Hookah 2 Vapor

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Full Member
Feb 18, 2011

im a bigtime hookah smoker and i want to start vaping. i smoke hookah with or without nicotine just cause i like the look and taste of the smoke. I want to be able to get crazy vapor amount and taste from a small cigarette like the volcano magma.
what is the best one of this size that you would suggest for me. i like the magma because it looks so simple. i know a little about 510s but all i want is mega vapor. :]


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Sep 6, 2009
Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
Hello and welcome I'm going to ride along on your thread if you don;t mind because my youngest son is very much into hookah also along with most of his friends.Yes Mom has tried it also and some of the shesha flavors are fantastic.I myself use a 5 volt box mod and usually 50% or> VG liquids.He does'nt like the throat hit at any thing higher than 3.7 volt(no lr atty at 3.7 either)I'd like to see him use a pv (hard to carry a hooka around!) since he still smokes analougs when no hooka is available or he is some where it isnt conveinient.There are mods that are small and you may want to see the flashlight mod at old goat mods site and I know there are modders that make a very small box mod tootruly though I think the super vapor will best be found for you in the choice of juice you select.Good luck!


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Oct 22, 2010
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