How fabulous is vaping!!!

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Vaping Master
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Apr 14, 2013
Idk wether it's just where I live but I'm in the north east of England and it gets very cold and windy and wet, many a time my cig would be wet and soggy and I'd be fighting with an umbrella while trying to keep warm doing a little jog all the while feeling the snow and Ice melt through my socks!!

Ah but winter here is often mid 20s Celsius or even warmer. I have actually worn shorts on Christmas before. ;)

The Torch

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ECF Veteran
Nov 12, 2012
Our winters are terrible (-10C to -25C on average from last week of December to March) and I couldn't stand too much smoke inside, so I had to open the windows.

Summer is opposite: fairly humid with +20 to +40C (+30 with almost 50% humidity until noon today) and I have AC since last summer.

Another perk: looking at neighbors across the street go out on the balcony (AND with the door wide open in the summer) to pollute their own lungs while sweating or freezing and getting bored like crazy while I'm vaping in all comfort writing posts on ECF.

Also, my wall that I painted last November will remain the same color for quite a while now :)
Our winters are terrible (-10C to -25C on average from last week of December to March) and I couldn't stand too much smoke inside, so I had to open the windows.

Summer is opposite: fairly humid with +20 to +40C (+30 with almost 50% humidity until noon today) and I have AC since last summer.

Another perk: looking at neighbors across the street go out on the balcony (AND with the door wide open in the summer) to pollute their own lungs while sweating or freezing and getting bored like crazy while I'm vaping in all comfort writing posts on ECF.

Also, my wall that I painted last November will remain the same color for quite a while now :)

AHHHH the satisfaction of vaping has so many perks.

I've enjoyed sticking it to the man and vaping in the toilets at work while my other nicotine addicted collegues have to get through 5 hours fighting their nicotine cravings


Super Member
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Jan 10, 2014
Victoria, BC, CA
I used to take smoke breaks outside and one of my grandkids would always want something (I kidnap them for two weeks every summer). I would always say 'Right after I'm done with this cig I will come in and get <insert activity here> for you'

Now....I just set the PV down and give them my attention. Heck, they always have my attention now. :)
Same with my kids, it's so nice when you're not chained outside for smoking. I now get irritated, because my hubby still smokes and i feel bad for kids, when they have to wait for him to get smoke done.
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