I got a 510...what other models are compatible with the atomizers/charger?

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Ok I've got my 510 and I love it. I've seen they have "extended" batteries for it but I want to go even bigger than that...Is there some type of battery (model) That i can place my 510 atomizers on and use my 510 charger with? I saw Totally wicked has a "Tornado" That you can place an adapter on and charge it with their Titan charger (I believe their tian is just a rebranded 510..correct me if I'm wrong.. They are out of the adapters though...and if i did go with the Tornado, could i use my 510 atomizers with it?

does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do? I don't want to buy a whole new starter kit with atomizers, charger, carts and everything..

what "larger model" is compatible with my 510 atomizer and charger?



Full Member
Apr 5, 2010
Yeah you can use the 510 atomizers and carts just fine with the tornado, but you will have to get an adapter to charge the tornado battery in a regular 510 charger.

The Tornado is really just a battery, the only things you will need are this and and an adapter to allow the tornado to charge on regular charger plus the end cone to finish off the aesthetics if you want it!
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