How much nicotine am I getting or do I need?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 2, 2017
I've been struggling for a while trying to find out which level of nicotine works for me. I want to switch to vaping so bad but it just doesn't feel as satisfying as a cigarette. My usual go to brand of smokes are Pall Mall full flavor 100's and a pack of those last me about 3 days, smoke half a stinky put it out and then smoke the rest about an hour or two later. I've got a set up of an eleaf ipower with a nautilus mini and 12mg ejuice along with a tfv8 and and 6mg ejuice and I've tried both with WTA juice as well and I still can't kick the stinkies!! What am doing wrong?! Am I not getting the correct amount of nicotine as a single Pall Mall cigarette would have or what?!
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Mar 21, 2017
If you were going through one pack of smokes in 3 days, that's not a lot. 12mg vape juice should do it. Maybe leave the 6mg juice alone for a while and stick with the 12 mg. Throat hit is also part of the cigarette satisfaction thing. Higher nic vape juice will have more of a throat hit.

I believe smoking is mental as well as physical. Just my opinion, but if you are getting the nicotine and you still crave cigs...your brain is messing with you. It takes time to retrain the brain from cigs to vapes.


Vaping Master
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Aug 28, 2011
Vaping is not a magic bullet, it still takes want and effort to quit. It may or may not take higher nicotine for times when the cravings hit hard. Make it a point to grab the vape instead of a cigarette. Finding the right flavor(s) is key and soon the flavor of vape will be much more rewarding than a cigarette.


Full Member
Jul 10, 2017
I've been struggling for a while trying to find out which level of nicotine works for me. I want to switch to vaping so bad but it just doesn't feel as satisfying as a cigarette. My usual go to brand of smokes are Pall Mall full flavor 100's and a pack of those last me about 3 days, smoke half a stinky put it out and then smoke the rest about an hour or two later. I've got a set up of an eleaf ipower with a nautilus mini and 12mg ejuice along with a tfv8 and and 6mg ejuice and I've tried both with WTA juice as well and I still can't kick the stinkies!! What am doing wrong?! Am I not getting the correct amount of nicotine as a single Pall Mall cigarette would have or what?!
The nicotine from a cigarette is absorbed very quickly into the system giving a 'rush' of nicotine (along with a host of other addictive chemicals)

When you vape the particles that enter you lungs are much bigger and are not absorbed as quickly so the nicotine enters more slowly and you will probably have to vape for longer to achieve the same level of satisfaction. Also there is only nicotine in your vape so you are still going to miss the other addictive additives in cigarettes for the first few weeks.

I guess what I am trying to say is that switching from cigarettes to vaping is still going to require a bit of willpower whilst you adjust to vaping.

If you really need that fast rush of nicotine I would recommend using nicotine salt based liquids like 'mr salts' at around 18-24mg just until you stop craving cigarettes!

Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk


ECF Guru
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Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
I agree with all of the previous comments. Vaping is a less efficient method of nicotine delivery than smoking. You may find you need to increase the nic concentration of your e-liquid, or at least have a second tank with a higher nic concentration available for those MUST HAVE A CIGARETTE moments. Although I have had no experience with nic salts, that might be something else to consider.

When I quit, I was a dual user. I vaped as much as I pleased. If got craving for a smoke, I vaped more. When I got one of those MUST HAVE A CIGARETTE moments, I allowed myself HALF of a cigarette. Saved the second half for the next MUST HAVE A CIGARETTE moment. Those second half cigs got to taste pretty bad, but in hindsight that terrible taste helped me to eventually quit.

It's not how many cigarettes you smoke a day that is important. It's how many you DIDN'T smoke that is.



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Nov 16, 2013
Like many have said, you first have to get your mind right, then the body will follow. Most people I know starting use a cigalike with little success. Then get something like an Evod, Clearo, or a Nautilus and use 18 to 24 mg. That's what did it for me and as the urge to smoke went farther away (still wanted nicotine), I lower the mg's.

Now I also went to more powerful mods as well and building, so the mg's had to go down. One thing to think about as well is vaping amount. You will vape more than you smoked but that is due to less nicotine being absorbed compared to a smoke.

The best thing that helped me kick smokes was vaping a higher mg, vaping often and putting myself in places where smoking wasn't possible or were made more difficult. Move ashtrays away from you, don't keep a lighter or matches handy either. Eventually, you'll get to where you can't stand the taste of a lit cigarette.


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
Smoke when you want to while vaping. Vape and smoke and let the vapor wean you off the smokes. The first week I vaped about 8 years ago I found myself transitioning from 2 PAD down to about half a dozen cigs a day during the first week while vaping. I didn't realize it until I noticed that I was on the same pack the third day of vaping.

I kept on having a cig after meals and with coffee in the morning. A year later I realized I didn't need the cigs and finished my last pack. I never wanted another cigarette as long as I vaped. I still haven't smoked or wanted to in the last 7 years since I quit.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Everyone is a bit different when it comes to quitting. I used fairly high level nic salts 18 and WTA and it was still difficult. I was smoking 3 ppd, though. Just detox from tar alone was tough even with some aid from WTA. What helped me the most was support, learning more about eigs as I was quitting, and making it more into a hobby. These days, I want to focus less on the hobby aspect and just vape. The longer time goes by, the easier it gets.

I dual used for a couple of weeks but I would chain-vape right before and right afterward, and while paying "attention" to what tobacco "did" for me vs. what I "thought" it would do. My cigarettes weren't really becoming satisfying anymore so I dumped them. Fell off the wagon a few times due to stressors and whatnot, but I just climbed right back on.

Welcome, good luck, and part of transitioning fully was accepting that my vape would never be like smoking. It really isn't a 1:1 switch, at least for me. There are also tons of things I like MORE about vaping, but vaping is its own animal and I had to accept that it wasn't going to be a 1:1 transition..

Best of luck,

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