I just got ripped off?

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Full Member
Jan 16, 2012
United Kingdom
I bought this


I feel so ripped off, as soon as I opened it I could tell it was going to be bad however I could do with some second opinions.

The e-cig vape tastes like something a computer made and printed off, its disgusting. Is that because their is no e-liquid in it? I figured it would have came pre-filled, please tell me.

It comes with 5 carts and an Atomizer? How do I remove the Atomizer from the cart it came with? I've tried twisting it but it won't come out.

First time I've bought a starter kit that use the atomizer instead of just a cart and a battery, so some advice on how to remove it from the cart would be appreciated.

I just want some of your opinions on this product from the link I gave, tell me what I'm doing wrong.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
Should be a straight pull to get the cart off. The replacement cartridges with the same heading as the kit have a DSE901 tacked onto the end, so it might be an 901? (But the kit in the picture looks more like a 301, so I'm very confused.)

Yes, you may very well be sucking on a dry atomizer, which will taste pretty darn horrible.


Ultra Member
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Mar 13, 2010
Says its a 4081..?..?

A ready-to-use electronic cigarette comprises of 1 E Cigarette Battery, 1 E Cigarette Atomiser and 1 E Cigarette Cartridge. This life span of an E Cigarette Cartridge varies according to personal consumption pattern but on average 1 Super e Cigarette Cartridge lasts the equivalent 8 regular cigarettes. This is the Super e Cigarette (RN4081), 10cm e Cigarette, a perfect match for the real cigarette. It not only looks but also feels like the real thing, except it can be smoked anywhere!


Da Catt
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Mar 8, 2011
Upland, PA
The picture on the link you provided looks like you may have cartomizers not an atomizer/cartridge. I could be wrong. Do the "5 x Assorted Super E Cigarette Cartridges" have a threaded end to connect to the battery? If not, then I guess you do have an atomizer/cart system.

Like Hoosier said, with the atomizer connected to the battery, gently wiggle and pull the yellow section off. The threaded end which is the atomizer will stay on the battery.


Ultra Member
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Dec 6, 2011
North Carolina, USA
I wouldn't say that spaceballrules, I don't like cartomizers though.

Never tried that kit either.

Now that I see the atomizer, it looks like a 4081, so the Super Mini make sense now. Never tried a 4081 atty either.

Don't like cartomizers!? Balsphemy! :glare:

@JDW - Don't literally throw anything away. You may need to stick the cartridge on the atomizer and let it soak into the wick for 10 minutes or so. That may be why you are getting "dry" hits.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 17, 2012
Beloit Wi
Those are what i call "foot in the door e-cigs" enough to get your interest peaked, but leaving you wanting more. As far as the particular brand, ive never tried em, but i have the same kind of kit sitting in a junk drawer right now.
If you feel like you need a device thats cigarette like, ive heard good things about the "bloog max fusion" and the "volt" e-ciggs. But if its more of a nicotine and smoke sensation youre looking for, an "ego" is a great system to get started with. Alot of great gear that some people like and some dislike, but there's definatly going to be something that you like, given the various setup options.


Vaping Master
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As others have said, that is a RN4081 - the first e-cig I bought over 3 & a half years ago. It works, but things have moved on & got so much better since then.

JDW, I & others have given you links to so much better e-cigs & good UK suppliers, I've even tried to help you via PM, but from memory, this is the 3rd e-cig you have bought that no one has recommended :(


Super Member
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Jan 9, 2012
Colorado Springs, CO
I see those kits for sale at gun shows all the time. I've even looked them over and decided that they were sub-par with anything else I've seen at a gas station. The cartos were all wet inside the plastic wrapper and was the first clue as to their quality. You might get some mileage out of them, but not much. I also wasn't impressed with the sales person who demo'd them. He claimed to be a ex-smoker and had a difficult time with them. I didn't try them. I would guess those were bought from a warehouse that were stacked in a corner for a very long time. Like a very 1st generation kit from long ago. Sorry for your troubles, but now you can find some answers here for your next purchase. You really do get what you pay for.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
As others have said, that is a RN4081 - the first e-cig I bought over 3 & a half years ago. It works, but things have moved on & got so much better since then.

JDW, I & others have given you links to so much better e-cigs & good UK suppliers, I've even tried to help you via PM, but from memory, this is the 3rd e-cig you have bought that no one has recommended :(

Oh, wow, I just pulled up his posts. You are right. This is his third kit of rebranded sub-par units.

Is there a word for doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results each time?


Vaping Master
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Hoosier, I felt so mean posting that, but it just doesn't help that JDW not only takes no notice of the help given, but also very seldom comes back & replies to the threads started.

Please JDW, check out the replies to your PM's & the replies to this & your previous posts - we really are trying to help you :)If you are unsure how to find replies to your earlier threads, one of the easiest ways is to click on "what's new" top left of the board & then choose "My posts" from the drop down list :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
Hoosier, I felt so mean posting that, but it just doesn't help that JDW not only takes no notice of the help given, but also very seldom comes back & replies to the threads started.

I didn't think it was mean at all. If someone doesn't listen, then they wouldn't even have a chance to think you were being mean either.

The OP may just be venting? Hopefully comes back when help is wanted. I know the UK has some good vendors that carry good equipment that can help.


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
Anything that looks like a cigarette is just going to make people say you can't smoke that here. I'd rather have something that is obviously not a cigarette.

You might try contacting the vendor for some help. Didn't this kit come with some quick start instructions? If the carto/atty comes empty, there should be something that instructs you on how to add juice. The fact that the ad says 5x flavored cartridges would lead me to believe that they come filled.

The instructions for your ecig are at the site in the knowledge base tab. Below are the cartridges that come blank or filled. They may have shipped you blank ones.
Electronic Cigarette Cartridges | Super Mini E Cigarette Cartridges | E Cigarette Web UK
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 21, 2009
Yes, that's the Super (RN4081). I also had that as a first ecig some years ago lol.and it still works too.
Not very good, but there were worse starter kits. Anyway, you can remove the stuffing from a cart, rinse and dry it well, then put back in and fill with your own ejuice. Look at YouTube videos. Since those starter kits are ancient, the taste of that pre filled cart must be horrid and also bone dry!
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