How much a day is vaping costing you?

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 15, 2012
I just bought a GoGo with 5 cartomizers and I have an inexpensive source for e-liquid. Cn Cigarette... 50ml for 6 dollars.
I figure vaping 3 ml a day costs me about .36 cents a day. That is using juice off the shelf and not mixing my own.

Hopeful estimate of carty costs is 8.88 month (5 cartys to last a month) from Discount Vapor.
that equals .29 a day carty costs.

Grand total of .36 + .29 = .65 a day vaping costs.

That is about 9% of what smoking analogs cost me.
Of course this does not include the upfront money for the PV of choice.

What's it costing you?


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
My costs vary from month to month. Some months, I order $50-$80 worth of juice, cartos, and accessories. Other months, it's only a bottle of juice. I've started ordering 50ml bottles when I find them on sale and that greatly reduces the cost of juice. Compared to two packs a day I spent on cigarettes, vaping is cheaper.

An $8 box of Boge Cartos will last me a month. 60ml of juice goes with that, so my average is probably $20-$25 a month unless I buy other hardware. I usually order 3 boxes of cartos when I order them.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 24, 2011
Well I'm still in the tornado of buying and trying new things, so I spend a good bit each month. But once I find my own zone I will spend much less. Hopefully that will be soon.

I really don't count that money when figuring how much is spent per day to vape. Like many here there's always new toys to be had. Or getting together all the stuff for DIYing E-liquid. Kinda hard to put those into the equation since a gallon of PG/ VG isn't going to be used up today. Or a stash of nicotine juice in case the .gov decides to add a 'sin tax'.
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