How long do you vape till you feel satisfied?

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Knowing when to stop vaping is the hardest part of making the transition from analogs, to me. I've only been vaping for about two months, and I still don't really know when to stop. Unlike an analog, which is done when it's burnt up, vaping isn't self-delimiting. Usually I stop after five or six puffs, but when I'm drinking I've been known to vape too much too fast and then get a wicked headrush.


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Mar 28, 2013
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However, I've noticed it's easier to resist the cravings at the higher dose. I suspect a lot of this has to do with the slower delivery of nicotine in ecigs - we just aren't going to get that immediate, visceral, "ahhhhhhh" of satisfaction we got from analogs.


I want that visceral aaah damn it. But your right, I know, and it something I will have to accept.


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Mar 28, 2013
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Not sure what is bogue 510 disposable but I'm guessing its something like blu e cigs that are disposable?

The equipment you use can make a world of a difference regarding your end "satisfaction". When I first started vaping I started off with a basic Joye 510 kit. Just like you, I wasn't satisfied too much. Coming from 1/2 pack to whole pack of newports per day I guess I wouldn't be. Well...someone told me to try dripping, and to make the story short, I never looked back until recently. Dripping was so much better. The fresh and crispness of each inhale was really something else. I loved it! About 4-6 puff is all I really needed and if I did more it was simply because I wanted to:) Once I found the right juice it was game time.

Once I got used to vaping my tolerance level actually started getting lower. I didn't need as much after awhile and recently I switched to ego twist/vivi just to try something different. For me personally this new setup fit me just perfect. I guess I can say that I am now a light vaper since I can make my ego twist last me a whole day and a half before having to recharge.

Good luck with your new journey:)

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I really hope this has something to with this! The Bogue 510 Disposable is good for 8-10 charges with refillable cartridges. Ive been using it for 4 days. So I will need to decide what to buy soon.


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Mar 28, 2013
Toronto, Canada
Thank you everyone for your kind responses. It is encouraging and appreciated!

As mentioned in my last post, the Bogue 510 Disposable is good for 8-10 charges with refillable cartridges. I have 18mg nic juice. I thought anything less would be too weak. Funny thing is I was getting headaches the first day, because I was chain vaping and getting too much nicotine. In short, strictly speaking, I am satisfying my nicotine cravings. I've cut down from half a pack, to 1/2 a smoke a day.

I guess the problem is more mental. I am just trying to switch for the health reasons. I love smoking. I love the act and ritual of it. Hell I even loving rolling tobacco myself. I guess I just need to feel smoke filling my mouth, throat and lungs for some extended period of time to feel mentally satisfied (not just nicotine satisfaction).

I am hope that better hardware will help me with this. I don't know. Or maybe it is something I will just have to live with. Maybe its as simple as "the vaping experience is different than the smoking experience".

I wish I could mimic my smoking experience at the end of the day. Fill my lungs with smoke, and get a good nicotine hit after 20 puffs.


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I was a half a pack a day smoker as well, and I can just feel it when I get my fix with the vapor. At first I get strong throat hits, and then all the sudden they are weaker. Usually when it feels weaker all of the sudden that's when I have reached my fix, which can take anywhere from 3-7minutes. I am only vaping 8mg and it is very satisfying, but at times if the throat hit isn't strong enough I turn the volts up. I have an eGo twist.



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Mar 24, 2013
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I wish I could mimic my smoking experience at the end of the day. Fill my lungs with smoke, and get a good nicotine hit after 20 puffs.

It's in the technique, which you'll have to change slightly. It's possible to get a good hit and feel like you're smoking; the first time I did it, it was a revelation. The problem is, it's a little different for everyone, just like smoking. Have a look at tobacco smokers: Some fill their mouths then inhale the smoke, while others drag deep on the cigarette like there's no tomorrow. I was a mouth smoker but found the same technique with the PV quite unsatisfying so did some reading and changed my technique.

What works for me:
Ego-C type battery
CE4 type tank clearomiser
18mg nic (80PG/20VG) with a strong tobacco flavour and a little cherry flavour added because I like fruity tobaccos
Change flavours as necessary

Exhale while pressing the button to start heating the atomiser.
Take a looong slow drag; you don't want to exceed the vapour producing capability of the coil - keep just ahead of it.
Keep inhaling unil the nicotine goes off in the back of your throat, usually about 5-7 seconds. Aaah! Eyes roll back in the head. I know I probably look stupid.

I have to stop myself from vaping otherwise I do it until I feel nauseous, but if I allow myself 4 or 5 drags I can put the PV down for an hour or two no problems. I really haven't had a desire to have a tobacco cigarette since I started two weeks ago, though I did try one while I was waiting for a spare battery to arrive. Conclusion: I think I actually prefer vaping to smoking.

I can still chain puff a ml or 2 in the car on the long drive to work - will have to get out of that habit I guess.

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Smoking is an addictive hobby, vaping is a better addictive hobby, trade your smokes for e cigs and rolling your own to mixing your own, give it some time, listen to these nuts and you'll find your feet mate, it's the best thing I have ever pursued :) I've only got to catch a glimpse of mine and I'm already satisfied!!!!


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Mar 15, 2013
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I just vape whenever I feel like. I haven't gotten any cravings, so there's nothing to satisfy.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I LOVE vaping, I HATE cigarettes! I love to chain vape and I'm okay with that :) Beats smoking and clogging my lungs up anymore than they already are.
+1 for this, if you feel like it is taking to long to get your Nic level up then I would recommend getting a liquid that will put the nic into your system in higher doses. I use 24 mg to get through the day with some 36mg if I need to get my .... in a hurry.

+2 ... 24mg during the day, 32 or 36 with morning and afternoon coffee, never unsatisfied.


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Mar 28, 2013
Toronto, Canada
It's in the technique, which you'll have to change slightly. It's possible to get a good hit and feel like you're smoking; the first time I did it, it was a revelation. The problem is, it's a little different for everyone, just like smoking. Have a look at tobacco smokers: Some fill their mouths then inhale the smoke, while others drag deep on the cigarette like there's no tomorrow. I was a mouth smoker but found the same technique with the PV quite unsatisfying so did some reading and changed my technique.

What works for me:
Ego-C type battery
CE4 type tank clearomiser
18mg nic (80PG/20VG) with a strong tobacco flavour and a little cherry flavour added because I like fruity tobaccos
Change flavours as necessary

Exhale while pressing the button to start heating the atomiser.
Take a looong slow drag; you don't want to exceed the vapour producing capability of the coil - keep just ahead of it.
Keep inhaling unil the nicotine goes off in the back of your throat, usually about 5-7 seconds. Aaah! Eyes roll back in the head. I know I probably look stupid.

I have to stop myself from vaping otherwise I do it until I feel nauseous, but if I allow myself 4 or 5 drags I can put the PV down for an hour or two no problems. I really haven't had a desire to have a tobacco cigarette since I started two weeks ago, though I did try one while I was waiting for a spare battery to arrive. Conclusion: I think I actually prefer vaping to smoking.

I can still chain puff a ml or 2 in the car on the long drive to work - will have to get out of that habit I guess.


I think technique does have a lot to do with it. I've been trying different things since I got my disposable, and I am still trying to figure out what works with. I guess I need to figure out the right technique, hardware and nic juice. I hope the upfront work will be worth it in the end.

Sounds like you have a nice setup. I've been thinking about getting an eRoll for the convenience of its size and the cigarette like feel in my hands, but I'm scared it wont provide enough vapor to satisfy my urge for smoke to fill my lungs and throat. An Ego setup might work better in that regard but then I am making a trade off.


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Mar 28, 2013
Toronto, Canada
I was a half a pack a day smoker as well, and I can just feel it when I get my fix with the vapor. At first I get strong throat hits, and then all the sudden they are weaker. Usually when it feels weaker all of the sudden that's when I have reached my fix, which can take anywhere from 3-7minutes. I am only vaping 8mg and it is very satisfying, but at times if the throat hit isn't strong enough I turn the volts up. I have an eGo twist.


The twist sounds nice. I like the idea of playing with the voltage to get the right mix of vapor and throat hit. Can you get enough vapor that it actually feels like smoke is really filling your mouth, throat and lungs? Smoke has a certain weight to it. And I haven't felt that with the vapor i am getting off my disposable 510. I wonder if that's juts my disposable, all 510s or all e-cigs.


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Mar 22, 2013
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I think technique does have a lot to do with it. I've been trying different things since I got my disposable, and I am still trying to figure out what works with. I guess I need to figure out the right technique, hardware and nic juice. I hope the upfront work will be worth it in the end.

Sounds like you have a nice setup. I've been thinking about getting an eRoll for the convenience of its size and the cigarette like feel in my hands, but I'm scared it wont provide enough vapor to satisfy my urge for smoke to fill my lungs and throat. An Ego setup might work better in that regard but then I am making a trade off.

Part of the problem also might be the power you're getting out of your little cig-a-like. Moving up to an eGo and one of the myriad options for your juice delivery will give you better vapor. If you want to plunge a bit deeper, make that eGo battery one of the easy variable voltage types, like a Twist or a Spinner. Then again, I've got an eGo-V V2 Mega which is a bigger battery, variable voltage, and I am loving it so far.

I think, and I could be off-base on this, that the smoke sensation you're talking about - and I know where you're coming from - is less about weight and more about heat. So far I've only used clearomizers, which have wicks to suck up the juice against the coils. There are two basic kinds - top coils and bottom coils. Top coils give a 'warmer' vape, which gives me a deeper throat hit and mouth burn, because the atomizer coils are closer to the top, and the vapor is still hot when I inhale it. The bottom coil gives off its vapor, but it has to travel a little farther from atty to mouth, so it cools down a bit. You probably want something with a warm vape, too, so maybe look into a top-coiled clearo like a CE4 to start with. They're cheap, sturdy, and a great starting point.
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Mar 28, 2013
Toronto, Canada
Part of the problem also might be the power you're getting out of your little cig-a-like. Moving up to an eGo and one of the myriad options for your juice delivery will give you better vapor. If you want to plunge a bit deeper, make that eGo battery one of the easy variable voltage types, like a Twist or a Spinner. Then again, I've got an eGo-V V2 Mega which is a bigger battery, variable voltage, and I am loving it so far.

I think, and I could be off-base on this, that the smoke sensation you're talking about - and I know where you're coming from - is less about weight and more about heat. So far I've only used clearomizers, which have wicks to suck up the juice against the coils. There are two basic kinds - top coils and bottom coils. Top coils give a 'warmer' vape, which gives me a deeper throat hit and mouth burn, because the atomizer coils are closer to the top, and the vapor is still hot when I inhale it. The bottom coil gives off its vapor, but it has to travel a little farther from atty to mouth, so it cools down a bit. You probably want something with a warm vape, too, so maybe look into a top-coiled clearo like a CE4 to start with. They're cheap, sturdy, and a great starting point.

I've read that you have to tilt top coil clearomizers up when the juice gets low. Which might feel awkward.

I definitely want weight. But your dead on about heat too. I want the vapor to be very warm, not hot, but very warm like a smoke. I take very slow deep drags sucking the smoke deep into my lungs. I bet that's horrible for my lungs, and even more of a reason I should quit! I am getting throat hit off this little 510 disposable, I just don't feel the weight of the vapor in my throat. If I go with an ego setup I definitely want the ego twist!

You are spot on about the heat. I would want the vapor to be very warm when it hits my throat. So your advice is appreciated.
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