As I type this, I haven't smoked an analog in over a week! I'm pretty tickled guys, I didn't know ecigs would make quitting this easy! On top of everything, I do believe I have picked up a new hobby. I'm going to continue my search for the perfect all day smoke flavor, and prolly run across some sweet tastes in the process. I'm considering buying an eGo or something along those lines soon to see what all the fuss is about also.
I don't usually write stuff like this, but I felt my experience might be usefull to someone here. I also found lots of good info here and felt like I could give a little in return this way. If this helps people out, maybe I'll start write'n my vape'n experiences here. Thanks for all the info on these forums and I look foward to an analog free future and interacting with you guys!!!!!


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2011
Las Vegas, NV, USA
Loved reading your post. A week without a cigarette is HUGE :) Good for you and welcome to ECF! You provided a lot of good info and insight for people looking for menthol juice and for anyone starting vaping.

Freebies: Halo has only sent me something free when they're testing a new juice... but they're one of only two that I'm aware of that appear to be batched and bottled in large manufacturing facilities with lot numbers, shrink-wrap and have that lab-clean feel. That's become important to me. Some of these fly-by-night juice suppliers... heck, they could be making my juice in their bathtub the way it's delivered. Scary.

Love the little sunglasses/juice bag SWAG from Nhaler and every bottle I've received has been consistent in taste/texture/flavor.

Johnson Creek has a new juice out called Mercado. Supposed to be the strongest menthol in all the land. I don't use menthol but JC is legit. Prolly the biggest juice comapny out there to date.

I suppose there are some that 'sell' for companies that post here but either they're really good at it or it doesn't happen much. Overwhelmingly, it's people like you, excited to be tobacco-free willing to share their knowledge with others. Wishing you another happy vaping week. You're well-stocked, lol. Hope to read more of your vaping adventures.


Full Member
Jun 10, 2011
Mentor, OH
Welcome! Great post! I really love Halo's hardware, customer service and super-fast shipping. I have two Element manual long batts (as all my cartos are 510s) that I am using until my ProVari arrives. I will then use these for work and on the go vaping. The reason I love Halo's stuff is that it is matte black with chrome hardware (I dislike anything brass or gold colored). Their cartos also seem to absorb the juice more easily than other 510 cartos I have purchased in the past. The carto 5-packs also come in an uncharacteristically non-flimsy plastic carrying case. All of their stuff is super-slick. I am actually vaping their Tribeca juice this afternoon. Very nice.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 22, 2011
Don't think you can get "raw nicotine"...the most I have seen is 100mg or 10% nic. I buy 24mg nic juice or 2.4% and add flavors so I end up around 22mg or 2.2%. Some people buy double...48mg or 4.8%...then add an equal amount of pg/vg to make it 24mg or 2.4%. this can save some money but requires some work and some equipment...pipettes...bottles...flavorings...ect..


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 14, 2011
Auburn, Alabama, USA
glad you are enjoying being smoke free. I can tell you my experience... didnt want a new hobby, but I got one anyway lol. I hated dripping and filling carts so I got a bottom feeder. IMO its the only way to go. Mine is the REO mod, and while there others, IMHO the reo is probably the best. hope you find what u are looking for but from my, and others experience its probably eventually going to be a mod, the ego (for most people) is merely one of the phases of vaping. Definitely not saying dont buy one, cuz its always good to have a good backup PV. you will run in to people on here that have 20+ PV's. Happy Vaping and thanks for sharing your experience:)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
I DIY my juice and it's easy and you can even get the exact flavor strength you like. :)

Regarding menthol, it's even easier, buy some menthol drops (pure menthol dissolved in PG or PGA)
and just add a couple drops at a time, shake, to up the menthol hit.
Just take care of how much you add as it is VERY srtongly flavored.

p.s. Welcome to ECF !!


Ultra Member
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Jul 21, 2011
Stockton, CA
Welcome to ECF! Good story. I can tell you that almost everyone here can relate with your experience -- Ecigs made it easy to quit the analogs but you have that "not quite there" yet feeling for 100% replacement of analogs.

As for DIY, I'm just starting out myself. Grab some Nic Juice, a couple of flavorings, some pipettes, and get to mixin'. IMO you don't need all that other stuff (graduated cylinders, funnels, etc.) A juice calculator comes in handy, though. Don't have to be overly concerned about the nic, just use caution and read the safety posts about it.


Test Pilot
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 7, 2010
Long Beach CA
Hi and welcome :)
Good story, good reading. You're well on your way.
DIY is no big deal really. I have a couple big bottles of 100mg nic juice and a big bottle of VG and I'm going to get a bottle of PG as well. I mix 3 parts VG to 1 part nic and I have a base that's 25mg. add 10% flavor and Viola. The choice of flavors and combinations thereof is almost endless. Total cost is less than $2 for a 30ml bottle.........and could be less.
Good luck and congratulations :)
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